super psychic
                                                Vaughn miller
                                                All The Fun Stuff
                                                Houston, Texas
                                                Sunday, March 11th 2001
                                                15 people
hi Pojo! the strategy of this deck is get Chansey or Kangaskhan out to soak up all the damage and send out stuff like Aipom to keep them busy and the Neo Clefairy to Squaredance.(YEE-HA!) Then Mewtwo destroys.
super psychic
2 Clefairy(the dancing queen..)
1 Mr. Mime
1 Kangaskhan
1 Ditto(aka Sneasal, Charizard, Dragonite...)
1 Chansey
2 Girafarig
1 Aipom
1 Sabrina's Mr. Mime Gym Heros
1 Sabrina's Mr. Mime Gym Challenge
1 Slowpoke TR
1 Slowpoke Fossil
1 Dark Slowbro
2 Slowbro
2 Dratini TR
1 Dragonair
1 Movie Dragonite
2 Movie Mewtwo(the heavy artillery)
3 Abra
1 Abra TR
2 Dark Kadabra
1 Kadabra
1 Energy Retrieval
2 Defender
2 Pluspower
1 Gust of Wind
1 Professer Oak
1 Computer Search
1 Potion
1 Energy Flow
19 Psychic
                                                        The Battles
Game 1 vs fat kid with fighting
This kid was eating the whole time and had 2 kids telling him what to do. He had Machop I had Mewtwo,Chansey and Aipom. I sent Aipom. On his bench was a Mysterious Fossil. I used Gust of Wind to bring on the Fossil. Tail Rap. 1 heads by by Fossil.After that he let out a gust of wind of his own and I almost fainted the 2 guys beside him waved their hands in front of their faces and stuck out their tongues. They left him and it was all downhill after that.
note to self: buy fat kid Beano

Game 2 vs Nathan's Evil Electric Deck
He sent out Sneasal I sent out Girafarig with Ditto on the bench. I got Girafarig two psychic energy and gusted out his Pikachu. Attacked no confusion. He retreated and Fury-swiped. 2 heads. Attacked. No confusion, no damage because of resistance. He used Beat Up and killed Girafarig. Sent Ditto. Used Beat Up. 10 damage. He used Beat Up and did 10. I put Abra on the bench. Beat Up. 20 damage. He uses Beat Up for 10. I potion evolve Abra, bench an Abra and Beat Up. 30! Sneasal's dead! He sends Pickachu Quick Attack. Heads. 30 damage. I do the same and I win!

Game 3 vs a grown up with a water deck
He sent out 3 promo Marrils. I sent out Chansey. I go 1st and draw DCE. I put a DCE on Chansey and scrunched. Tails. He attaches water energy. I draw Kangaskhan. I attach a DCE to her? Scrunch. Heads. He attaches water energy. Psychic energy for Kangaskhan. Scrunch. Tails. He attaches water energy and uses water gun. 30 damage. Psychic energy for Kangaskhan. Retreat Chansey for Kangaskhan and Comet Punch. 3 heads 1 down 2 to go. He didn't think about attaching energy to the other Marrils and Kangaskhan Comet Punched them straight to the discard pile. I win!

Game 4 vs Haymaker
This was the fastest battle I've ever had. I sent out Abra, he sent out Hitmonchan with Electabuzz
on the bench. He went first. He attached fighting energy. Jab. My turn. Psyshock. I didn't paralyze. Jab. He wins.

semifinals vs Nathan's Evil Electric
He sends Electabuzz with Sneasal on the bench.I have Mewtwo, Mewtwo. I go 1st. Mewtwo gets a psychic energy. Thunder Punch. Not paralyzed. Psychic for Mewtwo. Thundershock. 10 to himself.
Ditto on the bench. Mewtwo gets another Psychic energy. Psyburn. 20 left. Thundershock. 10 to himself. He draws a prize. I send Ditto. Psychic energy. Thunder Punch for a KO. He sends Sneasal. He told me later that his Evil energy were at the bottom. Psychic on Ditto Beat Up for 20.
Skips his turn. I put Abra on the bench with Mr.Mime and Mewtwo. Beat Up for 40. I win!
finals vs Haymaker
He sends out 2 Hitmonchan. I put Abra on the bench and Chansey as my active. I put psychic energy on Abra. He Jabs. The cycle goes on and on until I evolve Abra and retreat Chansey. Kadabra wipes out both Hitmonchan.
 props and slops:
slops to fat guy.
props to my 4 NEO packs
props to Nathan

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