Slash ŒNı Spore
By: Evan Vargas
Wizards of the Coast Pokémon League
Hurst, Texas
Saturday, March 3, 2001
About 16 Participants

   This is my first KDR.  I think my report is good.  Also, I am now officially back into Pokémon.  I had stopped playing after TR came out, but came back in when Neo came out.  So, I missed out on Gym Challenge and Gym Hero.  Oh well.  Hereıs the deck:

Pokémon    (17)

2 Hoppip
2 Skiploom
2 Jumpluff
4 Scyther
1 Pinsir
3 Wooper
2 Magby
1 Ditto

Trainers    (25)

2 Elm
4 Item Finder (IF)
3 Scoop Up (SO)
3 Energy Retrieval (ER^2)
1 Super Energy Retrieval (SER^2)
3 Computer Search (CS)
3 Gust of Wind (GOW)
3 Plus Power (PP)
2 Super Energy Removal (SER)
1 Sprout Tower

Energy        (18)

12 Grass Energy (GE)            Fire=FirE    Fighting=FigE        Electric=EE
4 Double Colorless (DCE)        Water=WE    Psychic=PE        
2 Recycle Energy (RE)


   My strategy for this deck is to use Scyther, Pinsir, and Wooper as the main attackers.  Wooper is there because of the Electric resistance and to take out Fire types.  Ditto is there to take down any Pokémon.  Magby has the Baby Power, and the effect of its attack is pretty good.  All the while, I get Jumpluff ready to rumble.
   Item Finder is a key to this deck.  I can use it for any Trainer, including my only Sprout Tower.  If it gets taken away, I can get it back.  Need a PP?  Item Finder for it and sail to victory.
   I have a little amount of Energy (E), but thatıs because of the ER^2s and the SER^2.  A RE makes SER free, and 2 REs make Item Finder and Computer Search very free.  Also, my DCEs work for all of my Pokémon, except for the Jumpluff chain.

   Now, onto the battles!

Battle 1

Slash ŒNı Spore vs. Julio with Feraligatr/Colorless Deck

   My starting hand was 2 Hoppip, Scyther, 2 GE, 1 DCE, and an Elm.  I put down Hoppip first with Scyther on the bench.  I lost the coin toss (NOTE: Out of all 7 battles that I went into, I NEVER won the coin toss!  NEVER!  Talk about riggedŠ).  He starts with 2 Totodiles (sweetŠ).  He attaches a WE on the first one and Leered.  I draw, get a Wooper.  GE on Scyther and I pass.  He draws, places WE on same Totodile and does that Swipes thing.  1/3 heads, so a very painful 10 damage is done.  Ouch.  I draw, GE.  Put Scyther up, DCE on Scyther, and Slash for the KO.  He sends out other Totodile, places a WE on it, and evolves to Croconaw.  I draw a PP.  Put down the PP and Slash for the win!  (By the way, he had this "I am so pissed off, Iıll kill you next time" look.  HAHAHA, oh sorryŠ)

Record 1-0

Battle 2

Slash ŒNı Spore vs. same kid with an Electric Deck

   I didnıt know that he had an Electric deck, and I asked if he wanted to try again.  He said, "OK," so we played.  My starting hand was--- Scyther, Wooper, Magby, SER, RE, and IF.  Wooper went as Active, with Scyther and Magby as back up.  He went first (Well, you knowŠ).  He sent out Electabuzz.  Drew, placed an EE, and did Thundershock, no Paralysis, no damage.  I drew a DCE.  Placed DCE on Wooper and did Slam.  20 damage.  He goes, SERs my DCE, attaches another EE on Buzz, and gets me with Paralysis.  I draw a SO, So Wooper, put in Scyther as Active, place Wooper down, switch Wooper back (free retreat), and attach a RE.  Pass, and itıs his turn.  He draws, and puts down 2 Voltorb.  Didnıt have E, so he went for Paralysis and failed.  I draw and get an Elm.  I Elm and get 3 GE, a PP, a DCE, Skiploom, and Jumpluff.  I place PP down and Slam for 50, KO.  He sends out Voltorb, no E, but he puts down 2 Magnemite and passes.  Then itıs a Super Slaughterama on him, and Wooper is the Pokémon of this battle.  Thanx, Wooper.  (Man, I hope that kid doesnıt cryŠno, he took it like a man.  Thatıs good.)

