Razor Leaf(Grass)
By James Kimbell
Pokémon League
Louisville, Kentucky
Saturday, September 23, 2000
About 40 League Members Attended

Hi, It's James Kimbell with another Killer Deck Report! I arrived at the
league late, and I was putting away some cards I had just bought when I
realized that there was only an hour left of league. So I gave my friend Alec
a Brock's Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) if he would take all my commons from the boosters
I bought(I have at least 7 of every Gym: Heroes common anyway.) I was delayed
further when this one guy asked me if I would trade my promo Jigglypuff. He
offered 2 Venusaur, Ditto(holo), and Dark Dugtrio(holo).I told him that I got
it at the STS qualifier and that tons of people had them, but he still traded
all those cards for it. I got my STS points transferred into my league badge
book and was ready to battle. But before that, here's my deck:

4 Erika's Bellsprout (Lv.12)
3 Erika's Weepinbell (Lv.30)
3 Erika's Victreebel
3 Erika's Dratini
3 Scyther
13 Grass Energy
3 Erika
3 Professor Oak
3 Computer Search
1 Item Finder
2 Erika's Maids
3 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Plus Power
3 Gust of Wind
1 Energy Flow
3 Scoop Up
2 Lass

    As you can see, this is a heavily modified Erika deck. But I use more
card drawing and the Erika's Victreebel line instead of her Vileplume. You
may think that I don't have enough energy, but it works. I use Erika instead
of Bill in a lot of my decks now; it might be better. Erika's Maids rules,
sometimes I can get a whole evolution line in my hand just with it. It also
can be used to put cards in my deck before I oak. It says get "up to 2" Erika
pokémon from your deck, so if I'm about to Oak, I'll just put 2 cards in and
get nothing. Now, onto the matches:

First game: Me vs. some guy with water deck
    He only had one pokémon, which was always 10 HP away from getting KOed.
Let me explain: His Base Squirtle got slashed by my scyther, leaving it with
10 HP. He then evolved it into Base Wartortle, withdrew unsuccessfully, and
got slashed, leaving him with 10 HP. He evolved to Base Blastoise, hydro
pumped me for 50 and then got slashed, leaving him with 10 HP. He finished
off my Scyther, but I had an Erika's Dratini waiting and Tail Struck his
Blastosie for the win.

Next game: Me vs. Klein with water deck
    I built up an Erika's Victreebel on the bench while attacking with
Erika's Weepinbell. I was doing Fragrance Trap to lure stuff out and then
Sleep Poisoning it. He finally knocked out Weepinbell with a Base Gyarados,
but my Victreebel took it out in one hit for the win.

Next game: Me vs. Jake with Aerodactyl Sponge
    He got out Aerodactyl turn 2, but my Scyther slashed it on my turn. He
got another one soon, though. My Dratini gave his Electabuzz a hard time, but
he had 4 gusts and kept gusting out Bellsprout and killing them, never
letting me build up. I lost by prizes.
Next Game: Me vs. Same guy from first game
    I won turn 2 with a scyther, slashing his squirtle after a swords dance.

Last game: Me vs. Some guy #2 with haymaker
    His deck didn't have enough disruption and my Dratini destroyed his
basics. I powered up a Victreebel and got my last few prizes.

And Now, Props and Slops:

Props to:
- Erika's Victreebel for bringing back honor to Victreebel everywhere after
that Jungle embarrassment
- My deck for being awesome
- Erika for having good pokémon and trainers

Slops to:
- Aerodactyl for being evil
- Jake for using Aerodactyl
- My last 2 reports for not getting posted

James Kimbell