limited edition sports cards, <------ scott, we're waiting:)>

<ed note:  Okay...eventually I will come to Killeen, but you better be there when I come. =)  I will call beforehand when I can make it one of these weekends. *g* -Scott>
9-3-00, killeen, texas
about 20 something people turned up,there were 5 rounds, 1 game per round,
with a 20 min. time limit, if time is called then the player with the least
number of prizes wins. if they are tied then the player with the most cards
left in their deck wins. top eight after the 5 rounds goes to the finals.

    okay, first off id like to say the tropical mega battle( which i went to)
was cool. i just wanted to let everybody know that...:) anyway, now that im
the number 1 player in texas i really cant afford to lose a tournament or a
game because i really want to stay up there( sorry scott < *u* > )

<ed note:  Yeah, yeah...Merry Christmas, Alex - so much for fun decks with me.  They cause you to lose about 60 points one weekend when you don't care.  Enjoy it while you can...won't be much longer. *g* -Scott>

 and this
is the deck i decided to play, instead of my turbo wigglytuff...          

   " Blazing Stall"

4 fossil magmar
3 scyther
2 ditto
2 chansey

2 narrow gym( i didnt need these as much as i thought i would)
2 gust of wind
2 computer search
3 bill
3 oak
3 scoop up
3 pokemon center
3 nightly garbage run
3 item finder
4 energy removal
4 super energy removal

14 fire energy
3 double colorless energy

i decided to play this deck because i knew that 4/4 ER would really screw up
a lot of decks, and even though no removal gym was going to show up in the
wiggly decks this deck is designed to have an easy time against, i had it
covered: narrow gym. it helps shut down wigglytuff decks with no removal gym
in two different ways: deteriorates do the wave and temporarily gets rid of
no removal gym.against dark vileplume decks, which are now suprisingly
powerful and popular, theres fossil magmar. he rips through rocket scyther,
scyther and those poor little oddishs( youll need to gust them up front
though before they evolve to dark vileplume.)haymaker and sponge are not that
hard to beat if you can put scyther up against chan, chansey against mewtwo,
magmar against scyther, and ditto against buzz. also, with the low energy
they usually run the 4/4 ER supply should wear them down  by itself. heres
how the deck did:

round 1: me vs michael panullo(sp?) with his cousins turbo wiggly/ fossil muk

now, dont get me wrong, mikes a great player, but today he just wasnt into it
at ALL. he said he didnt feel like making a deck and he just borrowed his
cousin john's. he was talking about how the top ranked pokemon players dont
ever even get any recognition and arent even known, and that he was getting
tired of pokemon. i was shocked, mike was a hard core player usually and was
one of the more competitive people here usually but i guess not today...
anyway i just used ER and SER to mess up any chances of him getting wiggly
out, and started taking prizes against his fossil magmars, scythers and
dittos. when wiggly did come out it was too late and mike decked himself on
purpose. that was very disappointing, i was hoping for a good game but mike
even admitted he didnt really try. 

round 2: me vs michael chappell with kindler deck( blaines charmander,
htimonchan, scyther and fossil magmar)

man its been a long time since ive seen the chappells here! anyway, he was
playing a pretty cool kindler deck, where you try to use and abuse blaines
charmander( the one that knows kindle, duh.)i dont think the hitmonchans were
necessary though... okay back to the match. things started slow enough, with
him dropping double colorless after double colorless on blaines mander and
slashing me, while i poke centered each time then oaked. i kept kindling away
his DCE's with ditto, and he kept playing them( he had like three in his hand
at one time.) he kept scooping things up, and for a while he didnt have any
cards in hand. i just kept relentlessly ER'ing and SER'ing away at the
pokemon he was trying to power up on the bench while pummeling away at his
active. he kept retreating towards the end, with like 1 or 2 cards in hand,
trying to keep me from taking my last prize.however, after a computer search
when i still had 2 prizes left, i knew what i had and what i could do to get
my last two prizes. i dont remember how i got my second to last prize but
when i was down to one i made a mistake. i had 6 or 7 cards left in my deck,
and i had an oak in hand. from that last PC search, i KNEW there was an item
finder left, which i would use to get a gust, use it, and bring up a scyther
with like 40 damage or something on his bench, which i would finish off with
my magmar. but i garbage runned, making my chances of getting that item
finder after oaking go from sure thing to the chance that id draw the energy
i garbage runned instead and the item finder be left in one of the other two
cards that would be in my deck.i took a chance and oaked, getting the item
finder ;)

round 3: me vs michelle chappel with what i would call " the gym wiggly"

now i had to play michaels wife.she was using a wigglytuff deck with rockets
chan, buzz, rockets scyther, scyther and chan. man ever since i have seen
michelle play here shes always played wigglytuff! then again so do i,
usually.. :) ok heres what happened: the game started off with her trying to
power puff up soon to evolve to tuff,, but i energy removaled it several
times and when she did get it up and running she couldnt knock out my
pokemno( i think it was magmar) and her no removal gym took away my narrow
gym after a while. i oaked and computer searched and item findered oh my,
like i always do, and this happened for most of the match.i actually discarde
the cards to use energy removal and super energy removal too. i had too, like
3 or 4 times, and i had a plan to deck her. she finally took the firts prize
of the match after a long time of intense play but she went overboard on the
oaks to get that knock out. if she had been playing traps and sneak attacks
instead of switch and scoop up then shed have been able to take away my
removals and oaks and stuff before i managed to screw up her plan in the
beginning, but she wasnt so she had no real way to disrupt my hand( no
removal gym did kinda) and that cost her. she decked right before time was
called, and i was very nervous that time would be called and she would win
because of less prizes( 5 to 6, thats impressive) but luckily that didnt

