L'll Terrorizer
Wiggly 11
Boardwalk Games in Lancaster, CA,1:00
Around 15 people (I didn't count)
L'll Terrorizer
Pok'emon 10
3 Scyther ( Good in all Haymaker decks, free retreat )
3 Hitmonchan ( Star of the Haymaker deck, good for taking out Buzzes )
2 Elekid ( Good Pokemon Power when you don't have energy, Ditto killer )
2 Ditto ( Copy your opponent, it can be annoying at times )
Trainers 37
2 Sprout Tower ( Sorry Wiggly )
2 Resistance Gym ( For Hitmonchan )
3 Gust ( Good for stalling and killing off the weak )
3 Scoop Up ( Kill me next turn,I think not )
4 Pluspower ( I don't know how many games this thing has won for me )
4 Nightly Garbage Run ( NGR, I'm a decker )
4 PC Search ( What you want, when you want )
4 Item Finder ( That 8th Oak or NGR )
4 ER ( Energy Removal, could be devastating at times )
3 SER ( Super Energy Removal, double the devastation )
4 Oak ( New hand, combined with NGR I don't see a downside )
Energy 13
4 Recycle Energy ( Back to the hand )
4 DCE ( Good for Scyther and Ditto )
5 Fight
On to the report ...
        Here's the deal: 3pts for a win, 1pt for a tie, 0 for a loss, and best 2 out of 3, and as a
bonus, if you get 2-0 you get an additional 3pts.  Before the tournament I played a kid 3 times
and terrorized his deck ( That's where I got the name ).  Well anyway I fixed a few people's decks and then it was time to start.  3 rounds then Final Four.  Entry fee is 5 dollars.
Round 1 vs Chris ( Flareon Master )  w/Clefable deck
        I drew my opening hand and I had a MULLIGAN.  I thought ohh well, that's not too unusual for this deck.  Unfortunately, I did it 2 more times.  I was already off to a bad start.  I was stuck with a lonely Hitmonchan against 2 Magmars and 2 SCYTHERS.  From that point I knew it was too far gone.  I was able to take about 3 prizes and take him to the point of almost decking, but I still didn't have a chance. I came prepared for his other deck, not suspecting that I would be playing this one.
        If I went first I would have had a first turn win.  He had a Clefairy against my Ditto.  I had a fighting energy in my hand, a Scoop Up, and a PC Search.  I could have searched for the Chan, Scooped Ditto, layed a fighting energy on him, and Jabbed for the win.  He went first and RSA'd my trainers then it was all downhill for me from there.
0-2    0pts
From that point on I knew I would have to win the rest of my games to have a shot at Final Four.  I didn't really care that he beat me because when we used to play Wiggly decks I would usually come out with the win.  Besides I hear that Chris is the new Deck Mechanic for Pojo. 
Round 2 vs Aaron w/Sneasel Haymaker
        I was lucky because I had my Dittos ( That's lucky because I almost used Chansey instead ) I also had my Chans to take out his Buzzes and my Elekids for his Dittos, he had no chance.  First round I took all my prizes 6-0.  Whenever he had Buzz, I had Chan.  Whenever he had Sneasel, I had Ditto.  When he had Ditto, I had my Elekids to silence them.
        The 2nd battle was just about the same.  The only difference was he took three prizes and decked himself.  I hate it when people deck themselves, if you think about it, that is not really a win.  It just shows that your opponent is faster than you, unless you play a stall deck.  Those are made to win that way.
2-0    9pts
Round 3 vs Jordan w/ Typlosion fire deck
        Not much to say about this round except that I completely dominated this game.  I won on my second turn.  It was his R. Moltres vs my Scyther and Elekid.  First turn I attached a Recycle Energy and used Playful Punch and got heads.  He couldn't really do anything to stop Scyther or
Elekid.  I just used ER, then attached Pluspower, then DCE, and Slashed for the win.
        He got out Typlosion, but he just couldn't handle Scyther because Magmars aren't effective without energy.  I just don't think he was reay to handle the power of my L'll Terrorizers to beat me.
2-0    18pts
That was enough to make Final Four.  When we found out that the prize was 3packs of NEO for each of us, we all decided to split 1st place.  There was just no point to battle any longer when we would just all get first and make everybody happy.
to Chris for being the only person to beat in the tournament and for getting to be a Deck Mechanic on Pojo.
to the tournament.
to everybody who came and trying to win the tournament.
can't think of any right now.
You can reach me at kleid@mail.ptw.com .  You can send deck suggestions or anything else there.