M. Siller
Heroes Aren't hard to find
10 people
Charlotte NC

Hey yo peoples! Even though I participated on the 18th, it is now the 23rd.
Don't ask me where time goes. Since the last time I wrote, the deck has
changed a lot (like I mentioned in the last report.) It seemed to do better
this time, but next Sunday, I will be playing a totally different deck.
You'll hear about it in my next KDR.
- M. Siller

2 Rocket Zapdos
3 Electabuzz
2 Scyther
2 Gligar
2 Rocket Mewtwo
1 Promo Mewtwo
4 Gold Berry
4 Pluspower
1 Sprout Tower
1 Lower Resistance Gym
2 Oak
1 Elm
3 ER
3 Comp. Search
3 Itemfinder
9 Psy energy
8 Lightning Energy

Round 1 vs. Pam Cumbo and a Haymaker
My game started out OK, with plenty of Pokes and card drawing. She started
with just Cleffa, but she went first and EEEEEKed. lucky her. I got a Rocket
Zappy and a pluspower, Retreated Scyther, Played a l energy, and Killed
Cleffa... But I flipped tails. She Benched Scyther, Hitmonchan, a Surges
Electabuzz, and another Cleffa, and EEEEked again. This time, I got another
Pluspower and took Cleffa down. She sent out Surges electabuzz and charged,
nut the next turn I electroburned and took it out. She sent out Scythe,
played a DCE, and killed Zappy. I sent up R. Mewtwo, and eventually koed
Electabuzz. From that point on, I ERed her to daeth and I won.

Round 2 vs. Dougie D Fresh and a fire deck.
Her started with Cinaquil, while I had Scyther, and I thought OH CRAP! He did
40 first turn, but I got an Oak, and got some basics. I got a R Zappy w/ one
Lightning, Promoted it, and oaked three times. I got 3 Pluspowers and KOeds
Cindaquil. The rest of the Game, my ER won again, and I wrapped him up for a

Round 3 vs. Michael Zytcow and a Wiggly deck- S***!!!
He was really good, and got a wiggly, and a full bench on turn two, and did
the wave with a pluspower 6 straight turns for the win.

Round 4 vs. Travis Moore and his Meganium deck
He got Bulbasaur, I got R Zappy. I went first, did 20, he played an energy,
and then I Plasmaed for the win. (I hate short games. They make me feel
bad... Sorry Travis.)

I got second, and got 4 packs of gym 2 and a Base set pack. I got Dugtrio,
Giovanni, Blains Nintail, Koga's Ditto and a Blaines Charizard! Not that