round 4: me vs john phillips( mikes cousin) with weird muk potpourri

john was playing a weird potpourri with mistys wrath, lickitung, muk,
hitmonchan, scyther, and electabuzz. normally john doesnt play weird decks
like this but for the past few weeks hes been using weird decks and doing
pretty good with them... anyway back to the match. things started off
horrible: me with only magmar and no card drawing, 2 supers and some energy.
< sigh...> he started off with lickitung and tongue wrapped me( with
paralysis). i went, drawing nothing good, and played a fire on magmar. i
energy removaled the lickitung, i think, and passe. he went, tongue wrapped
withuot paralysis. i went, DRAWING NOTHNIG GOOD, played an energy on magmar
and smogged. he went, benched a hitmnochan, scoop uped the lickitung, brought
in chan, started dorpping plus powers, using mistys wrath, billing, oaking,
computer searching, until he got out three plus power and a fighting energy
and jabbed me for the game... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

round 5: me vs andrew ballantine with rain dance

i am getting to hate playing andrew because of how much he complains when he
has to play me. he is afraid of me, not bragging or anythnig either. its
weird when somebody is afraid of you...:>) anyway, he usually swithches back
and forth between his two decks( wiggly and rain dance) and today he was
playing, rain dance( duh i already said that at the top.) things went slowly,
with me in danger early on because i knew ER and SER would not do anything to
rain dance unless i was able to use them all at once and keep item findering
them back i played magmars, which does no good against rain dance,
obviously, and none of the rest of my pokemon do either, really. so, that
meant i HAD to deck him, or id most likely lose. so i just kept to my plan,
and waited until i could gust out his lapras , super and super and super away
at his blastoise, then poke center/scoop up chansey( which i had as my active
almost the entire game) when it took to much damage from the lapras. in the
end, he did deck and i won, with no one taking a prize( im pretty sure of
that at least.) he should have retreated the lapras for the blastoise and
start hydro pumping instead of confuse raying my chansey though...

finals: round 1: me vs miguel( i think, not sure of last name) with sponge

cool, ive never really played against a sponge with a stall deck before. i
knew i had to deck him since sponges usually get iNsAnE and start oaking,
billing and comp. searching from turn ER/ SER was useless against
mewtwo. anyway, thnigs started off simple enough, him trying to power up
mewtwo the old fashioned way, with a scy and a buzz building up on the bench.
i remember letting him power stuff up, then id ER/ SER that pokemon
senseless. he took about 3 prizes, and i took one, but his deck was real low(
what did i tell you.) but so was mine, as i had to do my fair share of
billing, oaking and pc searching as well. i thought that if he garbage runned
again hed have more cards and i wouldnt be able to do anything about it. but
not only did he not get to garbage run again but i was able to garbage run 3
times( 2 times were via item finder) at the end (after he decked) just to
prove my point.good game, it went back and forth with us ERing/ SERing each
other relentlessly and me poke centering/ scooping up stuff like mad. kewl.

finals: round 2: me vs john phillips again

it was time for my revenge... and i got it. thnigs started off pretty
normally, but i soon gained an advantage with magmar, scyther and ditto
working together as a well oiled machine.he was able to get a few prizes and
the game actually took about 15 minutes, but in the end i koed his last
basic( electabuzz i think) for the game. but, on a side note, this game was
sort of messed up because i had played a narrow gym and a while after that i
noticed that i accidentally played five pokes to my bench.  john didnt care
when i noticed, and i  offered to do something about it( besides take the
last one i had played back to my hand.)i was going to discard an energy off
of a benched magmar, because if i had not had five pokemon on my bench i
would not have been able to ever play ditto, so i couldnt have sent him out;
i would have sent out the magmar, benched the ditto, played the double
colorless ( that i had attached that turn when i sent ditto out when i
shouldnt have been able to) , then retreated the mag for the ditto. confusing

finals: last round: me vs david dillow with dark
vileplume/chansey/scyther/rocket scyther/trapper deck

it seems that david is always in the last round of the finals like me. now
that howard adkins doesnt have the time to come anymore, its usually me and
david, or me and mark anders, or mark  and david, or something with at least
one of us. anyway, david failed two traps early on, and didnt get any dark
glooms/ viles out till late in the game. magmar ripped through three scyther
at the beginning, ER ing them each time he would bring in a fresh one and
swords dance. after a while though david did get a vile and a gloom out, as
well as like 3 chansey, and my hand started to pile up with trainers. at the
end of the game i had like 30 cards in my hand! he kept stalling with the
chanseys, and confusing both of us with dark gloom. it was an upwards battle
for david, as i would succesfully retreat/ attack with my confused magmars,
and force the chanseys to keep retreating after a while. when i was down to 1
prize, all david could bring up was dark vile, ( non- holo), as everything
else was in magmars koing range.and of course that went down as well , ending
the game. that was actually pretty easy and relatively quick.

man i won and all but i was ticked at the stuff i got as prizes. a brock
theme deck, two gym packs and a base two
pack???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what
the????????????????????? i didnt know you could trade the stuff i got in,
which you could, because david traded his in for better stuff than what i
got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! < sigh...> man now that not that many people show up there
are starting to be lame prizes... oh by the way,  scott when are you comin
down here???????? you havent shown up any of the times you said you would,
and we're in need of new competition. are clefairy doll and gordon coming
with? i hope so its gettnig sort of boring playing against the same old same
old every week...  anyway, thanks for reading!
    ( dont feel like props and slops today)
~ buzzmaster12