By Chris D. Mills
Colorado springs, CO
I'm not quiet sure but I think it was Saturday, January 29th
and there were about 20-25 people 6 in my age leauge

Well, hi this is my 3rd deck, and I think it did extremely well during the
turny.(winning me first place)
I hope  you like my raindance deck hydro-freeze.and if you want to e-mail me
my e-mail is otter11@hotmail.com.

pokemon 19:

4 lapras
2 articuno
2 magikarp
2 garyados
4 squirtle
3 wartortle
2 blastoise

trainers 15:

3 oak
4 bill
2 computer search
2 pokemon breeder
1 super potion
1 potion
3 gust of wind

energy  25:
25 water energy

1out of 4
me vs. a ten year old with a fire deck (lucky me)
first we both drew 7 cards I got: 1 lapras, 1squirtle, 1bredder,1 blasty,and
3 energy
I started out with my lapras  attached an energy and water gunned his
for twenty he drew attached an an energy and used  scratch
I drew an energy  attached it and water gunned and won. He had no more basics
2 out of 4  (key m= my turn X=is opponents turn)
me vs. a nine year old with a psy stall deck
we drew: I got :1 lap 1arty 3 energy and an oak
I put out arty  and he had a mime (oh boy)
it went like this:x- energy to mime.  m-drew an energy ,energy to lapras.  X-
he drew ,energy to mime and  metitated. m- drew bill,used bill, and got 
lapras,and energy, attched an energy.
for the next  2 turns  i drew  energy  attached 1 to lapy,and he metitatied
and finally koed arity
X-drew  oaked attched an energy to a just benched abra and metitated for 10
m-drew a s. potion and w.gunned for 20
X-drew and metitated for 30
m- attched energy to lapy used s.potion and dis carded the energy and koed
his mime
X-sent out abra psyshocked and no paralyze
m- drew oak ,attched energy and and gunned and koed his abra and won from no
3 of 4  im 2/2
me vs. a fire-grass deck
we drew -i got a lapy and 6 energy
M-drew energy ,attched energy and gunned for 20 to his charmander
X-benched a growlith
M-drew another energy, attched energy and koed his charmander
X- sends out growlith
m-drew yet another energy ,attched it and koed his growlith and won
4of4 3/3
me vs. charzard zapdos deck
we drew-i got a lapras  and 6 energy (again)
X- benched a  voltorb and attched an energy to his zapdos
m-drew another energy  attched it and water gunned for 10
x-evovled volt to an electrode used a buzzaped to zapy attched an enegy to
zapy thundered and he won :(
But luckaly he already lost 2 matches
so it went
me for 1st
charizared zapdos kid tied for second with
someone i didnt play
4th to the psy stall deck
the first and seconed fire deck i played tied for 5th

Well i hope you liked how much i liked my turney.
p.s. it  would be an honor for  an awesome company like you to post this
your greatest fan Chris mills