Electroslash v1.0 (Lighting/Grass)
By. Jeff Scott
Bat Cave Comics
Vancouver  W.A.
Wed. 7th. 2001
Forgot the particapents

It's been only a few weeks since i've posted a deck on the killer deck
lists, the last deck I made was
the Quick Attack, and that deck worked very well. So I decided to try a
different deck, so I made the Electoslash,
which consists of Rocket's Zapdos, and Scyther, and also Scizor, scythers
evolvation. This decks worked fairly
well for me so far. I lost a game the other day due to not having any
benched poke'mon. That sucked pretty
bad. Well here it is.

4x Rocket's Zapdos
2x Scyther
2x Rocket's Scyther
3x Scizor
2x Computer Search
3x Professor Oak
4x Potion (or) Energy Search
4x Gold Berry
4x Scoop Up
4x Gust of WInd
4x Plus Power
4x Bill
4x Steel
6x Grass Energy
12x Lighting Energy

Match 1 Me vs. Kid w/ Dewgong deck. He starts with a seel, and a
articuno. I start with a jungle scyther,
and a zapdos. I go first, lay an energy down on zapdos, and let him go.
He lays an energy down on seel, and
head butts. I go and lay down an energy on zapdos, and lay down a rockets
scyther on my bench. He goes, and
lays energy on seel, and head butts. I go and lay and energy, on zapdos.
He goes, and head butts. I go, and lay
another energy on zapdos, use scoop up on jungle scyther, put in zapdos,
lay down scyther, and put a gold berry
on zapdos, and electroburn, for the kill. He goes, and puts in articuno,
attacks with freeze dry, and gets a tails, yes.
I go Gold Berry potions me, and I put down 2 plus powers, and electroburn
for the kill.   

I win> Yeesss!!!  1-0

Match 2 Me vs. Kid w/ Hitmonchan deck. Ha this deck is great against
hitmonchan, I go, and lay down an
energy on scyther, and do swords dance. He lays an energy on hitmonchan,
and jabs for no damage. I go, and lay
down a steel energy on scyther, and evolve him to scizor, and do his
first attack, and I cut his HP in half, He goes,
and lays down a Hitmonlee, and attacks with jab.. I go and attach another
steel energy, on scizor, and potion him, and use his second attack on
hitmonchan, a get one heads, for the kill. He sends in hitmonlee, with
one energy, and
lets me go. I attack with scizors second attack, and three plus powers,
for the kill.

I win> Yeesss!!!  2-0

Match 3 Me vs. Kid w/ Bedrill deck. This is the fastess game i've had
yet. He goes, and starts with a weedle,
I start with a scyther, and lay down an energy and swords dance, he goes
doesnt get a basic, and lets me go, and
I lay down another grass energy on scyther, and do swords dance, he goes
and doesnt get a basic poke'mon, I go
agian, and I attack with slash, and a plus power.

This tourny was great, My record with this decks is 16, and 1, That
sucks. This decks works very
well against hitmonchan, and fighting decks. All the basics in the deck
have resistance against fighting. well
hope you had fun. Thanks for reading. any comments are apprieciated.
e-mail me at
