Psychic Fireball
By: Joshua Neadow
                                Sun coast comics
Jacksonville, FL
Saturday, March 17th 2001
About 25 participants

I tried this deck against my friend to see if it worked and it worked. I
took it to the tournament and found out that it was better than I thought.
In my opinion my deck was about the third best deck there. Well here is my

25 Pokes

3 charmander
2 dark charmeleon
1 dark charizard
3 cyndaquil (level 21)
2 quilava (1lvl 28, 1lvl 35)
1 typhlosion (level 57)
1 base mewtwo
1 mp mewtwo
1 fm mewtwo
1 rocket moltres
2 slowpoke
1 slowking
1 dark slowbro
2 blaines growlithe
1 blaines arcanine

10 trainers

1 sabrinas gaze
1 prof oak
1 trader
3 bill
1 super energy retrieval
1 blaines quiz #3
1 sprout tower
1 eco gym

25 energy

12 psychic
13 fire

This deck killed 5 decks and one deck was one because he ran out of cards in
the deck.

Round1 me vs. Zachary (Sabina's deck)

This battle was very fast I started out with a mewtwo and a charmander. He
had 1 abra and that's it I had charmander as my active and I drew a fire
energy and placed it under him and did fire tail. He didn't have any energy
so it ended his turn and the game.

Round 2 me vs. Jeff with rain dance

My hand sucked this round and I think his did to my bench was two growlithes
2 mewtwo's and 1 charmander my active was charmander again. He had an
squirtle and a staryu. I attached fire energy to charmander and fire tailed
him for 20. he drew attached water and bubbled me. I drew another fire
attached it to charmander and evolved him into dark chameleon and did
another 20 and killed squritle I got my charizard in my prize and that ended
the game right there.

Round 3 me vs. Brittany with haymaker deck

This was so devastating for me. I started out with a charmander and mewtwo.
She had 2 hitmonchans and a scyther. All of my pokes were on the bottom of
my deck. He destroyed my guys with no struggle.

Round 4 me vs. fire deck

This guys name was very hard to type out so I left it out. He started out
with cyndaquil. I had cyndaquil and moltres. I went first and put an energy
under cyndaquil and did fire works for 20. He went and did nothing no
energy. I drew fire energy and evolved cyndaquil into quilava and added fire
energy to him and did smokescreen.
He finished his turn and I killed him with char.
Round five thiy with a brushfire deck

This was one because he ran out of cards in his deck.

Round six I won from him he gave up cause he had to leave. Something about
his dad went to the hospital so I sad well have a rematch.

I killed but 2 other guys went without losses so I got third. There were 2
props and 2 slops.

To the people who lost like sportsman
And to the cards I won


I had lost terribly in the match with the haymaker.
I got third.

Joshua Neadow