Smackdown Hotel v 7
by Michael Pasaoa
D and R
Fremont, California
Sunday, September 17,2000
3 contestants

Three contestants!  No.  There were about 22 kids, but Chris(sotre owner),
split us all into a begginner tourney, advanced tounrye, and super advanced.
I was placed in the super- advanced.  Beau and Kevin were my other two
contestants.  The entrance fee was one dollar and the winner gets 5 dollras.
Second place gets two.

Smackdown Hotel version7
1xErikas Dratini

4xDouble Colorless Energy
2xFull Heal Energy

4xProfessor Oak
4xComputer Search
4xPlus power
4xRockets Sneak Attack
3xGust of Wind
3xScoop up
2xNo removal Gym
2xNightly Garbage Run

This deck rocks!  I played a trapper Wiggly, but I couldnt pull the combo
off often so I thought I should just ditch the idea.  I went back to a
classic Wiggly but added another gust because I keep running up against
stall decks in my tourneys.  I played likitung because he is cool and I
think he is good against a trapper and confuing an Alakazam.  I added
Dratini because of Hitmonchans.  I have Hitmonchan because of all the
Wigglys in my area.  Ok, I am done.

La La La. Dum de Dum de Dum.  I am just minding my business just as the
tourney was about to begin.  The owner said two words "round Robin."  Oh no!
I dont think I like this.  This is were four people sit down; one person at
each corner of a table.  U attack the person to your left only but can play
trainers on anyone.  I think that will be cool.

Here we go.


It isnt a fatal four way because there are only three people in the super
round 1 Me vs. Kevin vs. Beau
I attack Beau and Beau attacks Kevin and he attacks me!
This is gonna be hard to write.
I went first and got 2erika and 3gust in my hand.  I played the erikas and
got a lass and used it.  I shuffled all their search engines into their
decks.  Lcukily Beau had an all lighting deck so I could beat him up with
Hitmonchan.  I got Wiggly out and started beating Beau up.  Unfortunatley,
since I was beating Beau up he couldnt get and good hit son Kevin, who was
playing a turbo deck.  He kept beating me up with his Wigglys.  None of us
played any energy removals so it was pretty easy.  I just  kept gusting out
his clefairys and jabbed them with hitmonchan while loading a wiggly.  I
managed to get my pries before kevin could get all of his.
record 1-0

round 2 against the same people
I didnt have to win in order to go to get first place.  If I did the two
losers faced each other for 2nd.  If I lost then the winner would face me in
a Singles match.
This time Beau would attack me and I would attack Kevin!  This is much
better.  Beau had a sorry lighting haymaker so I knew that I could keep my
Wigglys out and beat Kevins Wigglys.  He however got out Clefabel out and
against my Wiggly.  I killed Kevins wigglys(powerless) and some of his
Jigglys.  He got pretty mad that he could get anything going but he did get
a scyther pumped up and killed the scyther.  He killed the clefable right
after Clefable killed my Wiggly.  If he had killed cleafable earlier then my
wiggly would still be alive.  Do u get it?  It was kind of funny after taht.
I was telling both of them what they should do or else I could do this and
that.  I confued them and they made bad mistakes.  I kille A Jiggly with my
hitmonchan.  I got two plus powers and gusted it out.
record 2-0

I got first place.  I bought an Urza's Saga booster and got 1miscalculate,
3rethink, and some other magic cards.  Magic is tight, I am working on a
Bargain deck.

Dark ritual
my mom
stone cold steve austin
what brintey spears wore at the mtv music awards

spanish class(our teacher doesnt talk in english for about 98 percent of teh
time.  Most of the words she says are not understandable!
all the people that stalk me on the aol instant messanger, i shouldnt give
out my screen name
it is hot and I cant wear some of my clothes or else I will get hecka hot

Next week we will have a tourney where we have 20 pokemon 20 energy 20
trainers!  If anyone has a good deck idea for me to use at this tourney,
then give me an email.

My email address is  My name is Michael Pasaoa.  If you want a
deck to be fixed then email me.  I will fix pretty much all decks.  My aol
screen name is tuffbomb.  DO NOT use this to talk to me as a freind or
anything.  I am usually busy so I cant "chat".  The only reason u should use
this is if I know u and WANT to talk to u.  If i say i am busy then dont get
mad.  DO NOT put me on your buddy list and IM me every hour of every day.
If u are a teenage girl then u can IM me whenever u want because i need
gilrs on my buddy list.  Most of them are boys on my list.  I wouldnt mind
talkin to you then.  Ok bye everone.