Smackdown! hotel v 5
by Michael Pasaoa
D and R
Union City, California
Sunday, September 3rd, 2000
roughly 30 participants

     I thought Smackdown hotel v4 was my last report thanks to school, but I
guess it wasnt.  The tourney I went to was bad for me.  There used to be one
tourney, then a beginner and advanced tourney.  Now today they had a
beginner, advanced, and super advanced.  The was stupid.  The only people in
the super advanced tourney were Chris, Beau, and I.  The entrance fee was
one dollar and the winner got a 5 dollar shopping spree.  Big whoopdeedoo.
Oh well.

Smackdown! hotel v 5
2xErika's Dratini

7xfire energy
4xdc energy

4xprofessor oak
4xcomputer search
4xplus power
4xrocket sneak attack
3xrocket's trap
3ximposter oak's revenge
2xsecret mission
2xgust of wind
2xno remvoal gym
2xnightly garbage run

One of them plays me, then the winner plays the other one.

round 1 vs. Chris w/wildfire
He had 2moltres,chansey, and scyther.  He went first and billed and then
widlfired my dratini.  I then went and, trapped him, then snuck attacked
him.  I took out his two oak, ser, and scoop up.  I attached an energy to
Jiggly and passed.  He did nothing.  I oaked and evolved to wiggly with
three bench.  I attached three plus powers and killed moltres.  He sent out
chansey.  This story is long, but I just kept trapping him and waving him.
I had no removal gym out and prevented him from usin er and ser because I
never let him have more than three cards in his hand.  He kept top decking
itemfinder whcich didnt help him.  I won after 6 prizes.
record 1-0

round 2 vs Beau w/haymaker
He had rocket hitmonchan instead of electabuzz.  I sent scyther out vs his
hitmonchan.  I went first and reduced his hand to zero.  I then got wiggly
out against his pokemon and won.  I killed him really bad. =)
record 2-0

Ok thats it!  That was the tourney.  3 people, dude, what did u expect?
Reducing poeples hand down to zero is just pure evil.  Pure evil.  With my 5
dollars I got a first editon pack of gym, and got a holo Erikas Dragonair.
I dont need this seeing how erikas dratini is more versatile than his

trapper combo
i can keep writing my reports
cheeesy gordita crunch
aol instant messanger(my name is tuffbomb, give me an im!)
my blitz scooter, its 50 dollars less than the razor and it is the same!

my abra kadabra viagra deck, didnt get posted(maybe cuz i bashed the owner)

My name is Michael and my email address is Send me any
deck(one at a time) and I WILL fix it.  No bashing, just fixing.  I can fix
it for u live on aol instant messanger.  My id is tuffbomb.  If u have yahoo
instant messanger my id is mpasaoa.
aol id-tuff bomb
yahoo id-mpasaoa
email address
REMEMBER, I will fix YOUR deck.  Hope to see you all, see ya=)