By Shad
Toys R Us Pokemn Trading Card Game League
Somewhere about 20 people

4 Gastly
4 Haunter
4 Drowzee
3 Hypno
1 Mr.Mime
1 Kangaskhan
2 Ditto

16 Psychic
2 Double Colorless
1 Potion Energy

4 Bill
4 Gust of Wind
4 Potion
2 Energy Removal
2 Pluspower
1 Challenge!
1 Pokemon Breeder
1 Nightly Garbage Run
1 Pokemon Trader
2 Computer Search

Match 1---Stupifier vs. A Kid with some water Deck

We both drew our cards and i got a challenge,3 psychic energy,Ditto,Drowzee
and a Haunter.

He brought out a Magikarp and a Poliwag and sent out Drowzee.I attached an
energy and i pounded him for 10.Then he passed and i drew a Gengar,attached
an energy and did 10 and confused him.He drew a card and atached an energy
and did 10 damage.I drew a Hypno(fossil) and attached an energy and killed
the magikarp.About the same thing happened throughout the match and i won.

Match 2: Stupifier vs. a deck called Photosynthesis

ok...i drew a Gastly,2 Psychic energy,an Energy Removal and 2 Drowzee. i sent
out gastly and he used grimer. i attached an energy and did lick for 20 and
paralyzed him.he attached a grass energy and passed.i licked him again and
paralyzed again.then he passed and i licked him for the win.

Match 3:Stupifier vs. some girl that bought an "Overgrowth" deck put a very short match short....she sent out bulbasaur and i sent
out Gastly. I attached an energy and licked her for 10 and paralyzed.then she
passed and i evolved gastly to haunter(fossil) and kept nightmaring her until
bulbasaur died.

Final Match(a lot of kids kept leaving so the match numbers got really
short)Stupifier vs. a Haymaker Deck

i didnt get a very good hand...a mr.mime,psychic energy ,potion energy and 2
potions and 2 gust of winds.
i attached an energy to mr.mime and i passed. he sent out a hitmonchan and
Jabbed me for 10. i attached a potion energy and removed the damage and used
medidate doing 10. then he added another energy and didnt do any
damage(invisble wall)  . then i drew a pluspowr and attched it and used
meditate(40 for weakness and pluspower and 20 for damage there) and i won
fairly easily.

I won 5 Team Rocket 1st Edition packs...i got a holo Dark Vilplume...a
nonholo hypno..a holo sneak attack...a holo alakazam and a non holo Dugtrio.

MY mom for actually taking me to something with the word "pokemon" in it

the not sore losers

my friend for not swearing when he got 5th
all the water pokemon that truly suck
the guy heading the tournie thinking i cheated somehow

Shad V. Email at