Diamond of Death (psychic)
by Joey Arnold
Magic Works Magic and Card shop
Ontario, California
Sarturday, april 7th, 2001
at least 15 to 20 participants

 This is my second report i ever posted and it is probably the best deck i
ever made (my last deck didnt showw up i wonder why:-( ?)since the last time
i made a fire deck and also that this is a psychic deck. Well enough about
that hers the deck.

Pokemon x7

1x Aerodactyl
2x Mew
2x Mewtwo
2x Rockets Mewtwo

Trainers x23
2x ecogym(see mewtwo^^^^hint Barrier)
2x Mysterious Fossil
4x Energy Removal
4x Potion
3x Gambler
3x Computer Search
2x Item Finder
1x Gold Berry (wish i had more)
1x Rockets sneak attack
1x plus power (replacing with Defender)

Energy 30x

x30 Psychic

 I just went thee to pick my cousin up from there and when got there they
told me to put my name in a hat for a drawing. It was for an entering in a
tournement Big prizes

First Battle (not tournement just for fun)V.S ???? with haymaker

i won the flip and all i had ws a Mewtwo and Mysterious fossil he used
Rockets scyther i placed an energy on mewtwo and passed he placed a double
colorless and passed i removed it and used psychic for 10 he attached a grass
energ and used shadow images and i drew an aerodactyl used psychic and failed
because of shadow images he attached another DCE and placed a plus power and
seached for another one used blinding scythe and KOed My mewtwo i sent out
aerodactyl he used blinding scythe for 80 and i lost due to loss of basics

Round 1 in tournement V.S a boy named jake with a no blastoiise water deck

I won the flip and had a Mew Rockets Mewtwo and put RMewtwo as my active he
used Articuno and that was all i attached a psychic to mewtwo and passed he
used water energy and searched for another articuno then passed.
then i seached for a plus power and attached a psychic energy to Rmewtwo used
Hypnoblast for 20 and put to sleep he woke and placed an energy to articuno
and passed i removed one of them and placed another psychic on RMewtwo and
used HypnoBlast for anther 20. Now he placed it on Benched articuno. Then
attached a psychic to mewtwo and used Psyburn And KOed Atricuno He sent out
The benched articuno and passed i attached that plus power i search for
earlier and won the match with psyburn.

Round 2 V.S Mathew with a grass deck

i Had A Rmewtwo and all energies and he had two Nidoran(male) i won the flip
as always then attached an energy to Rmewtwo then passed he used horn hazard
and failed .Then i attached another energy and HypnoBlast for the KO and sent
out Nidoran and used horn hazard and failed again. Thn i used hypnoblast for
the win!!!

Semi Finals V.S. my cousin with an awesome water/lightning deck

he won the flipand had a Movie Pikachu and attached lighting and used
Recharge. Then i had a mewtwo with an energy i just attached and passed then
he used recharge again. Then i drew a comp. search and searched for a  
pluspower and attached it to mewtwo used psychic for the win!!!i didnt know
that is going to be that easy??!!

Finals V.S that boy who beat me earlier

This was the longest match there i got lucky and had a mewtwo with ecogym and
energies i won the flip and attached a psychic energy to mewtwo he had a
jungle scyther this time and used swords dance uh oh!I attached another
energy and used the ecogym and used barrier and eventually won due to

The prizes were three theme decks of my choice and $20.00 store credit

Time for props and slops:
Props to the prizes
Props to the boy who beat
Props to my cousin in making it to the semi finals
And Props to myself for winning

Slops to my cousin for losing to fast
Slops to that wierd kid always staring at people

Thanks for reading my report and hope keep this deck in mind!!!

Joey Arnold

E-mail me at