White Power v1.0 (Colorless)
by Andy "Juggalo" Jacobs
Toys R Us
Louisville, Kentucky
Saturday, January 20th, 2001
About 15 people at the League

This is my first Killer deck report in a long time, and my first game in a
long time.  My last game was at the ECSTS.  Enough raambling, on to the deck!

White Power

Trainers: 30

3 Oak
3 Bill
3 ER
2 Switch
3 Search
3 Item Finder
2 Lass
2 Gust
2 Plus Power

Pokemon: 14

1 Cleffaa
4 Clefairy
3 Clefable
2 Chansey
2 Scyther
2 Ditto

Energy: 16

3 Potion Energy
4 Full Heal Energy
1 Recycle
4 Grass

First game:  Kid with colorless/psychic

Back and forth a lot of the time.  I was SER'ing and ER'ing and RSA'ing him
like every turn.  He kindaa looked annoyed (one of my favorite things to do).
 I would not let him have energy on the board for more than like 2-3 turns.
 It finally came down to my last 10 cards in my deck.  I noticed I still had
4 prizes left.  I was scrambling and double edging/metronoming everything in
site.  I had 1 prize left, he had 2 prizes.  I have 2 cards left in my deck,
and he had an active Mr. Mime.  His Mime stopped my dead in my tracks.  I
figured he was gonna stll him there until the game was over which would mean
I would have decked out.  I search, just outta curiosity.  Hmmm.....Item
Finder.  I can use that.  I use that and get a gust.  I gust out the only
thing I can hit.  A MP Mewtwo.  I metronome psyburn.  He goes, he has enough
energy to retreat.  He absorbs.  I draw my very last card, and metronome his
psyburn for the win!


2nd Game:  Jeremy with Tyranitar deck
Me and jeremy have a long history when it comes to pokemon games.  We have a
pretty even record against each other.  I ended up winning this one pretty
early.  Can't remember much from it.


3rd Game:  Jonathon with Raindance
This is Jeremys brother.  And like Jeremy, we have a history.  I started off
pretty good, and then he out a Neo 2 or 3 Kingdra.  He never quite got the
raindance working for him until the end.  It took me like 3-4 turns, but I
finally got rid of kingdra via Clefable.  He got out a Sprout Tower!  This
helped me, I had a chansey ready for some double-edging fun.  He had some 50
hp basics.  Yay!  My chansey ends up claiming 2 or 3 prizes.  On one of his
last turns, he finally gets out blastoise.  He gets 3 energy on and Hydro
Pumps my Ditto.  He only had 2 cards left in his deck.  I had 2 item finders.
 hmmm........I find for a SER and an ER.  I eliminaate all of his energy.  He
does not have enough energy in his deck to damage me.  I win by a deck-out.


4th Game:  Kid with Idotic Grin
idiotic Grin is not the name of his deck, but what he had on his face the
WHOLE GAME.  Was really quite disturbing....  He had a feraligatr deck, no
problem.  I blow through him like, something that blows through stuff good.
 I caan't think of a good simile.


5th and Final Game:  Nathan with a fire deck.
This kid kind of made me mad.  I swear I lassed him at least twice, and RSA'd
him quite a few times.  Every single time, he had NO TRAINERS!?!?!?  Thank
god for cleffa.  This kid claimed 2 prizes via my Suicidal Chanseys.  I
dominate.  I don't even think he got 2 attacks off on me the whole game
because of my ER/SER/Baby Rule.  It was fun, but he was disapointed because
he did not earn his meowth (see SLOPS), he was 10 points away from it.  So I
told him that I will allow him the bragging rights of "Beating Me".  He told
the gym leader, and the gym leader was surprised.  He earned his meowth.

Final Record, 5-0-0

Toys R Us for having a league

Toys R Us for having a continued leaague from last year, and the only thing
is a meowth
My "A" key for sticking most of the time.

Thank ya'll for reading this.  Any pokemon players in Louisville?  E-mail me

Andy Jacobs