Darkness Incarnate V. 3.402

                                                                          Place: Timewarp Comics and Games

Cedar Grove, NJ

Time: 1-2/22,29,6/01


What better way to ring in the New Year then to bring back an old deck? I can’t think of a better way to say, “Happy New Year!” then to beat down my opponent with a deck I saved in apprentice after I downloaded it (of course with modifications to fit that of the current environment). Darkness Incarnate was my most ruthless creation at the time I made it, and when I disturbed its burial, it came back from the dead to wreak what havoc it had previously wrought. Anyway, The Boss had yet another assignment for me to use something old for a New Year… this was all I had so I used it accordingly.

<Downloading Mainface>

<Downloading ShockWave.chtml>

<File Reprocessing>

<Email Found… Loading>

<Email Loaded!>

<Accessing Rocket Reader>

Dear Rocket Employee,

          After all of your past successes and temporary guarding of Rocket Labs in Saffron City, I’ve decided to include you in a New Year’s bash I’ve had planned. We no longer have any secret labs, but have one in Rocket Central. Our lab technicians are all off on vacation and haven’t been able to create any new specimens before their break; therefore, this mission is your call. We currently want to re-take the Cedar Grove Pokémon League. They recently acquired their own new Pokémon League after this recent season’s passing and we would like you to start anew and regain control. I recall that you have a lineup, which you have left unused for quite some time, a project you named Darkness Incarnate. We here at Rocket Central encourage that you try this team out in order to add spice to what we currently cannot offer y! ou. I expect your reply will be you



<End File>


I was upset that the Lab Techs got an extended vacation, but was happy I would be paid before they would. Somehow The Boss got a hold of old teams I had assembled… I didn’t want to pry and decided it would be best that I kept to myself over this matter.


Darkness Incarnate V. 3.402

3x Sneasel <40 for just a single ‘heads’ flip, up to 140 damage with a full bench an every flip ending up ‘heads’. Free retreat and a 1st turn, non-darkness attack allow Sneasel to fit into the splash range>

3x Movie Promotional Mewtwo <The centerpiece of Darkness Incarnate since its birth. Mewtwo rules. Best psychic basic in the game at this time if I say so myself>

3x Ditto <Hey, want to see something annoying? How about I copy your Rocket’s Zapdos and Electroburn in half the time and take less damage then you would? Wouldn’t that just be the most painful thing ever? Ya, I thought so!>

2x Gligar <The new Scyther, only this one is the answer to most Electric and Colorless types. Gligar is the new reason to play Fighting if there was ever a reason not to>


3x Eco Gym <Darkness Energy is precious to DI, I can’t have it disappear to a stupid thing like Super Energy Removal…>

3x Gold Berry <You figured you’d kill me at the end of my turn due to poison. You figured wrong>

3x Computer Search <Is that another Mewtwo I see on your bench? Cool! Let’s pull out a Gust of Wind and see what happens when I Psyburn it!>

3x Gust of Wind <I don’t like that Rocket’s Zapdos you have active, let’s see if your Rocket’s Snorlax would like to shake hands with Gligar, shall we?>

2x Oak <Let’s see, I got the Double colorless with that last Computer Search… Oh, look, one card in hand! Watch 1 become 7… 2 is enough to not deck myself and I can always Itemfind one for emergencies!>

4x Bill <2 cards can change a game. 2 cards can draw you a Gold Berry when you’re about to die or draw an Oak/Computer Search to get any other card from your deck. 2 cards were how things used to be back in the early days of the game and is how it shall be on>

3x Scoop Up <Scoop Up is Switch on steroids- or is it a Super Potion with a Switch built in? No one can really know…>

2x Itemfinder <Finish a game early or save a game late>

4x Plus Power <Finish the game when you want. You control the tides of a match with this>

2x Nightly Garbage Run <And just in case things don’t go as I planned, I save thee for a last resort…>

4x Double Colorless Energy <In case of a water landing, please use double colorless energy to make Ditto and Gligar floatation devices>

4x Darkness Energy < “The day draws near- and Doomhammer cannot know what terrors await him,

for I am Gul’Dan…

I am darkness incarnate.

