Store Name:Toys R Us
Statagy: Step1. Stall with likitung.
Step2.Use Switch and poison with Arbok/Dark Arbok.
Step3.Use Dark Alakazam if they are psychic, use Teleport balst and send up
Likitung, if they are Colerless, use Mind shock.
Step4:If a pokemon is dying, use Step In and stall for a while.
Deck list:
9Psychic Energy
9Grass Energy
3Dark Kadabra
2Dark Alakazam
3Computer Search
3Rocket's Sneak Attack
2Energy Flow
2Pokemon Trader
1Item Finder(I wish I had more)
Round1:Arbok&AlakazamApocalypse Vs. Hay Fever
When I saw this guy battiling, I saw him use a Misty's Deck, but he used his
Scyther(I wish I had some of those)/Venomoth/Dark Vileplum Deck agianst me.
He started with Scyther(Active), Venonat, and oddish. I started with Likitung
and dratini. I won the flip. I used Tounge Wrap with no parlysis. He
reatreats it for Venonat. He uses Stun Spore I'm not parylized. I use Tounge
wrap no parylisis. He evolves oddish into Dark Gloom and uses Stench pollen
and confuses himself. He evolves it into Venomoth and it's Heads. He killed
my Likitung and dragoniar and wins.
0-1(not the best way to start)
Round2: Arbok&AlakazamApocalypse Vs. Nintales/Arbok/Jigglypuff Deck
Easy. He started with a lone Vulpix and I killed it with Arbok.
Round3: Arbok&AlakazamApocalypse vs. Stall
To make a long story short, he decked me becuase of his Tentocools.
Round 4:Arbok&AlakazamApocalypse vs. Haymaker
He started with an active Scyther & a Hitmonchan on the bench. My active was
Ekans and my bench was Abra and dratini. I won the flip. I used bite on his
Scyther. He reatreats it for Hitmonchan, Oaks, 2 'Buzzs on the bench, and
Jabs my Ekans. I draw a Likitung, play it on the bench, attach an enrgy to
ekans, and posoin sting, heads. he plys an energy on Hitmon chan and Jabs. I
evolve Ekans into Arbok, attach an energy, and knock him out with posoin
Fang. He brings up Electabuzz and Thunder Shocks, tails. I attach an energy
to Abra, evolve it into Dark Kadabra and use posoin Fang. For some reason, he
2-2(Making a comeback)
Round5: Arbok & Alakazam Apocalypse vs. Lugia deck
This was the longest match of the day. I start with a Likitung as my active
and an Abra on the bench He starts with a Ryhorn as his active, along with
another Ryhorn and Lugia on the bench. I win the flip. I use likitung to
stall while powering up Dark Alakazam and Arbok on the bench and he uses
Rhyhorn to stall(With leer) While powering up lugia. My Likitung kills of his
Ryhorn but he brings up lugia and destroys my Likitung. I send up Dark
Alakazam and Teleport Blast and switched it with Likitung. He destroys my
likitung. I send up Dark Alakazam and Kill it with Teleport Blast, switching
it with Arbok. He sends up a non Powered up Lugia and Passes. I use Posoin
Fang. He draws and attacks  with Elemental Blast(He got the energy he needed)
and draws a prize. I send up my Dark Alakazam and killed it. I then destroyed
his final Ryhorn with Arbok and won.
Round6: Arbok&AlakazamApocalypse vs. Raindance.
Ekans vs. Magikarp, need I say more?
I got a booster pack and it was Hitmonchan!
To POJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Scott
To Dark Alakazam
to my Hitmonchan I got
To my deck
To Arcytypse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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