RK9's Comeback (Fire, Lightning)
By: Samantha Medeiros
M-Class Worlds
Brockton, MA
Saturday, June 30, 2001
3 Participants

    Yes, that's right, 3 participants. My friend, Ray Kelley, Mike Pierce (#1
in Massachusetts!), and I were playing. Nice days are always slow...too
bad...anyway, this was a DCI sanctioned tournament. We were playing for store
credit. All participants are given a free booster. Here's my deck:
RK9's Comeback

4 Growlithe
3 Arcanine
4 Electabuzz
2 Scyther
2 Gligar
2 Igglybuff
2 Elekid
3 Professor Oak
2 Bill
2 Computer Search
2 Item Finder
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Switch
2 Gust Of Win(d)
4 Gold Berry
2 Ecogym
8 Fire
6 Lightning
2 Recycle Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
For the first round (out of 2) Mike got the bye. Each round's winner was the
winner of 2 out of three games. I played Ray.

Round 1 vs. Ray Kelley w/ Haymaker
This match was odd because we knew each other's decks inside and out. His
haymaker was a tweaked version of the one that won him the tourney last week,
but this time with Sneasel. Enough chatter--to the games!

Game 1
This game went back and forth, each of us taking prizes here and there. He
got out Sneasel, but I was somehow able to survive long enough to kill it
with Arcanine. I managed to beat down on him enough with a combination of
Arcanine and Electabuzz to grab my last prize.
Round: 1-0-0 Tournament: 0-0-0

Game 2
This was nearly a repeat of the last game down to almost the same crappy hand
that I had to start with before. Again, the game went much like the last. He
got out Sneasel, I survived, and eventually killed it. I'm sorry that I'm a
little skimpy on the details...I...uh...kinda forgot...but I know I won!
Round: 2-0-0 Tournament: 1-0-0

Round 2 vs. Mike Pierce w/ Aero-maker
His deck was kinda like Ray's, except for the addition of Aerodactyl. I made
it to the finals, but against the #1 player in my state. *gulp* Lets see how
I did...

Game 1
I don't remember much from this game, except that, like the other two, it was
sort of long. He got out Aerodactyl, (because of that darned Fossil Egg)
but...*bows to Igglybuff* You get the hint. I Gazed Aero's Pokémon Power,
evolved Arcanine, and wiped the floor with all of his Haymaker Pokémon. Maybe
BBPs aren't all they're cracked up to be! I won on prizes.
Round: 1-0-0 Tournament: 1-0-0

Game 2
Ouch. A combination of a bad hand, no Igglybuff when I needed it, no draw
cards when I needed them, and everything else that can mess up a game of
Pokémon landed me a loss. The next game would decide it all.
Round: 1-0-1 Tournament: 1-0-0

Game 3
I think my starting hand looked like this: Ecogym, Lightning energy, Recycle
energy, Oak, Electabuzz, Fire energy, and Growlithe. That sure made up for
that last few crappy hands. Anyway, I started with ‘Buzz, Growlithe benched,
I attached Lightning to ‘Buzz, played Ecogym, Thundershocked, and
successfully paralyzed. Phew! Next turn, I attached the Fire to Growlithe,
and Oaked. Arcanine, Fire energy, Gold Berry, and Double Colorless energy
were all I needed to see. Many turns passed. I was down to one prize; Mike
was at 4 or 3. I had an Arcanine out with 2 Fire, a Lighting, and a Gold
Berry. My only decent thing on the bench was a fully loaded, "Berried",
Scyther. I could win. I retreated Arcanine, (the hard way...'bye, energy)
brought out Scyther, Gusted out Aerodactyl, and Slashed for my last prize.
Round: 2-0-1 Tournament: 2-0-0

I won! And I beat the number 1 player in MA! I won around $6 dollars in store
credit. Ray and my other friend, Greg (who was playing Magic) were happy for
me. Mike, not to bash him or sound rude or anything, was being a really sore
loser. He kept going on about a coin flip that hit him, and since the rules
say you have to flip again (and since John, the judge and coordinator, said
so) he had to flip again, and what was a heads was a tails. Oh well. I'm not
gonna continue on that topic...

Time for some Props and Slops!

Props to...
~Me for actually winning!
~My free booster for getting my first English Cleffa
~Ray for not being a sore loser
~My mom for taking me
~John for the free watermelon ^-^
~Arcanine! (duh!)
~Igglybuff! *bows to Igglybuff again*
~Scyther! (see Game 3)

Slops to...
~Mike for being sore (but again, I'm not gonna go there)
~My stupid Starmie coin for almost always flipping tails!
~Mike’s stupid Alakazam coin for almost always flipping tails!
~Elekid--you stupid waste of space (not one heads off of him all day)

Props and Slops to...
~ Ray for losing my Starmie coin (I'm glad it's gone ‘cause it was never good
for me, but it could have gone to better uses)

Thanks for reading!

Samantha Medeiros (a.k.a. Samantha 129)