Hey Pojo, I've perfected my Turbo Blastoise deck and tried it out at the
League at Toys "R" Us. I did very well and am planning to keep this deck the
way it is until better trainers come out.

Where: Merced, CA
When: 6:00 on Tuesday
Store: Toys "R" Us
People: about 25

Before I go on with the report here is my Turbo Blastoise deck......

4 squirtle (TR)
4 blastoise

4 breeder
4 bill
4 oak
4 comp search
4 itemfinder
2 goop gas attack
4 pluspower
2 IOR a.k.a (Imposter Oak's Revenge)

15 Water energy

The stradegy to this deck is well... obviously have blastoise out on turn 2
pumping like heck. That's why I have many of the basic Trainers for card
drawing. The goop gas attack is for killing mime's and other powers. And
since I play this deck so much I've noticed that It may take a few mulligans
to get a squirtle...that's why IOR is in their....to reduce their hand on
turn 1, and then strip their hand with RSA's. Pluspower's are in their to
obviously kill, wigglies, and buzzes and other 70 hp pokes. It also makes the
deck go faster. The NGR's are in their to get back blastoise's and energy.
and I have the DCE in their to attack with the Squirtle (TR) on turn 1, so I
can possibly oak and still do damage. Well....on  with the report.

Round 1-me vs. some jacob (Haymaker)

Me and Jacob are friends and he usually plays speed decks to try to counter
my Blastoise's. After a few mulligans I get a squirtle, I go first, then play
dce, IOR, then strip his hand with 2 RSA's taking away and oak and SER. and
shell attack his hitmochan. He goes and jabs me for 20. I go, oak evolve into
blastoise and pretty much pump his hitmochan to death.

Me 1-0

Round 2- Me vs. Lee (Rainflow deck)

This was a quick one, he opens up with misty's horsea and I strip his hand
with RSA's, play dce and oak, I play pluspwer and comp search for another
one. Killing his only Misty's Horsea for the win.

Me 2-0

Round 3-Me vs. Chou (Raindance)

He opened up with magikarp and I kill it with my squirtle by comp searching
for a pluspower.

Me 3-0

Round 4- Me vs. Daniel (Raindance)
He opened up with lapras and articuno on his bench, I of course open up with
(TR) squirtle, I shell attack him, He water guns me for 10, I evolve into
blastoise, play 2 Pluspowers then oak, killing his lapras. He brings up
Articuno and passes, I play Itemfinder for pluspower and kill his Articuno
for the win. He never got his Squirtle or Blastoise.

Me 4-0

Well....after I played I traded till' It was over, I was proud of how well my
deck performed.

Props and Slops

My deck for winning 4 in a row and is probably going to get more in the
For all of my opponents, (all worthy)
For Toys R Us, for holding free league.

No slops

If you want to email me my address is Rainmaster44@aol.com