Who: Sandman
What: Tournament
Where: East L.A. Mall Los Angeles, California
When: 9/26/00
Why: For an exclusive American promo set
How (many): 89 players

Wow was this a tourney or what? It was a 2-loss elimination tourney so a lot of games would be played.  This was for a promo set which included all the American promo cards including the Sabrinas abra and psyduck promos. I figured there would be a huge crowd considering the malls been promoting it with huge banners in every front door of the mall. There was a 2-dollar fee but hey I pay 1-dollar everyday weekend at the league and get nothing so might as well put in another to try and win something. Everyone talks about haymaker this and Wiggly that but I decided to use my "ME TOO" deck. Why the funny name? Because if you tell me what kind of deck you have Ill say me too. Youll see why.

4 ditto
4 clefairy
3 clefable
4 scyther

3 professor oak
4 bill
2 energy removal
2 Super energy removal
2 Cpu search
2 item finder
2 scoop up
3 Nightly Garbage run
3 Gust of wind
2 Switch

4 full heal energy
4 potion energy
4 dce energy
8 grass

My strategy is what ever their strategy is. If you use haymaker so do I. If you use wiggly so do I. This decks power relies on the opponent having strong pokemon with high energy cost like wiggly,  mewtwo and hitmonchan. With one energy Clefable can mimic that same attack for the price of one.

Round 1 vs Sponge deck
Ha!Ha! He got a mewtwo out and I had a clefairy out. He went first and cpu 2 energy away for an oak. Then absorbed it for a fully powered mewtwo. I went and attached an energy with a nice clefable in my hand. I put him to sleep. He didnt wake up and placed another mewtwo on the bench. I then evolved clefairy and proceeded to destroy his mewtwos for the easy win!
Win 1-0

Round 2 vs Another Sponge
This wasnt that easy. I took out his scythers early with metronome and then I took out his electabuzzes one by one. He then got out mewtwo and gusted my dittos. He took 3 of them out before I finally got the upper hand on him. Clefable your my hero.
Win 2-0

Round 3 vs Sponge again
Is it me or is mewtwo like the best card to use now a days. Oh well. I saw his mewtwo against my ditto. I went first and powered ditto up. He went and got nothing. So I psyburned for the win.
Win 3-0

Round 4 vs Raindance
Tricky match but I was able to use metronome and copy his Dark blastoise with my DCE for some big hits. He did manage to take out one of my clefables thanks to that darn mistys poliwag. Oh well I won none the less.
Win 4-0

By this time people were falling victims to the 2 loss rule. Lucky for me my team was still all intact with all 5 of them still undefeated.

Round 5 vs Wiggly
Finally I see wiggly. This guy got him out fast. He began by taking out my dittos and scythers out quick leaving me with only 2 pokes on my bench. I then brought up clefable and then NGR all my pokes back in my deck. I then oaked and got 2 more pokes. I continued to do the wave until another one of his wigglys took me out. Then again I brought up another clefable to continue the wave. Then I took the rest of his supporting cast out one by one. He had no chance seeing as he ran 35 trainers and only 12 energy. Bye bye wiggly..now whos doing the wave punk!!!
Win 5-0

Round 6 vs. Stall deck
Well one thing this deck didnt count on was "Mr. Mime"!!! Oh no I cant hurt this guy. So I continued to try and gust of wind his alakazams so he could not stall but it was inevitable. He decked me out.
Loss 5-1

Round 7 vs. Wiggly
I played one of my teammates. I wont put his name because he said I would make his reputation look bad. So Ill call him "M". Well he knew his deck would be ripped to shreds so he began with scyther and tried to stall. He never evolved his wigglys because he was afraid I would copy his attacks. Finally I took out his last jiggly for the win.
Win 6-1

Final 4 vs. Moltres deck
He had all moltres in this deck. His plan was to try and wildfire me, which is a good strategy considering I deck out a lot. At one point he had me with only a ditto out but I was able to dive bomb him a couple of times for the win.
Win 7-1

Final Round Fight!!!!
I took on a hitmonchan/wiggly deck. He did a good job of taking out my clefairys before they evolved. I managed to get scyther out and take out his chans but the wiggly would come in. This game went back and forth until he made a mistake. He item finder a Gust of wind and was going to use it to take out my clefairy for the win. but instead he used the rainbow energy on his wiggly to do the wave on my active clefable with no energy. I then evolved clefairy and brought him up considering my active clefable was in bad shape and had no energy on him. I then did the wave and thanks his 10 damage and 10 more because of the rainbow energy I waved him for the win.
winner 8-1

Yes I got all promos!!! again!!! Well I gave them to my little sister and she was happy for me. I must say thanks to him making a mistake I won. I dont know what his strategy was but I asked him about the mistake he said that he had forgotten he had the GOW in his hand. He was nervous I guess. The guy was literally sweating like a pig in an IHOP.

Props to ME TOO deck for being dominant and Original, for the mall for allowing so many players to play, to pojo players for doing well at STS east coast, and for the pojo staff for posting so many Killer Deck Reports weekly. (you guys work hard)

Slops to my new arch enemy mr. mime, for the guy I played last for being so nervous(remember its just a game), the tourney rules allowing anybody to challenge anybody which made the tourney very unorganized, and the mall gets major slops for having its bathrooms out of order.  
