by Tom Wingert
RPG Outpost
Glenside, Pa
Saturday, April 14th, 2001
    Hi Pojo. This is my Boyscout deck. It is really fun to play with, and I like the fact that none of my Pokemon(in this deck) are rares. I am also using cards that are often overlooked (Arcanine), or at least only used to evolve(Blaines Charmeleon, Charmeleon). I christened this deck in a really intense tournament, and I beat some people I have never beaten before. Here goes...
    This is my deck
x4 Blaines Charmander
x4 Blaines Charmeleon
x4 Charmander
x3 Growlithe
x2 Arcanine
x2 Scyther
x4 DCE
x14 Fire Energy
x4 Prof. Oak
x3 Bill
x4 Energy Retrieval
x2 Narrow Gym
x2 Sprout Tower
x4 Plus Power
x1 Nightly Garbage Run
ROUND 1: Boyscout vs. Wannabe Haymaker
    Basically I fought a Haymaker without Electabuzz, or enough Trainers, with Gligar and Wigglytuff in their place.
He starts out with a Jiggly and I have a sweet, sweet hand. I got B. Charmander (active)1 DCE, Bill, and 4p. powers. He goes first. He lullabies but i wake up. I attach DCE and all 4 p. powers and K.O. his puff in one turn.
ROUND 2: Boyscout vs. Beedrill Search and Find
    I really liked his deck alot. It was very interesting to fight a Beedrill deck (base and Koga's).
He starts with a Squirtle (Rocket) and I have Two Blaine's Charmander, a DCE, a Plus Power, and 4 energies. He attaches a DCE and shell attacks me, so I take 40. I attach fire and use kindle to get rid of his DCE. He can't attack so i attach a fire and don't attack. he doesn't attack again and i evolve, attach, use plus power, and use Charmeleon's Fire Claws. By this time he has a Koga's Beedrill and a Base Kakuna. He sends out Beedrill, and Hyper Needles me. It fails, and I retreat and bring out Blaine's Charmander and kindle away his only grass energy attached to the Beedrill. He doesn't attack and i retreat again and use Fire claws to K.O. it. he sends out Kakuna, but I K.O. it after 2 turns.
ROUND 3: Boyscout vs. Sneezing Scythe(Champion)
    As the the title states, he has Sneasels and Scythers.
    I have a growlithe, he has a Scyther. We both attach energies and dont attack. I attach again and use Flair, and he attaches a Darkness and uses Slash for 40. He also Picked up a Sneasel. I attach and use Flare to kill it. He Brings out Sneasel, and does Fury Swipes with all tails. I put down Narrow Gym, Evolve into Arcanine, attach another energy, and K.O. it with Take Down.
For winning I got 5 Neo Genisis Boosters, 4 Neo Discovery Boosters, and 3 Neo Revelation Boosters. I pulled Lv.69 Feraligatr, Cleffa, Ampharos, Azumarill, Pokegear, Houndour(Fire), Houndoom, Scizor, Politoed, Ho-oh, Raikou, and Delibird.
Props to:
Whoever bought these awesome packs
Blaine's Charmeleon
Houndour(looks awesome)
Slops to:
Cleffa(to common)
and TR Squirtle(scared me at one point)