Smackdown Hotel v6
by Michael Pasaoa
D and R
Union City, Claifornia
Sunday, September 10th, 2000
5 participants
not dci santioned
1 dollar entrance fee

The tourney used to be an all level tounrye.  Then they had beginner and
advanced, then recently the super advanced tourney was made.  There were
only five of us that were "allowed"in the tourney.  All the rest went into
the beginner and advanced.

Smackdown Hotel v6

2xRocket's Scyther

6xGrass Energy
4xDouble Colorless Energy
2xFull Heal Energy

2xSecret Mission
4xProfessor Oak
4xPlus Power
4xRocket's Sneak Attack
4xThe Rocket's Trap
3xImposter Oak's Revenge
3xComputer Search
2xNo Removal Gym
2xNightly Garbage Run
2xGust Of Wind

This deck wasnt working today.  I decided to go with rockets Scyther today
because he looks cool.  I should have stuck with Fossil Magmar.  I just
realized my pokemon need 3 energy to attack.  I need quicker attackers.  My
bad.  I almost decked every game.

round 1 vs. no one
I got a buy so I bought some Magic cards.  They were blue coutnerspells if u
wanted to know.
record 0-0 and one bye

round 2 vs. Beau w/ Raindance
He had a lapras and a squritle.  I Snuck attacked him and took out
itemfinder.  He had nighlty run and plus power in his hand.  I got wiggly
out turn two and gusted for squirtle.  I only had two bench though.  He
retreated squirt and gunned with lapras.  I got oak and killed the lapras
then the squirt.  He was sad.
record 1-0 and one bye

round 3 vs Chris w/ Mutant Hay Stall
He had alakazam and scyther and chansey and mime and mewtwo.  He said it was
a hay but I told him the reason the deck wouldnt work was because he was
bent on attacking.  I told him to just stall with it and he listened........
I got a Wiggly out on turn two but He had a scyther and three abra on the
bench.  I burned through most of my deck to fill my bench.  I gusted for
kadabra and killed it.  He had another one and I killed that.  I killed scyt
her with a plus power and killed a chansey.  I killed a mr. mime.  I had
like 13 cards left in my deck. I put him asleep and stayed asleep.  After
his turn he woke up, thus I couldnt hit him because of that invisible wall.
That process happened like 6 straight turns after ward.  Finally he didnt
wake up and I killed it.  He was sad.
record 2-0 and a bye

round 4 vs.  Kevin w/ Flamin Wiggly
His deck is similar to my Smackdown Hotel v 3 deck.  He got lots of stuff
and snuck me twice takin my itemfinder and plus power.   He then oaked and
erikaed.  I got a bill and oak.  He snuck attcked the oak.  He then lassed
his oak and my bill.  He had full bench and wiggly in his hand when he
lassed.  A jiggly with a fire on it was on the bench.  He lassed and I
laughed.  He said he didnt care.  I got oak and got two wigglys powered.
Its true.  I gusted for Wiggly and waved it.  He waved me.  I waved it.  He
sent a wiggly and waved me.  I sent my wiggly and waved it.  This happened
for a long time but for some reason he kept getting another wiggly loaded.
I needed one prize and he had wiggly out and one fire on it.  I blinding
scythed it.  He then got a dc and a plus power and killed me scyther.  He
made me sad.  I was gonna lose so I just oaked and decked.
record 2-1 and a bye

round 5 vs. a wildfire
He got a mime.  I pounded it and he then got another mime and scooped it up.
I pounded the mime.  He passed.  I pounded it and he sent the other out.
Pound twice he died.  Me happy, he sad.
record 3-1 and a bye

Im goin to the finals
round 5 vs Chris w/Stall
This game was long.  I had one prize to go and like 5 cards in my deck.  I
asked if he wanted to split and he said yes.  I dont know if that is legal
but it happened.  He would have won but oh well.  Me happy.  He happy.  No
one be sad.
record 3-1 and a bye and a draw but it would have been another loss

I shared first place with Chris

Since there were only 5 people the prize was 4 dollars for each of us.  He
bought a pack and gave me the 50 cents left extra.  I got Memory Jar(magic),
7islands, 1 power sink, and 2flame shot.
I trade my Poliwrath for a Urzas Saga pack.  I traded my Pidgeotto for three
counterspell things.  I traded my Holo dark Persian for a Prophecy booster.

Magic, because it has so many cards and it is fun to play
Razor Scooters, mine is fast
WWF, i think the main event at Unforgiven is gonna be Triple H vs Kurt Angle
w/Stone Cold as referee
more props to WWF i think its gonna be Kane vs Undertaker vs benoit vs Rock
for the wwf title
props to the DCI ranking system
Britney Spears, did u see what she had on at the MTV music awards, what an
outift! =)

DCI for tellin the store owner that there is no ranking system, if this
store was dci sanctioned I would be top 100
my spanish teacher keeps talkin in spanish when she just could say it in

I might change the title of this deck to  "Drama for yo Mama"
Email me if I should.

My name is Michael and my email address is I will keep makin
Smackdown Hotel until it reaches version99.  I will respond to every e mail.
My Instant Message password is tuffbomb.  Use this to send a deck to me.
Dont im me if u just wanna talk.  Dont put me on your buddy list and IM me
right when I get on and dont im me every day unless i say otherwise.  Dont
get mad if i dont wanna talk to u.  First come first serve.  I will fix all
decks sent to me UNLESS u give me an attitude or cuss at me.  Hope u
enjoyed. Bye=)