I will not be denied.”- Gul’Dan>

12x Psychic Energy <I can use this to see, and see through you and your plan>


The Chaos began after I 1st tried the deck (and after finally trading for the last bits of the deck) at Wizards and decided that I’d go all out at Timewarp that Saturday. I hadn’t been in a while, I sacrificed my Saturday leagues to spend time at home so I could go to Magic tourneys Friday and judge Pokémon Sunday. That weekend I had a lot of work to do involving signing up for High School. My parents let me off for cooperating in the 2 days of nothingness.

“They no longer care about their own suffering- show them something worse.”- Crovax 

Round One: James (the Gym Leader)- Since I became a tourney judge, I’ve been less hostile towards him. Since no one was at the league, he wanted to battle me. I didn’t stop this mistake, just decided to let it happen. He built a new Mono-Electric deck with Buzz, Elekid, Surge’s Buzz, and Rocket’s Zapdos. The battle began- forgot whom I had active but it wasn’t the Pokémon I wanted most. I eventually gained an advantage of attacking with Gligar to his weak Buzzes and then just beat up on the Zapdoses with something more flexible (something like Ditto). Most way through, more people came and he just gave up.


Round Two: Marc (Hotfoot)- I usually want to play the toughest and best legionnaires, but sadly none were there to do so. Mark played a preconstructed deck with ‘improvements’, namely Beedrill. The game went something like this- Ditto poisons Weedle, Weedle Poisons Ditto. Scoop Up Ditto. Send out Mewtwo- Psyburn until I have 6 prizes.


Round Three: Bill (Brillo)- Bill is the greatest contributor to Brillo. He helped me design the deck to its current caliber, and he needed quick points to get his badge since James was being mean and not believing that he had played about 7 games (how you don’t believe a 20 something year old who used to be a Gym Leader himself is beyond me) so he sent out a Mewtwo, me with Gligar and I slashed it to death. We got points. Big climactic ending, eh’? 


Round Four: Nebraska (The deck he made)- I know he’s going to be reading this, so I’ll not say to much besides that I beat him up with the attack Beat Up most of the game. He got a prize to my 6.  


My dad came after that and I went home and relaxified on the couch.


I forgot to ask a friend of mine for a lift on Tuesday, so I missed out on WotC league. I went that Thursday to a low turnout League at Timewarp. At least the turnout was better then the number of people I played on Tuesday =(


Round 5: Bradley (Wanna-be Wigglytuff)- I’m pretty sure I played Bradley on Saturday, but this battle was a bit more spectacular since he happened to be playing a deck I loathe (sorry, I just don’t like Wiggly because I have to play against the same [Wiggly] deck every week in either league or a tourney just because some people don’t understand the concept of building their own deck). His deck was odd for a Wiggly; it had more evolution then most and lacked decent basic Pokémon… I ended up icing off all of his Pokémon with Sneasle and Mewtwo and I’m pretty sure I used Ditto at some point. I won, needless to say. I got an email from him later in the week when he finally found out I was PokéPunk and asked for deck help with a Raindance he made.


Round 6: Joe (Borrowed Brock Deck)- Joe was really out of it. He borrowed Bradley’s Brother’s Brock deck (say that 5 times fast) and the deck happened to be terrible. I just sent out Gligar for the fighting resistance and got 1 Psyburn in. The deck was basically Sandshrews and Onix. After the battle, we tried to rebuild Bradley’s Brother’s Psychic deck. I then went off to play Bradley’s Brother, won, but forgot how the battle went and what his deck was like. ^_^’


Round 7: Alex (Gym Leader) vs. Blond Glasses Guy (Weird Brillo deck)- Alex is like James, he’s younger and less skilled at the game then I. He asked me to borrow a deck so I lent him Darkness. He played the deck fairly wrong, but he won. The battle was taking too long, so I don’t remember much of it… I just watched as Alex Oaked before he played a Psychic energy on Mewtwo and sent the wasted energy to the discard pile even though there were 3 Psychic Energies in there and a Double Colorless… It’s nice to see how someone else plays your deck.


