Meganiums Rath
My name is Matt and the pokemon league was held at Sarge's Comics in New
London Ct, Jan. 14th. 2001
     I recently made a new deck called Meganium's Rath. The deck is based
upon Meganiums Pokemon Power Wild growth which enables yout o make each grass
energy attached to your pokemon count as two. I went to the pokemon league to
test it out. here is the deck list than the report.

Meganiums Rath
2 Meganiun ( Pokemon power: Wild Growth )
1 Meganium ( Herbal Scent. )
2 Bayleef ( Lv. 39 )
4 Chikorita ( Growl one )
4 pinsir
2 scyther
2 pokemon breeder
4 oak
2 elm
3 bill
4 computer search
4 energy removal
4 berry
2 gold berry
2 sprout tower
14 grass

OK well that was my deck so here is the report.

When i walked down the flight of stairs i eneterd into a vast world of new
challenges with season two. i went to the gym leaders and paid him the dollar
admission charge and ran over to a spot and set up everything. i skimmed
along the pages of the new badge book and ran back up the lfight of stars and
bought nine or so boosters. i got a meganium with herbal scent which i put
into my deck and a couple other good cards.

1st match
Me Vs. Cousin with (sorry cousin) a not so good haymaker
 I think my cousin has a curse set upon him. He always seems to lose no
matter how good his decks are. i started off with a pinsir as my active and
chikorita on the bench. i won the flip and started off by attaching an energy
to pinsir. i skipped my attack and let him go and he attached an energy to
his active mankey. he mischeifed and it was my turn once again. i slapped
another enegy onto my pinsir while breeding into meganium. i used guillotine
for the ko and drew my prize. he brought out another manke and said go. i
attached an enegy to meganium and attacked for 50 again. i drew my prize and

2nd match
Me Vs. Kid with Kingdra, Blastoise, and Feraligator.
i started off this match with a lone pinsir and he started off with a miltank
as his active. he lost the flip and i went. i attached an energy to pinsir. i
then placed down a chikorita. i said go and he went. he placed down a
squirtle while attaching a water energy to his miltank. he said go. i drew,
and played a rass on my pinsir. i placed down a sprout tower to evade the
damsge from miltank and used e. removal on the miltank. i used iron grip and
it was tails. he went and attached another energy to miltank while evolving
his squirtle to wartortle. he used milk drain and got one heads to remove two
damage counters from miltank. i went and  got a little frustasted because i
didn't have a meganium out yet. i used e. removal. i placed a grass on
pinsir. i  elmed and drew seven and used iron grip. it was heads. he went and
said go and i drew. i used to CPU searches and discarded a pinsir and a
chikorita  and two grass in order to get a breeder and meganium. he looked at
my hand and complained because i had four cards in my hand i tried to explain
to him that i had elmed the turn before and that i had  8 cards in my hand.
than i used computer search times 2 to discard 6 cards from my hand to get
two. he didn't beleive me and kept telling me to put one back and he called
me a cheater for the rest of the day. i breeded into meganium and used
guillotine for 50 damage. he passed angry at the arguement and pretty much
let me win. we shook hands and we traded a typlosion and a feraligator.

match 3
me Vs. Danny..with a fire deck.
When i began to play this i thought danny was using his electric deck. when
he flipped over his cards and i saw the magmar i nearly freaked out. my lone
chikorita looked like it was sweating too. i had lost the flip and he had
smokescreened. i had placed down two chikoritas and a scyther.  i placed a
grass on one chikorita and passed. he went and smogged and KO my chikorita. i
activated the one with the grass energy and placed another down breeding into
meganium. i soothing scented him and he woke and smogged me not poisining. he
had also evolved his charmander into charmeleon. i had placed a grass on the
chikorita on the bench and oaked. i breeded again into another meganium. i
soothing scented and he placed the charmeleon with two fire energy's out. he
flamethrowered for the ko. i scent out the other meganium for soothing scent
and he woke up. ahhh lets just say i lost..

4th match:
Me Vs. Jason the gym leader.
i can barley remember the match because we mostly laughed through it. i
started out with pinsir. he started with a wooper eevee and a jungle eevee i
think. i attached and energy and placed down chikorita. i passed and he also
passed attaching an energy to something i forget. i had gotten meganium out
turn two with breeder. His benched promo eevee evolved do to chain reaction
into a dark vaporeon. and placed a energy on my pinsir to guillotine him for
the ko on eevee ( i remember th eevee because jason said it was up there for
stalling ) i took my prize. he went and promoted another pokemon. he had
damaged pinsir for twenty. i had attacheched an energy to meganium and used
guillotine for the KO. he had promoted another poke and damaged pinsir for
twenty.  i had retreated pinsir for meganium and attached an energy. i used
soothing scent. but i had placed a chikorita down before i used the attack. i
was up three prizes. he used douible gust for the chikorita and i had gotten
to get the wooper out.he passed i attached an energy to chikorta and
retreated for my meganium and breeded into another meganium.  i used soothing
scent for the ko. he sent out a different poke while trying to build up a d.
vaporeon. i used soothing scent KO. he promoted the d. vaporeon and i had
just pretty much beat him from then on.
i took a twenty minute break and got a nice little drink.

Match 5
Me Vs. My cousin again.
this was my last match as my uncle picked us up right after. the match had
pretty much just started off the same except he got out a hitmonchan and two
mankeys. i had meganium out by turn two and i kept denying his energy execpt
for the mankeys because i really don't care if my deck gets shuffled. i uused
soothing scent the whole time to get the win all and all it was a five-ten
minute match.

Well i thought my first day at the league was pretty good. MY meganium deck
proved worthy and i have decided to keep it.
For my cousin for trying so hard.
To jason for being a cool gym leader
To Sarge's For holding the League on Sundays
and to All my oppenents for doing a good job in trying.
The Elekid i got in the 1st edition booster.
Thats it. Well i hope Pojo Posts this i will be very excited if you do Thanks
Email me at