Color- Grass/Fighting
Type- Wavemaker

Toys "R" Us
Pokemon League
Elyria, Ohio

Name- Hanni
Nickname- Kazer

Rocket Trapper Leader Kazer: *Sneaks into Legaue and
engages in many battles, a great victory for one of
the most notorious members...*

Their were a decent amount of people, maybe 20 or so.
I used my favorite type of deck, my wavemaker. I also
play Raindance, and I usually don't play archtypes
when I play casually, but winning and points matter at
the league. Wavemaker is, IMO, the best type of deck
out their. It has to much speed and power and
disruptiveness to take on anything. I like evolutions
mixed with strong basics, I dislike Haymakers but
don't hate them, but Wigglytuff Rules. I actually
started putting him in most of my decks, because he
was colorless, way before I ever found he was a
popular deck card.

Hanni's Ultima Wavemaker

3 Hitmonchan
3 Scyther
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
2 Erika's Dratini

3 Bill
3 Oak
3 Comp. Search
3 Item Finder
4 Plus Power
4 Super Energy Removal
3 Lass
3 Gust of Wind
2 Nightly Garbage Run

7 Fighting
6 Grass
4 Double Colorless

No explanation I hope, I'll just give the lowdown of
the deck for those who do not know. It uses strong
Basic Pokemon early game while you get a bench full
and a Wiggly, then pound away. Use the Dratini for
other basics, or destroy a haymaker, and the trainers
are for speed and disruptiveness. The Plus Power is a
great card, helping excel of other wiggly decks, and
helps KO pokemon in one turn, saving you from having
to waste more time and to reduce teh amount of threats
and possible damage dealt.

I played and got 1000+ points, earning 2 badges in one
night. I played way too many games, so I will just
explain the different decks and, oh yeah, my record
was liike 40+ - 1, losing one game by having 3
mulligan's and a very bad hand draw, I didn't shuffle
well I guess, but the thing was the game was so close,
and I made a simple mistake earlier on... Forgetting
to play 1 more basic allong with my 1 PLus Powered
Wiggly, doing 60 instead of 70 to KO a Lt. Raichu 1
hit... Oh well, overconfidence will do that to you.

OK, I faced a Psy *Burn (*little Magic term their,
hehe) which was a fire psy deck. I won in a matter of
turns, SER and Scyther just tore him up. He did a
total of 40 Damage I belive.

I also faced another person with a deck of the same
type. He dealt 80 damage that game, before I won.

I faced Water, I faced many other decks as well, but
no deck was an archtype. The one kid I played though
had some semi-haymakers, using 2 evo's in one, and 2
in another, with mostly strong basics (Scyther and
Electabuzz for what I can remember).

I just wanted to post my deck, It is great, many
people hate and many people like Wavemkaer decks, but
they have such great accuracy and strength, and speed,
and everything else it isn't even funny. Pokemon is a
very easy game, especially compared to Magic, and I am
like an expert when it comes to Pokemon, startegy only
goes so far in this game. This is Kazer, signing out.

*Editors Note: I beat the kid who beat me, we played 2
games, I won the first.*

Rocket Trapper Kazer: *Destroys countless Trainers,
and steals a pokemon, Eevee (Promo), and walks away,
two badges in one night, ~won't the Boss be proud~.*

Props to my great deck and my great strategy
Props to Calvin
Props to Kid X
Props to Scott Parkin
Props to Shaggy
Props to Team Rocket, especially teh Trapper Unit


Thanks for reading, email me with any decks you might
need fixed, any advice, or anything at all. I am an
Ametuer deck mech who is great at it, I have fixed 60+
decks. Just send me a strategy, metagame, casual or
tourney deck fix, and anything else you think
important. I have fixed every deck sent, and with no
complaint's. This is Kazer, signing out.

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