Raichu's Battle Cry
By Bill Dagenhoofer
7 Towers
Sept. 9
about 28 people

Hello pojopeople! This is my first deck report on Pojo. The deck I used was
a Wiggly Variant that did pretty good. Anyway, Heres the deck
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
4 Pikachu (1 promo, only promo)
3 Raichu (B)
4 Hitmonchan (B)

4 bill
4 pp
4 er
4 gow
3 oak
1 comp search (ISSUES)

10 electric
8 fighting
4 dce

THE BATTLES (everybody played 4)

Battle 1 Me v.s. psyfire stall
I was scared because this was my first tourney(it was DCI)and I was playing
someone with 7 badges. I drew ok hand with hitmonchan and energy's. he start
out with rocket charmander. I went first and drew a jigglypuff and i jabbed
stupid charmander. He used fire tail. I drew Wigglytuff and put energy under
jiggster and jabbed for prize. I then went on to draw energys and basics to
dominate chanseys, charmanders, dratinis with two different wigglytuffs.
Thank goodness he never put out his mime he had the whole game since turn
two because hitmonchan was dead.

Record 1-0-0

Round 2 Me v.s good grass deck(she have 8 badges)
This time around I was more loose. I dominated a pinsir w/hitmonchan because
she was beefing a bulbasaur on her bench. After pinsir died i was working on
beefing up a Wigglytuff. She brought out a Ivysuar and poisonpowdered my
hitmonchan. I came up with two pp to kill Ivysaur.

Record 2-0-0

Round 3 Me v.s. good haymaker
I was REALLY HAPPY that my deck was 2-0 in the tourney and I was positive I
was going to win. I drew hitmonchan, energys and 2 gow. He had Scyther(crap)
and Electabuzz(yes). I went second and gusted out electabuzz and jabbed for
40. he scoop up electabuzz and sit him down on bench. I gust it again and he
scoop up again because of Comp search. I had drawn a pika and a Jigglypuff.
He did not lay electabuzz back sdown but did start beefing up Rocket
Hitmonchan. I continually after that drew crap, crap and some crap. In the
end after beating me like 5-0. I summed it up like this: No wigglytuff, No
oak and no energys.

Record 2-1-0

Round 4 Me v.s. a semi-haymaker.
I call it a semi-haymaker because it has some of the trainers and a few
hitmonchan and Machop. I feeling stupid and was getting Chostriphobia (too
many people in a room). I got no wigglytuff whole game, and I started out
with a Hitmonchan, him a hitmonchan(i think). I was beaitng down on his
himonchan then he killed my hitmonchan and started ramming through my pikas
and jigglypuffs. The prize count was 5-2 his lead. My only hope was Raichu.
I brought out raichu against his hitmonchan. I forget I have pp and Agility
him. My friend (who isn't allowed to talk) is going oput of his mind. I come
back killing hitmonchans and machops and doduo's. i win with him having two
prizes left. He is stunned that aginst weakness my raichu still won.

I came in a 4 way tie for fifth going 3-1

Props and slops
props to 7 towers for deciding to bring pokemon leauge in a month.
props to Raichu
props to pokepath for his report

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