Deck Name: Invisible Army
                                       By: Xx*Exit*xX
                                      August 27th, 2000
                                       Bcs Books Store
                                            Bryan, Tx
                                         About 15 people

Finally the Gym Heros Cards have come out. ^_^ My favorite cards are
Lt. Surge's Raichu and Lt. Surge's Electabuzz. I didnt stay long today
i just had to win two matches to get my Cascade Badge. I bought me a Gym
Heros booster pack after i got my Cascade Badge. Well here is my deck.

2  Mr. Mime
1  Mewtwo
1  Promo Movie Mewtwo
1  Lickitung
1  Brock's Lickitung
1  Tauros
2  Kangaskhan
1  Snorlax
2  Pinsir
1  Scyther

12  Grass Energy
12  Psychic Energy
4   Double Colorless Energy
1   Full Heal Energy

2  PlusPower
4  Potion
1  Super Potion
3  Bill
2  Energy Removal
1  Super Energy Removal
1  Item Finder
1  Nightly Garbage Run
1  Switch
1  Energy Retrieval
1  Gust of Wind

1st Match  Invisible Army vs  Grass/Poison deck
My hand was ok. I put Promo Mewtwo active and had a Pinsir on the bench. He
had a Weedle up. I  went first and attached a Psychic Energy
He put Grass Energy on Weedle and did Poison Sting and Poisoned
Mewtwo. I used Potion and put anothe Psychic Energy on Mewtwo.
He used Poison Sting again. I put a Full Heal Energy on Mewtwo and used
Psyburn and knocked out Weedle. I win because he had no bench.
1- 0

2nd Match  Invisible Army  vs  Psychic/ Fire deck
I dont remember much about this match. It was going slow for a while.
Then I got in Kangaskhan After Super Energy Removing his benched
Moltres. I had both Kangaskhans all powered up. He Oaked about two
times to search for energy, but no luck. He gusted out my Kangaskhan
and put in Tauros, i said i was going to use Stomp and i put down a
PlusPower, i was about to flip the coin and it was heads, he stoped me and
said i couldnt put down a PlusPower after i already said my attack.
Does it matter.At least i didnt attack and do the damage and then put down a
PlusPower.I think because it was going to knock out his Fossil Magmar. So i
let it go, any way. He knocked out Tauros. So i Put in
Kangaskhan. I knocked out the Fossil Magmar. He put in Snorlax.
I was hurting his Snorlax, then he tried to retreat, But I told him Snorlax
needs four energys to retreat, and he only had three. [-_^] So i knocked out
his Snorlax. Then Kangaskhan wrecked all his other pokemon.
He started running low on energy, he stalled with Moltres, but no luck.
I won.
2- 0

I have been playing this deck for about four weeks and i know how to work
with it.

to me not losing
to that booster for having a holo Erika's Dragonair
to everyone that has beaten me
to my aunt for taking me to the league
to PoJo for the coolest site ever

to my Meoth coin, it should get heads more often, the reason for my second
match being so long, Kangaskhan involves alot of coin flipping.

If anyone needs help on building a deck, or has any questions.
E-mail me at Skywolf