Gym Challenge-Haystomper
David D.
Mechanicsburg, PA
1 Scoop Up
2 Computer Search
3 Energy Flow
4 Clefairy Doll
4 Defender
3 Nightly Garbage Run
4 Professor Oak
4 Bill
4 Full Heal Energy
8 Psychic Energy
11 Lightning Energy
3 Electabuzz
3 Scyther
3 Rocket's Mewtwo
3 Rocket's Zapdos

Ok, So there's all the cards!!! Now, here's my strategy and deck report! Oh
and by the way, I don't really play with "actual cards any more, but i do
play quite often on Pojos Apprentice League! And it's a great league! If you
haven't signed up for it, you should! There's tourneys nearly everyday(i know
some of you complain about not having tourneys in your area, i do, too)!!
It's really is great go sign up today!! Well, on with the report, and this is
a report from the apprentice league matches!

Match one vs. ???(i don't know the names of any of my opponents ^_^sorry)
Well, it was a short match, he had a wiggly deck, and i had an Electabuzz and
Zapdos in my first hand and he had a jigglypuff.
I won the toss and had an oak bill and pluspower w/ an lightning energy! I
attached the Lightning energy to Zapdos(my active), then the pluspower, then
i billed got a CPU Search and a lightning energy, cpued for pluspower,
attached to zapdos, oaked, got pluspower, and another cpu, attached cpu to
zapdos, then cpued for my last pluspower, and that was the end of that!!Guess
it was more luck than strategy really.

Match 2 vs. ???
This guy was using a haymaker w/ magamar. This was a fairly short match not
much action. I ended up killing his hitmonchan with my rockets mewtwo and a
pluspower. Eh, luck again.:)
Match 3 vs. ???
This guy was using a trapper! It was kinda hard to beat, but he ended up
decking himself by using to many rockets trap and imposter oak and rockets
sneak attack. His trapper  worked well but he just decked himself. Thats all
that really happened. LUCK!!AGAIN!!

Well, thats it, my deck! It really is a good deck, those are the only matches
i've played with it so far. My strategy is to get out Zapdos and use
Electroburn, nearly any pokemon. This deck works great against haymakers!!
And it works well with wigglys, too!! The idea is to attach the defender or
clefairy doll, to prevent Zapdos from doing damage to itself! Energy Flow is
used so you dont waist energy! Use zapdos plasma to get psychic energy also
to attach to mewtwo to kill those stupid haymakers. Hmmmm......i just had a
thought, maybe i could find a way to add a magmar in???It will be hard thouh
maybe you can figure out a way. Well that's all folks c'ya lata!!
David Dagino
The matches were held online, through the great program apprentice. Matches
were found at the channel #pojo on Mirc!