Neo Haybeater v15.3 (Haymaker w/Sneasel)
West Monroe,LA
January, 6 2001
About 30 people
            This deck has been a long time in coming, but with the release of Neo in english, I decided to put a new spin on the old Haymaker type deck and add in a few sneasels and some Prof. Elms. So, here is what I came up with.
3x Sneasel (Beatup for 120 on turn two!! Plus free retreat.)
3x Scyther (One of the best basics in the game.)
3x Hitmonchan (Great against colorless cards such as Wiggly)
3x Buzz (Duh! Same reason as Scyther, a very reliable card.)
Trainers: 25
3x GOW
3x Bill
3x Plus Power (Turn one K.O.)
3x Prof. Elm (Like Oak, but prevents decking as quickly)
3x Potion (For removing damage done by Rainbow energy)
2x Computer Search
2x Switch (Chan is a pain to retreat without this)
2x Super Scoop Up
2x Ecogym (To beat energy removal decks)
2x Sprout Tower (Anti Wiggly, ect...)
Energy: 23
3x Darkness (For Sneasel)
3x DCE
3x Rainbow (Good when no Darkness can be found)
5x Fighting
5x Electric
4x Grass
        The League here is a joke. All it is is a bunch of six-ten year olds that meet every week to trade cards because they think they are cute. Don't get me wrong, what they do is fine with me, but the gym leader needs to at least help try to teach the kids how to play, or get a real Tourney started for the older kids and the parents. But, anyway enough ranting, here's my report
Game 1 vs. Gary w/Dk. Charizard/Colorless
    Gary is one of he only decent players that regularly attend the league. This was one of the first times I had ever played him, so I really didn't know what to expect in the way of skill level from him. As it turned out, he drew no basics twice, so I had a card advantage on him. On turn one I layed down a Dk. energy of Seasel and did fury swipes for 30. He attached a DCE it his Ponyta and did 20. I then Computer searched for another darkness energy and quickly finished off ponyta and his other pokemon.
Record (1-0)
Game 2 vs. Gary (Again) with what he called his clan deck (Chan, Lee, and TR.Chan)
    This was a long and boring game, we didn't ever do thet much damage to each other, so he decked from Oak and Bill use.
Record (2-0)
Game 3 vs. 12yr. old guy w/Miltank stall/Typhlosion
    This kid just had it coming. He has probably spent $1000 on cards in the past year. He has at least doubles of every card, but is, as I found out after I player him, a very sorry player. There was not much to report, Seasel had a lot of fun with this deck. He never even drew a prize.
Record (3-0)
Game 4 vs. New Girl w/Flereon/Chansey
    There isn't much to tell about this one either, I drew 4 prizes before she had to leave with her Mother and younger sister, who clearly could play better than this girl. Filnally, when her mom told her it was time to go, she forfeited.
Record (4-0)
To Pojo and staff for a GREAT sight.
To Scott Gerhardt for his work on posting these killer deck reports and his outspokenness on how broken this game really is.
To my parents for taking me to the league.
None that I can think of right now.
E-Mail questions and comments to me, Babboa, at: