Occult Powers (Grass/Darkness/Water)
        by: Bren Gragg (Zapdos2000)
         Pojo's Apprentice League
          Monday, April,16th,2001
My second report:This time i decided I'd use Dark Vileplume to counter all the Slowkings,even though some people ban them,the majority uses them. I played in a US Standard tourney but only two matches since i had to go after them. A note on the tourney,since i was the only undefeated person when i dropped out the tourney had to stop =(. The Next game was a casual Base-NeoGenesis with no Slowking.
Occult Powers (made by bomi3ster)
4 Jungle Oddish
4 Dark Gloom
3 Dark Vileplume
3 Fossil Psyduck
3 Sneasel
2 Cleffa
2 Murkrow
4 Professor Oak
4 Professor Elm
4 Computer Search
2 Gust of Wind
2 Switch
2 Sprout Tower
2 Lass
1 Nightly Garbage Run
Energy (18)
8 Psychic
4 Darkness
4 Rainbow
2 Full Heal
The Strategy
Start with a Psyduck with a benched oddish and Sneasel. Set yourself up so you can get a Dark Gloom next turn and  a Vileplume the turn after that. After all that Headache. Next turn lay a  Darkness on Sneasel evolve to Dark Gloom and Headache. Finally the third turn lay another Darkness/Rainbow on Sneasel play Sprout Tower and all your other trainers evolve to 'Plume,retreat Psyduck for Sneael fill up the bench and start the beatdown. One more thing,the Lass is if they have a Magby.

The Matches
Round 1 (Tourney) vs. Ash_Ketchum2k (Sneasel Haymaker)
We are fellow teammates =( his apprentice was messed up and we had to start over,so i got to take one prize at the beginning of the game. I started with Psyduck benched Sneasel,and Oddish he started with a Sneasel and benched Rocket Zappy. I went first setup and headached he drew ended. I drew Darkness on Sneasel Dark Gloom and Oak getting Darkness energy bunch of pokes and Computer Search. He goes retreats for 'Zappy and plasmas. I go lay another Darkness fill the bench Computer Search for Dark Vileplume retreat,play 'Plume and Beat Up for a KO.
Round 2 (Tourney) vs. I_AM_Woman|Here_Me_Roar aka DM_SploogaTheUnbreakable (Purple Haze aka Slowking)
This was quick =/ he beat me earlier today when i was using my Haymaker and since i saw his deck last time I at least knew what he played: Purple Haze. I went first opened with Sneasel a benched Psyduck i went first and setup so i could have a turn 3 plume if i didnt KO his lone Cleffa for the game here after that i layed the Darkness and Swiped the flips were: Heads,Tails,Heads,Heads. First turn KO sucks but I'll take it.
Round 3 (Casual) vs. BlackStar_311 (Haymaker)
A fairly quick one again. I opened with Sneasel a benched Psyduck and oddish. Went first (my lucky day today i think!) setup and headached. He drew attached a Double Colourless to his lone Electabuzz and ended. I drew evolve to Dark Gloom lay darkness on Sneasel and Headache. He Draws and passes. I draw lay a rainbow on Sneasel play Plume retreat for Sneasel and Beat Up getting... SIX Tails! that pissed me,but.. He drew and ended =) i layed another darkness for extra damage and did beat up for 80,the KO and the game! good game,BlackStar
Again sorry for few matches but i didnt have a LOT of time today.
Props 'n Slops
Props to:
bomi3ster for creating this awesome deck
PoJo for a great site
Dark Vileplume
My parents for buying me my Computer.
ClefairyDoll for posting this
Anything I'm forgetting
Slops to:
Rigged Coins
anything im forgetting
Thanks for your time reading this report! email me at:  brens_zapdos2000@myself.com