I had to judge Sunday and I didn’t go to League Saturday, so I had to go on Tuesday.


Round 8: Dave (Blastizard Deck)- Dave is a great TCG player, but makes odd decks that simply suit the league… I offed 3 Squirtles after I absorbed energy turn 1 with Mewtwo and then burned like crazy.


Round 9: Name has Slipped My Mind (Haymaker?)- It started my Mewtwo again (this league session left everyone who cut my deck giving me a great hand) to his… uh… well, it was something I destroyed quickly because I can’t remember the battle.


Round 10: Kid 1 (Haymaker)- It started Gligar and Mewtwo (3rd time, I promise that this is the last time he was in my opening hand) to 2 Rocket Hitmonchan’s and an Electabuzz. The Electabuzz was active, although it seems he didn’t take intrest that it was the only non-weak Pokémon he had. I burned off the Electabuzz and two Chans. He sent out a Hitmonlee as well, which doesn’t go to well with Mewtwo so it died as well.


Round 11: Jessica (The Gym Leader)- I has wanted to battle Jess for a while, but she was either too busy to battle when I wanted or already battling. Since I was the only one left who wasn’t playing, she sat down for a game and we battled. It started a Neo Horsea to Sneasle. She won the die roll (I do high roll goes first on my 12 sided, blue die) and attached a water energy. I attached a Darkness Energy and a Plus Power, then Comp Searched for a 2nd. I then fury swiped and got 2 heads in a row and won.


Round 12: Kid 2’s Sister (Green-Blue)- Her deck reminded me of a deck I made a while ago called Nuclear Winter, using Dark Muk, Golduck, and Pinsir. I ate up her Pokémon with Mewtwo. Her mother commented that I kept getting energy and no Pokémon while she was energy screwed. This insinuating that I was cheating, Jess came over and said “Hey, he’s a good player. He just got a better draw.” I was glad I didn’t have to say anything, since it was her daughter that cut my deck herself. I went on to play her brother.


Round 13: Kid 2 (Fire Deck)- Very fast battle. It was Magmar to Ditto and Gligar. I smogged 1st turn with a Plus Power and Poisoned him. He Smokescreened me. I tried to Smog next turn, but failed and he died the next turn of poison.


Round 14: Kid 3 (Colorless/Water Deck)- I started Mewtwo (I drew a Gligar next turn and he cut my deck- don’t look at me it was the bad luck of the draw) to base Ratata, Meowth, and Snorlax. It looked like a bad game from there, but he didn’t draw an energy for the next four turns. I burned his Ratata turn 3 with two plus powers. He then sent out a Horsea which he benched the previous turn. I Psyburned that and a Fossil Horsea until I got a fully powered Sneasle and Beat Up until I won. I then commented saying that had he sent out something resistant to Mewtwo, he would have had a better chance to win. He noted that and then walked off.


That was the end of Tuesday, not including several battles I forgot about or didn’t play Darkness Incarnate in. I reported back to the boss afterwards, but he just kind of listened and hung up, not saying what my next assignment would be or whether I succeeded. Things weren’t seeming too well down at HQ, but I had more pressing matters like typing this report first…


I’d like to offer props to…:

Bill for playing me for his badge

Jim T. for running the tourney with me and doing a great job as usual

Tim for finally trading me for the Sneasle I let him borrow

James D. for not asking if the sleeves anyone was using this week were marked


I’d like to flagrantly push slops on…:

Mark Dawson for forging a report which insulted both me and the players at Timewarp. He has never played me or played at Timewarp in any league or tourney event and therefore wrote an entire article to spite me.

Dennis for not taking his sedatives before he came to the league on Saturday

Nebraska for cheating from time to time and writing a repot that everyone at Timewarp mocks him for (See Feb. Reports with Jesse C.)

James for being Kool-Aid


For any questions, comments, concerns, Incubus autographs, deck help, pro/negative emails, or just Pokémon/Magic related stuff, email me at insomniac_gamer@hotmail.com.



“Over and over we ask ourselves why we don’t utilize things that are stored deep inside of our brains.”