Stall Prohibitor
          By Jacob Lovins at Comic Central, Cincinnati, Ohio

I have finally played in tournament with my deck and won.

Here is the list of my deck:
3 Ditto
3 Electabuzz
3 Scyther
4 Colorless Energy
12 Electric Energy
4 Super ERs
4 ERs
3 Prof. Oaks
4 Item Find
3 Comp. Search
4 Gust o wind
4 Bill
2 Narrow Gym
1 Gambler
3 Scoops

Here is how my tournament went at Comic Central (im a gym leader there).
1st round
Me vs. wiggly electric deck
it was so easy i had a opening hand of Ditto's + ER's
my opponent got a crapy hand. i kept energy removaling him
while i was powering my area up. He only had one wiggly out
and i transformed and the second turn won!!
2nd round
me vs some kind of wierd fighting deck
i got scythers in my opening hand and he just got 3 brocks rhyhorn
and energy. I quickly used ER's to keep him at a disadvantage of energy
and powered up scyther and used slash 3 times and he had none on the
bench and I won again.
3rd round
me vs an erikas dratini deck
it was kinda hard to start out with because he wisley used erikas
dratini and steel energy. But I used ER's (once again) and got those
steel energy off. I KO'ed a couple scyther then. we were almost decked
then he had only one dratini out and i had one prize left and ko'ed it
and won..

  So I came in first place and got 4 packs,nothin really good in them.

This deck can take on just about anything I have won at least 250 games
with it.

            Thanks 4 readin.

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