                               by Head Hunter
                               Books-A-Million(West Broad Street)
                               Richmond, Virginia
                               Saturday, January 27th, 2000
                               Roughly 25 participants
     Well, I must say, I find it an honor to send my Killer Decks to Pojo's site. I've been so busy lately, I haven't had time. Well, Books-A-Million lately is getting to be better than before. I've created a Psychic deck that will bring in the hard knocks eventually in my Poke'mon League event. 
Here's my deck:
2 Sabrina's Abra Lv. 12(Gym: Challenge)
2 Sabrina's Abra Lv. 18(Gym: Challenge)
3 Sabrina's Kadabra
2 Sabrina's Alakazam
2 Sabrina's Drowzee(Gym: Challenge)
3 Rocket's Mewtwo
3 Scyther(Jungle)
4 Bill
3 Sabrina
2 Saffron City Gym
4 Energy Removal
2 Super Energy Removal
4 PlusPower
2 Computer Search
2 Gust of Wind
16 Psychic Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
            As you can probably tell, the goal of Psylink is to use Sabrina's Alakazam's Poke'mon Power to claim all the best Psychic attacks you can get as your own. The Scythers are there in case I run into trouble with Psychic Resistance or if I can make an easy score, if you know what I mean.  And now... the games I played:
Round 1: My Psylink vs. Ben's Haymaker
      This kid is my rival. I always have the same result when I fight him, only it gets better each mid-game.  He started with Electabuzz and I started with Sabrina's Abra Lv. 18. I used Quick Attack and flipped tails. He used Thundershock and flipped tails. I evolved into Sabrina's Kadabra and used Life Drain, but flipped tails. He used Thunderpunch. I used Life Drain again but failed. He Thunderpunched me to death.
Round 2:  My Psylink vs. Ben's Haymaker(again):
     This was a longer battle but I still wasn't able to stomp him. I started with Rocket's Mewtwo and he started with Electabuzz. I attached an Energy. He used Thundershock and flipped tails. I used Hypnoblast and was able to keep him Asleep for one turn before he woke up again. I used Hypnoblast again and flipped heads but he woke right back up. He used Thunderpunch. I used Gust of Wind to get his Hitmonchan out and within 2 turns, Hypnoblast had KOed Hitmonchan. He then unleashed Electabuzz(again). He Thunderpunched me to death. I sent out Sabrina's Drowzee and used Energy Support to get an Energy. He used Thunderpunch with PlusPower and flipped tails. I retreated and sent out another Sabrina's Drowzee that used Energy Support. He KOed Sabrina's Drowzee within two turns. I let him KO the damaged Sabrina's Drowzee on my Bench when I promoted it Active. I charged up Scyther with an Energy, but I didn't get my Double Colorless. He KOed Scyther. I sent out another Rocket's Mewtwo and after one turn, tried to Juxtapose and transferred my 40 damage for his 30 damage. Then, he used Thunderpunch and flipped heads. He won.
Round 3: My Psylink vs. Daniel's Grass/Water deck:
   This is an average Trainer that Ben trained.  Anyway, he started with Bulbasaur. I started with Rocket's Mewtwo. He attached an Energy, I removed it with Energy Removal. I did the same thing next turn. I then used Hypnoblast and took away 1/2 his HP. He couldn't attack. I used Hypnoblast and scored one. He unleashed Wartortle. I used Psyburn with PlusPower and won.
Round 4: My Psylink vs. Seth's Grass deck:
    Yet another pupil trained by Ben. He was better than Daniel, but still not much of a fight took place. I started with Sabrina's Drowzee and he started with Bulbasaur. He attached an Energy, I ERed it. I used Energy Support to get an Energy. He attached an Energy to Bulbasaur, I ERed it and used Mind Shock. He ERed one ofmy Energy. I attached another one, used Mind Shock and KOed Bulbasaur. Then he sent out Oddish(Jungle). He used Stun Spore and got tails. I used Mind Shock with a PlusPower. He used Stun Spore and got tails. I used Mind Shock and KOed Oddish. Then he sent out Tangela. He used Bind and got tails but with a PlusPower and KOed Sabrina's Drowzee. I unleashed Sabrina's Kadabra, used Psyshot and won.
