Bomb Boyz v 3.0 (electric/grass/fighting)
by Shannan Ledden
Toys R Us
Fond du Lac, WI
Saturday April 7
about 20 participants
Well its been about 2 weeks since i last sent pojo somethin but i entered another tourney.  Here it goes....
2 Chansey
1 Rockets Scyther
2 Hitmonchan
1 Elekid (Kick a** poke)
2 Electabuzz
1 Raichu (base)
1 Raichu (fossil)
2 Pikachu (jungle)
1 Cleffa
2 Farfetch'd
2 Clefairy (neo)
1 Clefable (jungle)
1 Gligar
2 Scyther 
1 Imposter Oak's Revenge
3 pp
2 energy search
2 bill
1 Professer Oak
1 Blaine's Quiz #3
Energy (29)
10 electric
10 Fighting
7 grass
Thats my deck it may look bad but its awsome well on with the battles
R-Fire F-Fighting W-water E-electric G-grass DCE-Double Colerless Energy
Bomb Boyz vs Legends deck
He was a grown up and he had ebay so he had tons of legendary pokes.  He started with MP Entei.  I start with Hitmonchan active and Electabuzz benched.
I lost the coin flip.  He drew put an R energy on Entei.
I draw play a F energy on Chan and jab
He flips Heads.  I win because no basics.
Bomb Boyz vs Grass/Psy
this was easy i started with Hitmonchan he started with Mr. Mime i just jabbed 2 times and won with 10 hp left.
Inbetween Matches:
Me and the guy with the Legands deck helped a little boy fix his deck = )
Bomb Boyz vs Hotfoot deck
This was easy i got Scyther and Electabuzz ready and destroyed him.
This deck is now 25-0 its very good.  So i guess its time to rap it up with Props and Slops
Props to the Holy Family
props to the peeps i played that they werent poor sports
props to the guy and me for helping that little kid
props to Pojo if they post this
Slops to Pojo if they dont post this
Shannan Ledden
Thanks for Reading.  bye bye now