Laying The Smackdown V1.0
             (Lightning, Fighting, Psychic,)
                     By Vijay Kalam
                    401 Convienence
                    Toronto, Ontario
               Saturday September 23, 2000
                Roughly 10 Participants

Hey pokemon fans!! My name is Vijay Kalam and this is my first time posting
a killer deck report. I go to tournaments every Saturday at 401 Convienence.
The prize for first place is 3 or sometimes 4 boosters. Anyways, on to my
deck and the match results!

Laying The Smackdown V1.0

Pokemon 13:

2x Mr.Mime (just in case the opponent evolves too quickly)
3x Electabuzz (the best basic pokemon in the game)
4x Hitmonchan (AKA Special Lunch for Colourless Pokemon)
4x Mewtwo (promo#3) (Every Haymaker/Sponge should have it)

Energy 22:

3x Rainobow Energy (That's all I got
5x Lightning Energy
7x Fighting Energy
7x Psychic Energy

Trainers 25:

4x Professor Oak
4x Super Energy Removal
3x Computer Search
3x Item Finder
3x Scoop up
3x Plus Power
3x Gust of Wind
2x Nightly Garbage Run *Switched them in for NRG Retrieval

*** NOTE: I had NRG Retrieveal in my deck at this time.

Round 1 vs Bryan with a Dark Muk Deck
Bryan has a pretty cool original Dark Muk deck.  As the match began, I found
out that having too much trainers in your hand can be very bad... We started
and Bryan mulliganed 3 times. I got 6 cards. I had 2 CPU search, an Oak,
Electabuzz, mewtwo, item finder and energy. Bryan got to go first so he
played Erika. i didn't accept. Then he Rocket Sneaked Attacked me and
followed that up with a Lass! My hand was stripped. I couldn't mount a come
back from that defecit and Bryan eventually beat me by supering any pokemon
that had energy on it. I did manage though to get 5 prizes before I decked
Record: 0-1

Round 2 vs Andrew with a fighting and lightning deck
Well...this match was VERY quick. =) He had a lone machop against my
Hitmonchan. I had 2 CPU searches, an oak, and energy. I went first. I placed
and energy on Hitmonchan, CPU searched twice for 2 Plus Powers, then oaked.
I got another Plus power so I placed it down and I won first turn.
Record: 1-1

Round 3 vs Lauren with a lightning/psychic deck
Lauren also has a pretty cool original deck. I started with a electabuzz and
chan, pluspower, itemfinder, and energy. Lauren had an evee, with fossil
ghastly and pikachu on the bench. I went first, placed a rainbow energy on
hitmonchan and jabbed for 40. Then lauren placed an energy on pikachu and
passed. I then placed a fighting energy on hitmonchan and jabbed for the KO.
My prize was a Gust of Wind. Lauren then sent out ghastly, placed an energy
on pikachu, evolved to raichu and passed. I placed an energy on hitmonchan,
gusted out raichu, and special punched (special lunch in this case) raichu
for the KO. Lauren sent out ghastly again and licked Hitmonchan with no
paralisis. I retreated hitmonchan and played mewtwo, placed and energy, and
energy absorbed. Lauren licked mewtwo again with no paralisis so I item
findered for a plus power and KO'ed ghastly for the win.
Record: 2-1

Well I was tied for second with 3 other people and the top 4 move on but I
finished 5th because I was out by percentage points. Oh well.

Now it's time for Props and Slops!

- My deck for being outstanding
- 401 Convienence for having the tournament
- Bryan for having an original deck
- Pojo for having an outstanding site
- You for taking the time to read my report

- My ranking for being out by percentage points
- People that say Haymakers/Sponge decks suck (If u wanna win a tourney, you
are not gonna win with an original deck unless it is really good)
- To people that will send me hatemail

Thanks for reading!!!
Vijay Kalam

Any comments, questions, fan-mail, hatemail, or suggestions on how to
improve my deck? E-mail me at
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