"The Immortal Defiance"
By: Jake Wakid
Rockville, Maryland
13 people participating
Hi all, my name is Jake and I have come upon a GREAT new deck. You guys can trust me, im not one of those little kids with a horrible deck (although the name of my deck -is- a little queer..lol). I am an experienced deck master and I have been playing since the game first came out...but enough about myself, lets get onto my MASTER deck.
3 Onix
3 Steelix
3 Sneasel
3 cleffa
3 Electabuzz
4 switch
4 plus power
4 gold berry
3 lass
4 computer search
3 proffessor oak
3 eco gym
2 item finder
3 gust of wind
4 darkness energy
5 electric energy
4 steel energy
The main idea behind this deck is to have electabuzz stall while u power up a steelix, and if u just cant get one out,sneasel always rocks the house too. Steelix with 4 steel energies and if u can, a few dark energy, is basically unstoppable, and this deck gets that out EASY. If you have an eco gym out, which you most definaltly will, steelix will win the game for you EASY. Even fossil magmar cant hurt him, so try and make this deck if u can, it will make you a WINNER. Here are the matches I played in at Dream Wizards....
Match 1 vs. Scott
I can swear this kid must have been some kinda protegy. He was only about 9 years old and he had an AWSOME deck that he could actually use RIGHT! It was a combo wiggly tuff with an added base alakazam/chansey/pokecenter archtype. Im telling you this kid was S-M-A-R-T! Anyways Onto the battle. I started with a crappy hand which usually happens, but it never effects me since I got cleffa to help.  My starting active pokemon was cleffa and I had onix on the bench. He started with jiggly and he went first. Ok listen to this, first turn he oaks/comp-searches/item finders and plays down 5 pokemon on his bench...just wait till his turn #2. He ends his turn with luliby, it didnt effect cleffa..hehehe. I had a crap hand so I drew, played an electric on cleffa and eeeeeeked. Ok now his turn. He uses 2 breeders and slams down TWO base alakazams and a wiggly as his active along with 2 chanseys on his bench..I swallowed my tongue..I mean I was so nervous that I was gonna be beaten by a 9 year old! He plays another energy on wiggly and luliby, it worked but cleffa woke up. OK now I got a good hand. I slapped down electabuzz, 2 sneasel, and another cleffa, AND I evolved onix into steelix and placed a steel energy on him and eeeeeeked. His turn. He now had a fully powered wiggly with a full bench. He did "do the wave" but missed cleffa LOL. My hand had gotten increasingly better. I had another steel energy in my hand along with some trainers and a dark energy. I placed a gold berry on steelix and put eco gym out. I placed the steel on steelix and passed. He did the wave and hit...darn..HERE COMES STEELIX BABY!! I placed the dark energy on steelix and smacked his wiggly for 60. This went on continuously as I hit him and he moved damage with alakazam's pokemon power. Close to the end of the game he could only do 20 to me with a full do the wave ROFL. I used all 4 gold berries throughout the game on steelix and gusted for his alakazams but he kept breedering more. The time ended and I had 2 less prizes than him. This was an intense game and I gave props to the kid and told him he was an awsome player. Oh and btw sneasel even came in a bit but wiggly waved him and he died =( oh well.
*score* 1-0
Match 2 vs. ???
Ok this kid sucked really bad, even with the worst hand I ever got along with about half the rest of my deck I still beat him easy. Ok get this, he was using a raindance deck without Blastoise LMAO. He made a lot of big mistakes and once steelix got out it was OVER.
*score* 2-0
Match 3 vs Joshua
Man this was another REALLY good young kid. I was thinking to myself by this time "WHERE THE HECK ARE ALL THESE KIDS GETTING THEIR DECKS FROM!!!" Josh had an all cololess deck that was superfast with clefable and the dratini family with evolutionary light and summon minions. This one looked VERY bad for me. Even with a pretty good hand and an eco gym he was killing me...well that is...for about the first 3/4 of the game. I had to stall while his wiggly tuffs and dragonites KICKED my bootay. I finally managed to get a steelix going but he super energy removaled ALL my Metal energy and then KILLED my steelix with do the wave. After a bit more stalling, he only had 2 prizes left when I computer seached for another steelix and started the slow process of building him up. After my cleffas stalled a bit steelix had 3 metal energy on him. and started attacking. In a few more turns m steelix was PUMPED UP. He had 4 steel energy and 22 dark energy, and with some lucky flips and a few gusts of wind I managed to get 6 prizes in 6 turns and steal the win!
*score* 3-0
After this win I was the Only undefeated person in the tourney. The judge decided to ramdomize who I fought next. And guess what...ANOTHER LITTLE KID!!
Final Match vs Ted
This kid was cool. His deck was pretty good considering he had no outside help. I'd say he was about 9 or 10 years old. I started off REALLY and I mean REALLY bad with only cleffa. In a few turns I managed to get out a sneasel but he had already killed 2 cleffas and an electabuzz. After sneasel killed a few guys, I had my big boy steelix out. Once sneasel died I brought out steelix with 3 metal energy on him. After whiping out 2 of his pokemon, My steelix was totally I-N-S-A-I-N-E. I dont know HOW it happened but my steelix just seemed to get the right cards at the right time and had 4 metal AND 4 dark energy on him!! I killed another once of his pokemon when he brought out Lt. Searges Electabuzz with a whopping 6 energies on him!! he did discharge and got 4 heads, if he only got 1 more he would haver killed my steelix in 1 turn!! Too bad he didnt..heheh..I used 2 gold berries and was full of life again. I killed his electabuzz for the win of the tourney!!
*score* 4-0
I was a little dissapointed I didnt get to fight this guy named Jason. He is a card FREAK. I dont know where he gets his money from but if you add it all up he must have bought 50 BOXES worth the pokemon cards and 30 BOXES worth the dbz cards. His final score was 3-1 I think. As my win I got a WOPPING 2 PACKS OF FIRST EDITION NEO!(sarcastic). But the good thing was I got a holo-first edition-feraligator (the 1 with chomp) and a holo-first edition- herracross. When I was leaving I saw that they were selling first edition neo packs for the same price as non-first edition lol. I bought 4 packs and got ANOTHER feraligator with comp and an energy charge, an eco gym, and a donfan( MY GOD I MUST HAVE 100 OF THESE THINGS). And Now time for props and Slops.
Props to Scott for his awsome deck and playing it so well since he was only about 9 years old
Props to Joshua for his awsome deck and the great match we played
Props to my friend Mike for coming in second place
Props to the holos I got
Slops to only getting 2 pakcs for winning
Slops for getting another donfan
Slops for only having 13 people there
Well Over-all this is the best deck Ive ever made. It totally beats on my haymakers, and for some reason ALWAYS and I mean 100% of the time comes back in the middle of the game for the win. I strongly erge you to make this deck because it is so powerful. Oh and btw if your thinking right now "how could he put dark energies on steelix and not get hurt from it" well, you have to remember that metal energy says "damage done to the pokemon metal energy is attached to is reduced by 10" and even that applies to dark energy damage. If you dont believe me then email pojo or WOtC. Thank you so much for reading my report and PLEASE give me feedback on how you think it is. My email is mwakid@erols.com. Have a nice day :)