Damn Swap v. 1.0 Psy/Grass
                                by J. Parey,  Jan. 20,2001
                                Winrock Mall Toys R' Us
                                 95 participants

 Hey, Pojoholics! This is my 1st report.Today I signed up for pokemon
league.I only battled 4 times today,but they were good battles.This is my

                   Damn Swap V. 1.0
                  Chansey x2
                 Rockets M2 x1
                 M2 x3
                  tr. dratini x3
                  tr dragonair x2 e.dratini x2
                  2 abra 2 kadabra 2 alakazam
                2 exeggcute  2 exeggutor
               licki x3 2 lass 2 rockets trap 3 g.o.w. 2 +power

               1st battle:this kid had a ground/lectric.to make a short
story,he shoved  alakazam  into my cornhole.  0-1

           2nd battle: I started out with a perfect hand. i got out alaka on
the 3rd turn.i damage swapped so much that this kid decked out.he had a turbo
raindance.he only picked up 1 prize.
                              3rd battle: this one was easy when i got out
alaka, he concieted.

 4th battle: this was long. he got three  chanseys as basics. i got e.dratini
 as a starter.he scrunched again and again and again.eventually he double
edged 4 times and killed dratini but i had picked up 4 prizes thanks to
double edge and tail strike.we were about to finish,but i had to go.he says
"you won. good game." so we left but got all the cards i needed that day.

e-mail me at dragonstrike104@aol.com