Re-Wind! (Psychic, Fighting)
by Daniel 'Drayner' Rayner
Pokemon Trading Card Game Summer Tour
Paignton, England
Thursday, 17th August
Approx. 200 People (if not, more!)

Hey Pojo-Holics!
It's me, Drayner and this is my second deck report!
You may have read my original deck report, Primitive
Dream.  I hope you enjoyed it!  This one is not much
different, here goes!

2 Mew (To De-evolve any Big, Bad Evolved Pokemon, e.g.
Charizard, Blastoise...)
3 Aerodactyl (To stop any evoving from taking place.
Stalls, Wigglys, Raindances and many others come
screeching to a halt.)
2 MP Mewtwo (Very powerful, able to be charged up on
first turn with Comp. Search)
2 Mr. Mime (Very useful if you encounter a hard
hitting basic, e.g. Legendary Bird...)
3 Hitmonchan (In my opinion, the fastest pokemon in
the biz, able to have done 80 damage by turn three)
2 Scyther (Extremly versitile, should go in all decks)
2 Kangaskhan (Resistance to Psychic comes in very
useful in this deck)

4 Mysterious Fossils (Needed to evolve into
2 Bill (Repeat after me, C-a-r-d A-d-v-a-n-t-a-g-e)
2 Professor Oak (See above)
3 Gust of Wind (Very annoying for a deck with weak
2 Pokemon Flute (Laugh all you want, Pokemon Flute is
a very powerful card especially in conjuntion with
Gust of Wind.  Try them in your deck and see how good
they are!)
3 Super Energy Removal (Very annoying!)
3 Scoop Up (Something has to get rid off the damage
accumulating on your Pokemon)
2 Switch (Active being beaten up? Got no NRGs to
retreat him with? This is the card for you!)
2 Itemfinder (Retreving trainers from the discard is
2 Pluspower (Quicker KO's)
2 Computer Search (Extremly useful)
1 Challenge! (Useful in a deck full of basics like
this one!)

6 Psychic Energy (Slash, KO, Ha ha ha!  You have no
energy! D'oh!)
6 Fighting Energy (See Above)
2 Double Colourless Energy (See Above)
2 Rainbow Energy (See Above)

And there you have my deck!  I took it to a Roadshow
in Painton, Devon where they where playing Matches!

Match One: Me with Re-Wind! (Mew, Aerodactyl) vs Ollie
with Raindance (Blastoise, Articuno)
I went with Ollie and Jonners (who I mentioned in my
last report), but Ollie didn't have a deck, so I lent
him my spare Raindance.  This match was a very unusual
occurrence.  A Raindance beat me.  I knew I shouldn't
have put Gust of Winds in my Raindance.  Well what
happened was that everything was going to plan when he
suddenly gusted out my Aero and Water Gunned it twice
in a row with a Lapras to kill it!  I had my Revenge
on the Lapras but by then he had a fully charged up
Dark Blastoise which was killing anything I could
throw at him!  My first match and my first loss!

Record: 0-1

Match Two: Me with Re-Wind! (Mew, Aerodactyl) vs Gym
Leader with Fighting/Grass Deck (Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan
[I don't know what grass pokemon were in there because
I only saw a Bubasuar!] )
This was a pretty easy match.  I dominated everything
with Mewtwo!  There's not much else to write about
this match!

Record: 1-1

Match Three: Me with Re-Wind! (Mew, Aerodactyl) vs 7
year old with Grass/Water deck (Nidoran Male, Magikarp
[ I think he probaly had the evolved ones of these but
I never saw them!] )
This kid was actually quite a little toughie!  I got
my Aerodactyl out 2nd turn and killed all the
Nidoran's, Magikarps, Poliwags and Bulbasaurs he threw
at me.  He did manage to pick up one prize though with
his Shellder!   He confused my 'Chan and I took myself
out!  I managed to kill the All-Powerful Shellder and
scored a win!

Record: 2-1

At this point we went and did some League Activitys
and I got enough points for my first promo!  We then
decided to leave and go swimming!  Stick around for
some Stratagy!

Re-Wind Tactics!

I:  Raindance
Get Aerodactyl out as soon as possible.  If they've
already evolved, de-evolve them and kill the weak
basics.  If you encounter a Lapras use anyone except
Mr.Mime.  If you encounter a Articuno use Mr.Mime.

II:  Haymaker
Don't bother with the Aero/Mew stratagy, just do as
well as you can with your strong basics.
Hitmoncan v Electabuzz
Mewtwo v Hitmonchan
Mr.Mime v Scyther

III:  Mono-Psychic
The deck is v.weak to psychic so if you feel like
stalling use Mr.Mime.  Double the damage and prevent
it.  Mewtwo can kill most things in one hit.

IV:  Mono-Electric
Easy! Hitmonchan can take most things out in one hit,
but beware of Zapdos and his resistance.  If he
appears send out Mr.Mime and kill him!

V:  Mono-Fire
Use Mr.Mime to stall against the big-boys (Charizard,
Arcanine, Ninetales...) and our own powerhouses to
beat their basics.

VI:  Mono-Grass
Not to hard.  Don't let them evolve and kill their
basics!  Remember some Grass (Poison) is weak to

VII:  Mono-Fighting
Easy!  Mewtwo all the way!

IX:  Colourless
Resistance to Psychic, weakness to fighting.  Keep
this in mind!

Thanks for Reading!  If you have any comments on the
deck, you want help with your deck or you want to
offer me some tips, e-mail me at: 
I will reply to everything  I get!
Once again, Thanks for reading and Good-Bye!

Props to:
You for reading !
Jonners' Mum for Taking us!
'RALCANT5' for telling me I forgot to write down the
Mysterious Fossils in my last Deck Report!   (other
people have told me as well, props to all of you
Roger for being cool!

Slops to:
Ollie for beating me with my Raindance!
The Gym Leaders for being lame!