Weedle's Pathetic Attempt For Revenge V 1 (Grass)
Jerm the Great
Toys R Us
Rhode Island

I was bored, so I made a deck around....WEEDLE.....and his
partner....CATERPIE..... The deck did horrible, but it was sorta funny.Here's
the deck. (to my surprise, I won a match!)
4 Weedle
4 Caterpie
4 Spinarak
4 Venonat
44 Grass energy

Match 1

He had Squirtle out, I had Venonat. He got a quick Wartortle to knock out my
only basic.

Match 2

I got no basics for a few turns, but he knocked out a Caterpie rather fast
with Hitmonchan.

Match 3

He had a Sneasle against my Weedle. He had horrible luck with Fury Swipes,
and couldn't get dark energy. Weedle knocked him out! (He was cying and sent
out a Scyther with no energy) I drew Caterpie, and took back Weedle. Caterpie
kept paralyzing him and I knocked him out. HE HAD NO MORE BASICS! MY HORRIBLE
BUNCH OF CARDS THAT ADD UP TO 60 WON! (celebrate good time c'mon!)

Match 4

Before the match, he said his Steelix and Chansey couldn't be beaten. He
started with Chansey. I finally got a basic, it was Spinarak. He was first.
He used Double Colorless and scrunched sucessfully. I used Scary face, but
didn't follow through. He attached and beat Spinarak. No basics for me.

Gee, that was fun. I really pissed one kid off by beating him, and I was the
center of attention with my deck.

Props and/or Slops

Me for winning a match

Me for losing 3 matches

I rule, I can be reached at SuperCleffa@aol.com. Don't send hate mail if
you're reading this, Kid that I beat. CYA