'w00t w00t pull over'

Basic Idea - Scott Gerhardt

Modified by - vital

Location - Leesburg, FL

Date - Saturday, September 30, 2000

What - Pokemon League

How many people - 20-30

Decklist & Strategy

Pokemon (10)

2x - Hitmonchan: Great vs. Wiggly's and all-around hard hitting BBP.

2x - Electabuzz: One of the best basics in the game, really handy vs. Raindance players.

2x - MP Mewtwo L60: Situationally broken, vastly useful for SER and such.

3x - Scyther: A staple in MORE than most decks, free retreat and high hp, with a cheap, reliable attack make him great.

1x - Chansey: Great late game move vs. Wiggly, solid staller, and good against almost any other BBP.

Trainers (35)

4x Professor Oak - More than a staple, its necessary in every deck, IMO. Great card advantage makes great decks.

4x Computer Search - Gets any card you need, and quick. Great for getting out of a sticky situation :P

4x Plus Power - Speed kills. This trainer lays down the law, and wins quickly.

3x Bill - Draw 2 cards. Mmmkay :)

3x Lass - Probably my favorite trainer, mostly because I LOOOOVEEE trainer denial. Lass is killer (in the sack too).

3x Rocket's Sneak Attack - Not as good as Lass, but she looks hotter :\

3x Super Energy Removal - Mewtwo + This = Beatdown for turns to come

3x Energy Removal - Used in groups, it's cheap AND effective.

3x Scoop Up - Deny those prizes... w00t w00t :P

3x Item Finder - It's any trainer in your discard, which is where they should be if not in your hand, DOH :D

2x Gust of Win(d) - It's just that good. Thx for the new name, Mr. Scott Gerhardt SIr (rofl?) :\

Energy (15)

3x Fighting

3x Lightning

3x Rainbow

3x Double Colorless

3x Psychic

Deck Explanation

As many of you have read, my deck yousuckrandom.dec, was a very good deck. But in preparation for the STS Qualifiers in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, (side note: if you're going there, email me, I'd love to meet you there :P) and I felt that my deck needed more.... *BOOM*. Yeh, that sums it up very nicely. I spent a while searching through Killer Deck Reports, and then one stood out very nicely. STS Swingers, (made by Scott of course), looked like it had... *BOOM* I noticed that it was also sort of similiar to yousuckrandom.dec . So I decided to modify ysr.dec to something more along the lines of potpurri (sts swingers) to have a competitive edge against the competition, the main thing being the addition of electabuzz, and the loss of the energyflow, gambler combo. Also here, I would like to apologize to Kazer, who I was very rude to via email, and I just want to let him know his suggestions were very good, but I was in a very disgruntled mood those two days. Now on to the deck. It uses many different types in order to cover weaknesses and resistances, plus enought trainer denial to stop most decks in their tracks on the first turn.


Now on to the reprot :X (inside joke, don't ask)


First Game vs. Jake w/ InSaNiTy deck

8 basics? 12 energy? 40 trainers? InSaNe.

I drew a good hand, with Hitmonchan, Fighting Energy, Computer Search, Item Finder, Bill, Plus Power, and Scyther. I lay Scyther active, and Hitmonchan on the bench, he has an active MP Mewtwo. I go first, drawing Rocket's Sneak Attack. I RSA him, getting rid of his Oak, and seeing he has 1 energy, rest trainers in his hand... I Bill getting Super Energy removal and Item finder. I Item Finder RSA, getting rid of comp. search, and then Comp. Search for an Oak. I get Lass, and electabuzz with some energy, and no trainers >:\ I Lass him, depleting his hand severely. Retreated Scyther in favor of electabuzz, paralyzing his mewtwo. In short, he never recovered, and I thunderpunched him twice, for the win.


Second Game vs. Robby w/ Raindance


Electabuzz vs. Squirtle... I get Oak, Pluspower, Search, and lightning energy. He loses :\


Third Game vs. Glen w/ Sponge

Another Gerhardt fan :P

Mewtwo vs. Mewtwo. I went first, searching for an oak discard a rainbow and lightning energy, rsa his oak, get a psy, and absorb. He lays scyther, and does attaches psy to it. I get electabuzz. attach lightning, and psyburn ko, getting an oak. he bills getting nothing, dce, slash for 30. I psyburn for 40, attaching fightning energy to electabuzz. He draws oak, and attaches a plus power, slash ko. i send out electa, plus power, comp search oak, item finder oak, comp search plus power, oak, plus power. i win :P


Well then it was time to go. Darn. Oh well, another day, another massacre :P

Feel free to email me w/ suggestions, not bashes and other *@^& because I will *&#$^ing kill you (scott back me up on this bro :\ doll back me up if you're posting this? :\) to xvital@juno.com .

Also, don't email me challenging me, asking me to be your friend, bashing me, saying I suck, etc etc because i won't care and being friends takes time, its natural, etc etc. emailing threats etc will get you owned etc etc because that's just the type of person i am , mmmkay?

props to:



sc00t gerhardt :x

chris amaral :)

peter bayless

jason misium

the haunter x

team x in the 2k

^ sporting major ownage ^


h4x0rizes to:


your mom

all those who don't ph33r the b33r