Wooper's Raindance
by Abc
Tournement held at Mall
Buffalo, Ny
About 15 people

Here's The Deck Strategy is Below

4x Squirtle (base)
4x Blastoise  (base)
3x Articuno
3x Wooper
3x Mantine
3x Cleffa

4x Pokemon Breeder
4x Computer Search
4x Professor Oak
3x Item finder
2x Eco Gym
3x Nightly Garbage Run

Energy: 20
20x Water energy

That's the deck heres How I made it. I always have played Raindance
But I noticed My deck was falling apart because of Electabuzz and
Rocket's Zappy. Also lack of Good basic Water Pokemon. But once Neo came
out I saw some best Water Basics and Cleffa. This A basic Raindance Deck.
It works just like the rest. Get Blastoise out and attack. Here are the
explaination for the new cards. Wooper is for electric resistance and his
attacks are pretty good for a basic pokemon. I'm useing Mantine for test
to see who's better in my deck Larpas or Mantine. Eco gym is awesome but
I only have 2 :( . The tounement was simple 4 matches then finnals.

Match one Vs Hitmon Bro's Deck.
 I guess Mantines chance to show off was here. I start with Mantine,
Wooper, Eco Gym, Rest is water energy. I Bench Wooper and Use Mantine
against Gligar and his benched hitmonlee. I start and I draw Oak Attached
water to matine said go. He makes a mistake here he attached double
colorless to gligar and uses Slash not knowing about resitence. He should
have attached his fighting energy to him and should have poisend me. I
draw squirtle I keep it in my hand attach water to Mantine and use
swaying Swim with Heads. He draws and attaches a fighting energy to
Hitmonlee and says go. I draw Blastoise. Attach Water to wooper and use
Swaying Swim with Tails.He attaches Fighting To Hitmonlee and says go. I
draw Computer search use It to get Breeder and Play Squrtile. and
knockout Gligar. I draw prize Articuno : ) . (Fast forward to end) Fully
Pumped Articuno and Blastoise Take out His last Hitmonchan.
Deck is 1-0 Card of Match: Mantine

       Match 2 Vs Wiggly and Sneasel (Yikes)
I knew this would be tough But I get hand Of Squirtile, Blastoise, Oak
and Computer Search rest water. He plays scyther and Benches jiggly. I
play squirtile attach water to Squirtle. Com Search for Breeder discard
two Water energy and  use bubble with tails. He attaches grass to scyther
and use swords dance. I Breeder To Blastoise Oak and get 5 water energy
wooper and Cleffa. I dance 4energy on Blastoise and put one on Wooper and
did 60 to Scyther and knocked out Scyther. Prize was a Oak. He drew and
sent out jiggly evovled to wiggly  and Did the Wave For mesaly 10 Damage.
I hydro pump Wiggly for sixty and drew acard a water. He draws and puts
down sneasel. Uses do the wave for 20. I draw garbage run. Pump wiggly
dead prize articuno he play sneasel attaches 4!!! pluspowers and the flip
is tails no damage to me. I Pump Sneasel dead.
2-0 Card of match: Blastoise

Match3 Vs Quick Hitters
This was the shortest match he go's first he has giovanni's Magikarp me
Squirtle. He goes first and knocks me out with Ancestrial Memory. After
Match he tells me his decks pokemon are get this Farfetched, Lt. Surge
Sperow Lv15, Giovanni's Magikarp and Erika's Jiggly. He said he's
2-1     No card of match.

 He Starts with Lone Zpdos Me A hand of Oak, NGR, Squirtle, Mantine
Wooper, two water energy's. I go first and draw Cleffa Bench Cleffa play
wooper attach energy and amnesia his Plasma attack . He draws puts energy
on zapdos Says go. I draw Blastoise and attach energy to wooper tail rap
40. To make A long match Short I play consevativelee and Kill 3 Zapdos
and 3 elctrabuzz
3-1 Card Of Match Wooper

Finnals Vs Quick Hitters (4-0)
 I got Blastoise Set turn two and kill these pokemon in this order
Farfecthe'd , Erika's Jiggly,  Giovanni's Magikarp, Blaine's Kangaskahn,
and Lt Surge Spearow Lv15.
I won.
4-1 Card of Match: Blastoise

So far this Deck is out if 220 matches it is 160-60. This deck was
revised ever since it's first design that is how it has played so many
Mantine Is awesome Also here are the final three best decks   1 Woopers
2 Quick Hitters
3 Wiggly and Sneasel
Props to Neo cards
Props  to Me
No Slops

Seeya, Abc Email Eaglefirst@usa.net