The Battleground Brooklyn, New York, Quentin Road
                 9/17/00 15 Participants/ Swiss Format/ DCI Sanctioned

Hello once again. For those who know me, I'm the kid with the gold invitation
and booster box at the Long Island Super Trainer Qualifier. Everyone at that
qualifier knows that me, Sean McGowan, and Lt. Surge created the deck named
"Trapper".    I played at a place owned by Jim Hurley (13 DCI Ranked) who
introduced me to Jason Imperiale (14 ranked) and Glenn Katzen (#1as of 9/1).
Hes a real nice guy.
4-Item Finder
4-Gust of wind
4-Computer Search
3-Sneak Attack
1-Goop gas attack
1-No Removal Gym
7-Fire energy
Round 1- I played a yound kid named Keith. He was 1705 DCI ranked. We fliped
in his favor. He played Electabuzz. I played
Scyther out and Jigg on the bench. He thunder shocked with no paralyze. I
TopDecked Oak. I didn't need it since I had a computer search in my hand. I
put a fire energy on Jiggly and said turn over. He put a Eevee on the bench.
Another energy on Buzz and Punched with two pluspowers. He died. I played
Jiggly and put a DCE on Jigg and put magmar on the bench. I searched for a
Wiggly and played it. I oaked. I put a Magmar on the bench, A jigg, Scyther,
and Buzz. I trapped successfully. He had no hand and I had a pluspower. I
killed off Buzz with the Pluspower. I drew a gust of wind as a prize. He
played a dark Jolteon on the Eevee. He used that flash attack. I really
wasn't paying attention to him because that was game. I laughed histericly
that kid.

Round 2- I played Dennis. He played out Blaines Tauros.
I had Scyther. I went first. Good hand. I had Jiggly and Magmar on the bench.
Oak in hand. I put an electric energy on jigg and I said go. He cheated! He
drew two cards. Jim saw him and it counted as a match lose.

Round 3- Mike Gagliardi good player. I have pics of him from the quilifers.
I played out Jigglypuff and Scyther on the bench. He had Hitmonchan. Big
mistake for me. I went first. I put an energy on Jiggypuff and put
to sleep. Even though I could have retreated. He said go. I put down dce on
Jiggly and put Magmar on the bench. I searched for an Oak. I put down 3 more
Pokemon with pluspower and Wiggly out. Ouch!

Round 4- Mike Gagliardi again. Good player again. Same seen as last time
Hitmonchan vs. my Scyther with Jigg on the bench. Great hand!!! DCE, fire
energy, trap, Oak and Wigglytuff. I went first. I drew Buzz. I put fire on
Jiggly and said go. He put a fighting energy on Hitmonchan and said go. I
topdecked Scyther. I played DCE on Jigglypuff then made hime Wigglytuff,
TRAPPED and worked ( I love those rigged Chansey coins!) I retreated Scyther
and Wigg was out. Then I oaked. Put the Pokemon on the bench with pluspower.
That was game again. Jim said I was layin the smackdown! Cool!

Round 5- Robert Gagliardi Mike's brother-He is #19 in New York. He plays
Haymaker/ Hay fever. I got a shit hand. Jiggly out with energies and goop
gas. He went first and had Hitmonchan out and Oddish on the bench. I drew
Wigglytuff. I hoped I put him to sleep which I did. He breeded into Dark
Vileplume. I folded. I couldn't win.

Props to: Mike Gagliardi, Rob Gagliardi, Jason Imperiale, Glenn Katzen, Sean
McGowan, Steve Sperling, Dave Homan, Dave Koran, Jon Finkel, Jim Hurley and
Brian Almedia.

If you have questions then email me at LILPHIL212@AOL.COM
                                        Thanx- Phil Mondiello