Electrowave (All Electric)
                 By Ready Player 1
                 Si Fi World
                 Toronto, Ontario
                 Saturday Feb 3, 2000
                 Roughly 45 people
Hello it is me again. This time i have a way better deck. Here it is
4 Jigglypuff (good First attacker)
3 Wigglytuff (get loaded on second turn with oak)
3 Electabuzz (good agaisnt those Raindance decks
2 Chansey (good combo with defender)
2 Scyther (He's in every deck)
2 Rocket's Zapados (my main attacker)
4 pluspower (good agaisnt those haymaker deck's)
4 defender (helps Chansey stall for a'lot of turns)
3 pro oak (he's in every deck)
3 computer search ( gets my oak)
2 Sabrina's Gaze (gets me better cards)
2 gust of win(d)
2 Nightly Garbage run (Gets back lightning energys when discarded)
2 No Removal Gym (i just hate energy removal)
1 gold berry (attach to Rockets Zapados to Electroburn for no damage)
15 lightning
4 Doublecolourless
2 Rainbow
Sorry i dont remember all the matches
Round 1 vs ronny with Cold Fusion Deck:
I start out with Jigglypuff to his Totodile and Benched Chichou.i go first.Sabrina's Gaze to get more basics. i attach a Double colourless with two pluspower.I pick up a wiggly as a prize. He sends out Chichou and Supersonics with tails.i evolve jigglypuff to Wigglytuff with four guys on bench. Guess What Happened.
Round two vs Daniel with very good Erika deck:
This is what happened. He managed to get Erika's Venasaur out and wide Solarbeamed twice my Scyther got killed but i killed it with Rocket's Zapados. After that he was hopeless.
Round three vs Jesse with Gligar deck:
He was playing Faulkner's Chalange so i had the greater atvantage.I had a Scyther to his Gligar.I go first attach a Rainbow energy to my Scyther and used Swords Dance. He gusted to my Electabuzz and said go. I attached a dce to my Electabuzz retreted and sent out Scyther and used Swords dance. He said go. I attached a Dce and Slashed. He then sent out buzz and energy removed my Scyther and said go. I retreated Scyther snet out Wiggly and i win.
Round 4 vs mitchel with wiggly/kangaskhan deck:
I had a bad hand with just a Chansey ,wiggly and the rest energy. It took me about 15 turns to get a oak. When i got the oak the game was turned around. i killed all six of his guys with Chansey wiggly and Rocket's Zapados.
Round 5 vs josh with Blains Arcanine deck:
I got a rocket's Zapados two kill his blaines Arcanine and Blaines Ninetails. When they died Rocket's Zapados burned the game away.
Now its Props and Slops
Props to louis
Props to my friend for trading me for Blastoise
No Slops