The Mean Deck(Fighting/Dark/Colorless)
                                     Blake Barnard    
                                Omniverse Hobbies
                                     Ft. Myers, Florida
                                      About 23 people
                         Banned Card "Special" Tournament

4 Sneasle
3 Miltank
3 Clefairy
3 Clefable Jung/Base2
4 Rocket Hitmonchan Gym Heros
2 Erika's Dratini Gym Heros
1 Ditto Fossil

4 Professor Elm
4 Potion Base/Base2
4 Defenders Base/Base2
2 Rockets Sneak Attack Rocket
4 Bill Base/Base2

4 Dark Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy
1 Recycle Energy
11 Fighting Energys
A bunch of sets

OK you have to think of the pressure I was under while I was here. At
omniverse we have a "special" tournament almost every month where we vote on
a "special" format for everyone to follow and the prize is big. Well, the
first one the had was the NO RARE format. Well, I ended up winning it and the
prize was a 1st edition box of neos. So I am the defending champion. Well,
this was the second special tournament they had and it was banned cards. It
was very hard to do. I was up till 1:00 in the morning before the tournament
making this deck.

OK now to the tournament...

Round#1: Me Against the imaginary dude
      OK this was probably the easiest game I ever played. LOL i had a bye
so I got an automatic win. YES! LOL

Round#2: Me against who knows
OK i totally forgot who i played here but i remember that i won.

Round#3: Me against Cheyne
OK I was getting a little bit scared when I found out I was playing him.
He always has a tendency of beating me. One thing that I remember is that I
beat him in the quarter finals of the last "special tournament" so I know he
was seeking revenge. Well, when we started to play he just couldn't get
enough pokemon out and i got my Sneasle out and started to just beat up a lot
and kill everything he had out. So I ended up winning fairly easy.

Round#4: Me against Gabriel
OK now it was down to 3 people who were undefeated. It was me, Gabriel
and Chris. Chris got traded down so me and Gabriel had to play. Once again i
just got the cards a he didn't. I got my Sneasle out, built up my deck and
just destroyed him. So i ended up winning at the end and Chris lost so i was
the only on undeafted.

Round#5: Me against Chris
OK Chris and I had to battle. He got traded up and played me. To get
into the finals you had to have one 4 games to be guaranteed and win 3 to
have a chance. Well, i had already won 4 so i was already guaranteed to go
into the finals and Chris had to win to get guaranteed into the finals. Well,
we started to play and once again i got my Sneasle, rocket Hitmonchan, and
Clefable out and just went off. This game was pretty much another blow out. I
had to use one more move then i won. Then i thought well Chris isn't
guaranteed into the finals and I am so I just forfeited one move away from
winning so that he could get into the finals. So he won and i lost (not
really but officially he did)


Round#1: Me against James
Well, me and him played and it was a pretty fast game. He didn't have
enough basic pokemon and i had my rocket Hitmonchan charged up. So i just
kept hitting him till he ran out of basic pokemon and i ended up winning. So
now that i won i had to play CHEYNE!

Round#2: Me against CHEYNE!
OK this was sorta a flash back because me and him had to play last
special tourney to get into the finals. This was the same thing. Well, it
seemed like a repeat of every other match. He didn't have enough basic
pokemon. He wasn't getting the cards. And i was getting the right. Cards. So
i ended up winning against him and going into the finals.

Round#3: Me against LOL Chris.
Can you say just my luck. I had to play Chris. He has this very good
zapdos and Sneasle deck that is awesome. He got the cards he needed this time
and so did I. This was probably the best game I ever had. I started off
really stinking and i thought i was going to lose. So i sent out Erika's
Dratini and stalled till i got an elm. I finally got it and went off. I built
up two Sneasle. My Hitmonchan. and my Clefable. He had all of his pokemon
built up too. It was really the flip of the coin that one. I had to flip two
coins to win the match. I flipped on heads. I flipped the other it was heads.
I couldn't believe it. I just one the second "special" tournament at
omniverse and got a $50 dollar store credit. So now I have one both of the
special tournaments and the next one will be all common so we will have to
see what happens there.


Props and Slops

Props: to Chris for being a good sport
Props: to omniverse for having the tournament
Props: to Kevin for running the tournament
Props: to all the kids that let me borrow some cards
Props: to i never thought i would say this ED because he really got me to be

Slops: to the dude that said i had to spend all $50 at one time
Slops: to wizards for not having a 15+ qualifier (not that it effects me
being 13)
Slops: to ayles for not making the finals
Slops: to the bunnies.