Round 5: My Psylink vs. ???'s Water/Fighting deck:
   He started with Squirtle(Base Set) and I started with Sabrina's Abra Lv. 18. I used Quick Attack and flipped tails. He used Bubble and flipped tails. I evolved into Sabrina's Kadabra, used Life Drain and flipped tails. He used Bubble and flipped tails. I used Psyshot and won.
Round 6: My Psylink vs. Jesse's Raindance:
I started with Sabrina's Abra Lv. 18 and he started with Lapras. He used Water Gun for 10. I removed his Energy, used Quick Attack for 30. He had no Energy. I evolved into Sabrina's Kadabra, used Life Drain and flipped heads. Next turn, I Gusted out Wartortle, used Life Drain and flipped heads. Then, he evolved into Blastoise, used Hydro Pump and nearly KOed me. I used Life Drain and flipped tails. He KOed Sabrina's Kadabra. I unleashed Scyther and started to power it up for Slash but I didn't get the DCE until after Scyther was KOed. All I had left were a couple of Sabrina's Drowzee that were easily beaten. Jesse won that one because I got a bad draw. Next week, if I get the right cards out when I need them, I'm sure I can stomp him.
Round 7: My Psylink vs. another kid's Grass/Fire deck:
    This wasn't even much of a fight. The guy seemed like a rookie and the deck he made was made right before my eyes. He started with Pinsir and I started with Sabrina's Abra Lv. 18. He attached an Energy. I removed it and gusted out his Nidoran Male in an attempt for a first turn Quick Attack that would score me a knockout but I ended up flipping tails. He didn't do anything after that except Bench a Blaine's Growlithe and attach an Energy to the Pinsir on his bench. I used Quick Attack and beat Nidoran. He sent out Pinsir after that and attached another Energy. He used Irongrip and paralyzed Sabrina's Abra. I powered up my other Poke'mon and SERed him. He started to power Blaine's Growlithe and then evolved it into Blaine's Arcanine. I used Quick Attack and flipped heads. He kept powering Blaine's Arcanine. I used Quick Attack, flipped heads, and KOed Pinsir. He unleashed Blaine's Arcanine, used Heat Tackle, hurt himself a little and KOed Sabrina's Abra. I sent out Rocket's Mewtwo that was fully powered now. I gusted out his Weedle and Psyburned it to death. He sent Blaine's Arcanine back out. He used Heat Tackle and did another 10 damage to himself. I used Psyburn and brought him down to 10 HP. He decided that since I was gonna KO Blaine's Arcanine anyway the fight should end and Heat Tackled me, Knocking Out Rocket's Mewtwo and Blaine's Arcanine. I won because he had no Bench.
Round 8: My deck vs. Seth's Grass deck(rematch):
    He started with Bulbasaur and I started with Rocket's Mewtwo. I powered up Rocket's Mewtwo for Juxtapose but I couldn't use it. He powered up Bulbasaur. I attached another Energy to Rocket's Mewtwo, used ER, and Hypnoblasted him. He stayed awake and attached another Energy. I used Hypnoblast and the fight was over with me as the victor.
Props and Slops:
Props to me for getting the most number of points I've ever gotten without a Victory Road Season in one day.
Props to my Psylink.
Props to Pojo's site for being so great!
No Slops.
         Well, as of today, I'm starting to improve my deck. I took out the 2 Sabrina's Drowzee after the League was over and added 2 Movie Mewtwo. Any other suggestions, scroll down and check out my e-mail address. I do run a website if you'd like to check it out. The URL is
        Send all deck fixing tips, comments on my website, and everything else to
Head Hunter