Smackdown Motel V2 by Nick Tacik
Tramp music and games
September 23rd 2000
About 8 players
Wassssssaaaaabbbbbi!!!!   Mmm... Wassabi.  What is that anyway?  Someone
please tell me!  Anyway I went into the tournament at tramps on September
23rd.  Using a wiggly deck.

13 Pokemon
3xJigglypuff (Decent fighter and evolves to...)
3xWigglytuff (The best stage one period.)
3xHitmonchan (To kill all the other wiggly decks)
3xScyther (Retreating and killing monchan)
1xDitto (Sure there are 28 000 ways to kill it, but it is still good

12 energies
6xFighting energy (To attack)
4xDce (To get Wiggly on turn 2)
2xRainbow energy (Swords dance)

4xBill (Mmm... Free cards)
4xOak (Only stalls win without it)
4xItem finder (To find needed trainers)
4xPluspower (70 hp pokes)
3xComputer search (Get what I need ex. Dce, Oak, Wiggly etc.)
3xRSA (This trainer wins games)
2xGarbage run (to prevent decking and get back needed energy)
2xLass (To prevent decking and to get rid of their trainers)
2xSecret mission (See hand=good, Bad hand to good hand=good)
2xGust of wind (Mmm... Free prize)
2xScoop up (Game saver, and retreating Monchan)
2xChallenge (Really shouldn't have used this.  Must've been smokin'
1xNo removal gym (This deck is very vulnerable to SERs so this card is good)

We played a 4 round best 2 of 3.  Winner gets 15$ (Canadian) 2nd gets 10,
3rd gets 5.  Get it, got it, good.

Round 1v.s Adam
Adam played a wiggly deck with lickitungs, magnetons, taurosses, and
electrodes.  He also has 4 er 4 ser and 4 recycle.

Game1:Since his deck is 100% weak v.s. fighting this was a breeze.  I got
chan special punching turn 3 and won easily

Game2:I got a turn 2 wiggly used RSA to get rid of his trainers, and got no
removal gym in play.  I won.

Round 2 v.s. "Professor Gabe"
I call him prof. gabe because when he was playing my friend Brennan, during
Brennan's turn he says professor oak and draws 7 cards.  He didn't even have
the card. lol.  Anyway, Gabe has a badly built water deck with lots of
evolution in it and a little energy removing.

Game 1:He starts with an active misty's tentacool (rare) and a seel on the
bench.  I go first and swords dance.  He removes my energy and does
mysterious light.  I wake up.  I attach nrg to bench Jiggly and pass.  He
evolves to M's Tentacruel and passes.  I get a full bench and kill it with a
plus power.  He tries to evolve his seel to Wigglytuff.  lol.  I do the wave
for the win.

Game 2:I get off to a bad start.  He almost kills all my pokes with
Poliwhirl but didn't.  I come back and do the wave his lone Poliwhirl for
the win.

Round 3 v.s. Bye
Yes... a bye.  I help gabe with his deck and play someone in Magic.

Round 4 v.s Amanpal (Good friend)
Amanpal had a good Tuff deck with Magmar, Scyther, and erika's Dratini as
the BBPs.
Game 1:I got rid of all his trainers first turn, and he stood to chance as
Wiggly came out turn 2 or 3.  (I forget.)  He tried to make a late comeback
by getting out a tuff of his own but Monchan was too much for it.

Game 2:He cannot pick up the right cards and has to use about 5 oaks.  I
stall and he runs out.  We both took about 3 prizes.  I shake his hand and
say good game.

Yesssss!!!  I won the tournament.  I buy cases for my other deck and a back
of Gym heroes.  I pull the elusive... Drum roll please...  Brock's Zubat!! 
Crap!!  But I found someone who needed it for their set and traded it for
Surge's Buzz L22.  Ryan came in second (Good job) and Channing came in
third.  After that; me, Am, Channing, and Ryan play a 4-way-battle.  WE each
put in a rare for the winner.  Everyone else forfeited since it was so damn
boring so I won that.  Then me and Am went to the mall to hang out.  Guess
who we met... Members of the Saskatchewan Roughrider (The CFL team in
Saskatchewan.)  That was cool.

Now time for props and slops:
props to Pojo for being the best site ever (please post this)
props to Britney Spears's outfit and the MTV Vma's. (You know what I'm
talkin' about)
props to Amanpal for being a good friend
props to Ryan For letting me borrow is Hitmonchans.
Slops to Prop15
Slops to Rares that shouldn't be
Slops to cheaters

In case you cared the chances of rolling a 20-sided die on the same number
20 times in a row are 1 in 39 080 000 000 000 000 000 000.

If you want to comment about my deck, want me to fix your deck (I'll send it
back ASAP), or you just want to chat my address is:

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