Record 2-0

Battle 3

Slash ŒNı Spore vs. Kid with Sneasel/Grass Deck

   When I first saw his Sneasel in his deck, I almost went into Cardiac Arrest.  I heard so much about the Sneasel deck, but never fought one.  And this kid was GOOD.  He was doing the Gym Challenge thing where the opponent (me) only needs to put down 4 prizes instead of 6.  My starting hand was 2 GE, 1 DCE, a SO, a CS, a Magby, and Hoppip.  I put down Magby as Active with Hoppip on the bench.  He mulligans, so I get a GE and Scyther.  I put down Scyther on the bench.  He starts with a Hoppip up front with Sneasel on the bench.  He goes first, places a GE on Hoppip, and Hops me-10 damage.  I go, promote Scyther as Active, put a GE on Scyther, and Swords Dance.  He goes, places a Sneasel with a Dark Energy (DE) on the bench, along with 2 other Sneasels with no E on the bench.  I was getting really worried.  He does the Fury Swipes move or what ever you call it, and hits Scyther for 10.  My turn, I get an Elm.  I place a DCE on Scyther, search for a GOW, get it, and GOW his Sneasel with the DE on it and KO.  He goes, puts out Hoppip, and uses Elm.  He gets his hand, puts down a Scyther, puts a DE on the other another Sneasel, and passes.  I draw a GE, and use Elm.  I forgot what I got, though.  I know that I put down another Scyther, evolved Hoppip into Skiploom, put a GE on the other Scyther, and Slashed his Hoppip,  He goes and puts out the Sneasel wih1 DE.  He puts another DE on Sneasel and uses Beat Up.  He flips and gets 2 heads, and had also used 3 Plus Powers and KOs Scyther.  My turn, put down a Pinsir, put a DCE on Scyther, put him as Active, and Slashed with a PP for the KO (he had put 20 damage on Sneasel because of the 2 DEs, is that right?).  He sends out Scyther, who had a GE on it already (I donıt know how, the little cheater), puts a DCE on Scyther and Slashes.  I go, and put a GE on Pinsir, and Slash.  He goes, puts a DE on Sneasel, and Slashes.  My turn and my Scyther has 60, his only 30.  I draw a PP.  I put another GE on Pinsir, and Slash for the KO.  He goes, sends out Sneasel with 1 DE on it (and 10 damage), and does Fury Swipes thing for the KO.  I go, send out Pinsir, put a DCE on Pinsir, and Guillotine for the win (I forgot to say that I KOed his Hoppip)!
That was a better game than the last one.

Record 3-0

Battle 4

Slash ŒNı Spore vs. some kid with a Beginners deck (the one where you get Machamp as the holo)(Fire/Fighting)

   This was easy.  Basically, I had Wooper take out all the Fire types and Jumpluff take out the Fighting types.  He got a Machamp built up near the end of the game, but he had no way of winning.  Jumpluff kill Machamp for the win.

Record 4-0

Battle 5


   This girl got on my nerves.  The little 10-year-old kept yelling out, "Ready for the next challenger!!!  Cımon, someone fight me!!!"  She had been saying that the whole time, and while I fought that kid in Battle 4, his brother fought THE ANNOYING GIRL and lost.  Only 1 other person had beaten her, she had a good deck.  Since I was undefeated for 4 battles, some people were urging me to destroy that girlıs deck.  So I tried my luck.  From what I remember, she was playing a Grass deck.  I started with a Scyther, a Magby, 2 GE, a DCE, a SO and an Elm.  She mulliganed 2 times, so I got some other cards.  She started with a Grimer, the one with Nasty Goo, and went first.  She attaches a GE, and missed with Nasty Goo.  (NOTE: to add on to the annoying girlıs behavior, every time she was about to use Nasty Goo, she said, "And Iıll use Nasty Goo on you!"  SO ANNOYING!!!  AAAAAHHHHHHH!  My brain was going to explode!  AnywaysŠ)  Well, it turns out that her deck, to me, sucks.  I didnıt even see a Muk.  I just Slashed through 2 Pokémon, we both knew I would win because she only had a Spearow, so she gave up.  I win, you suck!!!  Take that!  That felt good, just beating her deck down to the ground.

Record 5-0

Battle 6

Slash ŒNı Spore vs. other kid with a Psychic deck

   This was a short battle.  His only offense were 3 Sabrinaıs Mr. Mimes.  They kept missing wit their Dart attack.  Wooper came, he saw, and he Slammed the crap out of all three Mimes.  Way too easy.

Record 6-0

Battle 7

Slash ŒNı Spore vs. a Fire Deck

   I thought that, since he had a Fire Deck, I was toast.  But I started with a Wooper against a Ponyta, the Base Set one.  I goes, puts a FirE on Ponyta, and passes.  I go, put a DCE on Wooper, and get 1 head out of 2 for the win!

Final Record 7-0        UNDEFEATED!!!

   After my last battle, I felt confident enough to challenge the Gym Leader to a practice fight.  But he said that we only had 10 min., and he called last game.  Oh well, Iıll get you next time, Gym Leader.  Time for Props and Slops!

Props to:

   -Doing so well.
   -Beating the ANNOYING GIRL down.
   -The Gym Leader being a nice guy throughout the 2 hrs.
Slops to:

   -Not being a tourney instead of the League, I would have gotten First Place.
   -Not being very many good opponents.
   -Not getting good cards in the boosters that I bought (Another Rattata!?!?Š)
   -That girl being so annoying

If you have any comments, suggestions, or anything else, my e-mail is  My online name is Tiamat15.  I am going to try making a Colorless deck, maybe itıll work.  Till next time!