Evolution Lock V1.1
By Steven Hew
@Toyzbar Atria
Selangor, Malaysia

 The Pokecraze has spread to Malaysia! We now have a lot of tournaments here!
I recently participated in tourney @ toyzbar one Saturday . There were about 15-20 participants in my age group.
Here is my deck:
Evolution Lock
2 Aerodactyl
3 Erika's Dratini
3 Electabuzz
2 Scyther
3 Ditto
13 Pokemon

3 Prof Oak
2 Sabrina's Gaze
2 Comp Search
2 Item Finder
2 Lass
2 Rocket's Sneak Attack
3 Gust of Win(d)
3 Mysterious Fossil
3 Pluspower
3 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Scoop Up
28 Trainers

11 Lightning
4 Full heal Energy
4 Double Colourless
19 Energy
My Strategy is to use Aerodactyl and prevent evolutions while hitting hard with BIG BASICS.I recently added Erika's Dratini 'cause his pokepower combos great with Aerodactyl's.This deck centers in disruption so I added RSA, Lass and Sabrina's Gaze.
I have enough card drawing already with Sabrina's Gaze so I did not use Bill.

Match 1 Evolock vs Potpouri(I forgot it's player's nameJsorry.)
Well,he had a hitmonchan and I had a scyther out. No bench for both of us. I went first and RSA his only trainer in his hand: Prof Oak. Attached an Energy and passed. He attached an energy to 'Chan and passed. I drew a DCE and attached it to Scyther and slashed for 30. He attached another energy and passed. Attached a pluspower and KO'd 'Chan
Record 1-0

Match 2 Evolock vs Buzzapdos(forgot player's name.againJ)
 A good opening hand with Ditto,1 DCE,CPU Search and a few energies. Another one on one. Ditto vs Zapdos(base)He attached an energy to Zapdos and passed. I attached  a DCE to Ditto and passed too. He attached another energy to Zapdos and passed again. CPU Searched for DCE and Thunderbolted his Zapdos for the win!
Record 2-0
Match 3 Evolock vs Haymaker(Daniel Ho)
Well,Daniel Ho is one of the best players here @ Toyzbar, and he shows it with his great deck. Turn 1 drew a Myst. Fossil, E.Dratini and DCE and  a few energies. He had 'Buzz out w/'chan on his bench.I had E.Dratini out w/ Myst. Fossil on my bench. I went first and Tail Striked w/ dratini for 30.He T.shocked me but not paralyzed Drew a RSA and away goes his Comp Search. Tail Striked again for 30(very lucky today).He T.shocked me again and got paralyzed. Drew an Oak and used it .Got full heal energy, scoop up, RSA and another oak w/ Ditto and 'Buzz & L.energy. Put 'buzz down w/energy & scooped dratini.T.shock him and he is KO'd .Got a item finder as my prize. Daniel used an oak and got a scyther and 'buzz .He attached an energy to scyther & passed. Drew an Aerodactyl and I evolved M.fossil. Attached another energy to 'buzz & T.punched his 'Chan & flipped heads. He scooped 'Chan & used Scyher. Gusted Aero out & slashed. He drew a prize. I oaked and got a scyther, 3pluspowers (I !
think I didn't shuffle my deck weRecord 3-0

Match 4 Evolock vs Wiggly(Vincent)
I can't remember muc 'bout this match 'cause I concentrated too hard so I didn't took notes. I remember that I had an Aero out on turn 2 and no wiggly .Then I basically slaughtered all his Pokemon .The most exciting part would be during the end of the game when he had a 'buzz out w/1 damage counter and I have only a scyther that is  fully pumped(I had no energies in my hand)and one prize with one card left in my deck.I thought I was going to lose but I drew a..LASS!I shuffled 3 trainers back to my deck and killed 'buzz w/ 2 Slashes.
Record 4-0
Well I got first and got a Team R, Base & Jungle pack each.

To my Dark Charizard I got in the pack
To Lass for saving me
To Erika's Dratini for helping me
To Stone Cold Steve Austin for his returnJ

To my Clefairy Doll I got in my base booster(no insult to Deck Mechanic ClefairyDoll)
To whoever that stole my deck while I was collecting my prize

If you have any comments about my deck email me at Dragonite_hew@yahoo.com


     The Dragonite

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