Rain Prance v.3 (water)
        By Maco
        The StarGate/Pokemania
        January 20th 2001
        30-40 compeditors
RainPrance v.3
Pokemon 20
4 Squirtle(Base)
4 Blastoise
4 Magikarp(Base)
4 Gyarados
2 Ditto
2 Articuno
Trainers 20
2 Rockets Sneak Attack
3 Comp Search
3 Prof. Oak
4 Breeder
2 Mr Fuji
2 Oaks Revenge
2 Lass
20 Water
At the Tourney our opponents were randomly selected round after round. It was apoints system so there was know early knockouts. This was my first tournment ever and the first tournement in the ipswich Region (In Australia You cant find tournments anywhere at all I really wish they had a STS over here). Anyway Me and my Friends Rocked up with the munchies and Cards My idiot Friend forgot to pay the $10.00 enterance fee so I paid him in. The first Prize was a pokemon the first movie sound track with promo Jigglypuff(Aparently Valued at $100.00 LOL) Seconmd Prize the pokemon Silver Version Game Boy Game.
Round 1vs Brendan with Charizard/Blastoise Deck
I had played Brendan Many a time at school. He was a newbie with rich Parents so what can you do if they spoil him? I got the dream hand 1 Blast,1 Articuno, 1 Squirtle 3 water Energy and Breeder! it was a over in a few rounds of blizzard.I Won
Round 2 Vs Kurt with Eon/pot puri
kurt was fairly good and my slight weakness to water was being manipulated. i though it was all over when he got his second jolteon out unfourtunate for him i drew the right card for the job Gyarados!
he was nt expecting it and hadnt add ed energy for a few turns i wasted him.He shouldnt have underestemated me.
Round 3 Vs lincoln with weird hay maker
I was allowed to switch my deck big mistake. he won i drew 1 basic he had electabuzz please dont make me type what happend next.
Round 4 Vs Jason with ??? deck
I won
Round 5 Vs Kurt (again)
Another Thrashing to Kurt thanks to freeze dry he picked up a single promo eevee (30hp)
i danced and Dryed him .
Round 6 Tanan With the hay maker
Unfortunatly for him i got the 1,2,3 Squrtle family with Breeder and he had hitmonchan
he had no basics ( hated myself for beating a Friend) I shared the top loaders i recieved for being the first to win in that round.
Every One who entered got a promo card i got a computer error (Yay)
Every one left exept the semi finalists
Round 7 (Semi Finals) Against ?? With tentacruel/Dewgong/ Dance deck
I dont know how he got so far i won in 3 turns by benching him
Round 8 Finals for second Prize against Pete
I Couldnt Get the jiggly card cause i lost a round so this round was for second place
I was Getting nervous cause i was that close to getting the silver game
He was good but i was better i beat his nido king costly but effectivly i oaked 2 times in the one turn and finalytook my last prize
Lincoln won the tournment dammit!
i got that silver
Props To blastoise,pokemon Silver,Raindance and pojo if they post it
Slops 2 Lincoln for winning the tornment and winning the braging rights that should have been mine, haymakers every where and prop 15
Thankyou for reading