ViLePLuMe'S DaRk BaNiShiNg (Mono-Grass)
Submitted by Lionel Trias
Toys R Us
Cerritos, California

    Hello Pojo, Scott, and fellow readers. You might of known me from my last
deck report "GaNg BaNg 2000." I'll try to watch what I say this time for
Scott's sake. I was inspired to make this deck because so many people had too
many trainers in there deck. Since the new "Trap" deck was introduce, this
deck makes it harder for other decks that depend on trainer.I like this deck
because it BANISHES trainer cards from being played Now, here is the deck
that I call "ViLePLuMe'S DaRk BaNisHing"...

Pokemon: (19)

3 Team Rocket oddish
3 Dk Gloom
2 Dk Vileplume
3 Fossil Grimer
2 Dk Muk
2 Snorlax
2 Ditto
2 Jungle Scyther

Trainers: (22)

3 Professor Oak
3 Computer Search
3 The Boss's Way
3 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Rocket's Training Gym
2 Pokemon Trader
2 Super Energy Removal
2 Item Finder
2 Pokemon Breeder

Energy: (18)
10 Grass
4 Potion Energy
4 Double Colorless

    Okay, the whole point to this deck is to keep your opponents active
confuse and increase their retreat cost. Dk Gloom is out to confuse your
opponent's pokemon. Since Snorlax can't be confuse, you use Dk Gloom's
pokemon power "Pollen Stench" when you Snorlax is your active.  If Snorlax is
knocked out or is not in play, Dk Muk backs up Snorlax. Combine with Rocket's
Training Gym, your oppponents active has an extra 3 to retreat.
Scyther is usually you starter in the beginning of the game. Ditto is your
last resort when everything fails. I use Boss's Way, Trader, and Comp. Search
to increase the speed of the deck. That's the basic idea of my deck. Now, on
to the report...

Round 1 vs Isaac's Raindance. Currently has 7 badges.
    He had Lapras as his active and Grimer as mine. He got Blastoise 4th turn
while I had Snorlax, and Ditto on my bench. He killed my Grimer w/ Lapras and
then I sent Snorlax to finish him off. I killed his Blastoise with my Snorlax
paralyzing him 3 times in a row. Wow lucky me huh?

Record 1-0

Round 2 vs Sam and his Wiggly Deck. No badges because he just plays.

    I lost this round because of lack of energy. He straight out for my
oddishs and glooms. I kept in Snorlax for a while to stall his Mewtwo. Then
he got out Wiggly and killed 6 of my pokemon. I only killed one of his
Mewtwos by confusing it and damaging itself. I still think he suck because my
Turbo Raindance womped on his deck.

Record 1-1

Round 3 vs Rocha and his "Insanity" Fighting Deck. Currently has 7 badges.

    Rocha had the advange really early in the game. I went first and had a
Snorlax, Oddish, and Ditto. He had a Hitmochan and a Mysterious Fossil and
Jab my Snorlax. I got out Gloom and did "Pollen stench", confused his
Hitmochan and Body Slam without being paralyzed. I killed it on my next turn.
Then, he sent out aerodactyl. I confused it and got out Vileplume. I killed
it and sent out Hitmochan. I hit it for 30 and he killed my Snorlax. I
brought in Ditto and finished the game with him.

Record 2-1

Round 4 vs Alex and his weird Fighting/ Grass Deck holding 1 badge.

    I don't have much to say about this round because I killed all of his
pokemon with Muk. He didn't take any prizes but was too confident in the
beginning that we was gonna win. After the match, he said he had a lot more
and better cards then I do and the guy had a common/ uncommon deck. He
claimed that was his best deck because he won 5 in a row. I showed him my
rares and my promo cards. After he saw them, he shut up.

Record 3-1

Round 5 vs Chris and his weird Water/Psychic/Fighting Deck with 3 badges.

    Like the other match, I don't have much to say because I took out all of
his pokemon with my Ditto. He was another overconfident kid who got moded at
the end.

Record 4-1

    The only deck that can ruin your Strategy is a very hard hitting deck
(For example: Wiggly and Raindance). You can work around them if you change
your strategy each time you play those decks. You might want to get out
everything before you get out Vileplume. Just confuse your opponent's active
and have Rocket Training gym in play while Vileplume is in play.

    Well, that's my report. I hope you enjoyed reading this and that you
would give my deck a chance. I'll be writing a new deck report within the
next 2-3 week from now so stay turn and hope to see any of you at the
Cerritos Toys R Us Leagues.

    If you have any comments, feel free to email me and let me you know what
you think about this deck.

PeAcE, LoVe, and SOUL!

Lionel Trias