Rain Fairy (Water/Colorless)
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
The Game Guild
Sunday, December 3
Well, I figured since you guys didn't have any Killer Water Colorless Deck Reports I would send you one.  It is from an organized tournament that one of the card shops in lake geneva, where i live, has every sunday.  my deck has an excellent 23-3 record it earned at local Tournies and friends i have played in and against.  This particular tourny there was about 17 people, so we were playing swiss style. So without further adieu, my rain fairy deck
Rain Fairy
4 Squirtle
4 Blastoise
4 Fossil Articuno
3 Clefairy
3 Clefable
4 Bill
4 Oak
3 CPU Search
4 Plus Power
4 Pokemon Breeder
20 Water
Round 1
Rain Fairy VS. Weird Wigglytuff Deck
This was by far my easiest match of the day.  I started out with a benched Clefairy, an active Articuno, an a benched squirtle. She started out with a basic gastly. Nothing else.  She won the flip, so she attached an energy and used lick. No paralises. I draw an oak. I evolve Clefairy into the all powerful Clefable. I attach an energy to fable and oak. Yes! a Breeder, stoise, and the rest energy. I give her the go.  She attached an energy and used detiny bond.  Why, i do not know.  I breed the stoise, and power up articuno, and then attach the remaining energy to stoise.  I use freeze dry, and even though i am fainted, i just took out her only pokemon. I love second turn blastoise.
                                                  Record: 1-0
Round 2
Rain Fairy VS. tr Zapdos and MP mewtwo.
This round actually scared me.  The zapdos proved a seriouse threat to my main staple, blastoise.  To cut an excruciatingly long battle short, i killed his Mewtwo with one card left in my deck, with the prizes 1-0.
                            Record: 2-0
Round 3
Rain Fairy vs. Raindance
Finally, another raindance.  I was getting worried that no one else was playing one. I started out with one articuno to his Lapras. I really hate Lapras, ya know?? i won the the flip, so i got to go first. I drew a Squirtle, put it on my bench, attach a water to it, and pass. he removes the energy, attaches an energy to Lapras, and water guns me. i go, i attach an energy to squirtle, and Oak. a Clefairy, a breeder, a search and the rest energy. i use the search, discarding an energy and the clefairy, to get a stoise which i breed from the squirtle. and dance to the articuno for two energy i had left. I then pass.  He goes, puts down a Rocket Set Squirtle, attaches an energy to lapras and water guns me again.  I have 40 hp left. I draw an oak and use it.  All nrg and a Clefable. NOOOOOO! I raindance to Blastoise 5 times and once to articuno.  I retreat the Articuno, send out Blastoise, and hydro pump it.  His turn. He uses Breeder on Squirtle and dances once on Lapras, and three times on blastoise.  He guns me for 30.  I draw a bill and use it. A plus power and a water NRG.  I attach the nrg to articuno and Blast the Lapras away.  He sends out Blastoise and oaks. He attaches 2 energy to Blastoise and puts a Base set Squirtle on his bench. Then he hits me for 60. I then hit his Blastoise for 60. Next turn he Immediatly kills my blastoise.  I then send out Articuno and Blizzard his @$$. He sends out His Squirtle and Water guns me with 2 plus power.  I draw a clefairy, attach an unneccesary energyt o it, and kill his last pokemon.
                                                            Record: 3-0
Round 4
Bye. I was kind of disappointed, but no one wants to battle me.
                             Record: 4-0
Round 5
Rain Fairy vs. Magmar/Fairy Fable combo/Kanghiskan
He started out with 3 Magmar, and a Clefairy. I got second turn stoise. 'Nuff said.
                             Record: 5-0
Round 6
Rain Fairy vs. Some kid with a life Drain deck
Another disappointing battle. He starts out with Ghastly, and two S. Abra. I get third turn Blastoise, and power up an articuno, oak, and then power up my blastoise. He just forfeited after he figured out what type of deck i was playing.
                             Record: 6-0
Well, thats it.  The guy who organized the tourney called the end and we each had to tell him how many matches we won and lost.  I tied for first with a kid who was playing a Wiggly deck,  which was a lousy 3 First Ed. Challenge packs and a Koga theme deck because of the tie.  But I pulled a Blaine's Arcanine, a Misty's Golduck, and a no removel Gym.  Now it is time for my Props and slops.
To my packs, even though few.
To Pojo, for just being cool.
To my mom who Drives me every weekend.
To the only other kid there Playing some sort of a raindance deck;)
The kid with the Wiggly deck.
The Organizer for calling time.
my friend for not showing up.
To so few people showing up.
Well there you have it. If you have any suggestions as to improve my deck, or the plans to other first place winning Decks that i play, please e-mail me at:
Thanks Pojo and please print this it took me almost an hour and a half to type.