Titans of Power
By: David Hausknecht
Compleat Games and Hobbies
Colorado Springs, Colorado
about 30 people

This is my second killer deck report. My other one was Call of the Night
v1. But I realized there were too many Wigglytuffs and other colorless
Pokemon so I gave up on Psychic (for now). So, I decided to go for the
fire and fighting idea. I tested this deck at the league.

3 Eevee(R) )
3 Flareon(2 dark, 1 J)
3 Magmar (F)
3 Hitmonchan
3 Machop (2 base, 1 R)
2 Machoke
1 Machamp

3 Pluspowers
4 Defenders
4 Bill
1 Lass
1 Professor Oak
2 Switch
1 Breeder

10 Fire
10 Fighting
1 FH nrg
Now on to the report:(I didn't get any names)

Round 1 vs. Mewtwo/Ditto deck
3 Prizes-He was waaaaaaay too overconfident. He was bragging about how
his deck had never lost. LOL. I started with Hitmonchan and him with MP
Mewtwo. He had Rocket Porygon on his bench and me w/ nothing. I go first.
I attach nrg to Hitmonchan and JAB. He lays Psy on Mewtwo and passes. I
attach and JAB. He passes. I SPECIAL PUNCH to ko it. He sends out Porygon
(Porygon?!), lays a psy and converts to Psychic. I SPECIAL PUNCH to win
because he has no bench. Star of the match: Hitmonchan, 1-0

Between matches: I buy a Base2 pack and get a (r@ppy Dugtrio. Oh man!

Round 2 vs. Pokemon kingpin at league w/ Energy Trans deck
6 Prizes-All I get is fighting Pokemon against his Scyther. He KO's all
of my Hitmonchan and Machamp. I managed to get rid of 2 of his Scyther
with Dark Flareon, but D. Flareon couldn't hold his ground against
Dodrio. Star of the match: Dark Flareon, 1-1

Between matches: I get my final stamp for my badge but I told the gym
leader to hold on to it until I win. (foreboding)

Round 3 vs. girl with a Psychic Stall deck
3 Prizes-Every week we battle and she has only beat me once with
different decks on both sides. This time we have different decks. She
starts with Mew and me with Hitmonchan. Me first. I JAB w/ pluspower. She
Psywaves after ERing Hitmon. I evolve Eevee to Dark Flareon and lay fire
on it.(I had no fighting nrg) Pass. She Switches Mew w/ Kadabra and kills
Hitmon. I send out D. Flareon, Bill getting 1 GOW and 1 Pluspower, and
lay a Fire nrg w/ +power. I Play With Fire flipping heads to kill
Kadabra. To make a long story short, I killed Mew, GOW out Ditto and KOed
it all with Dark Flareon for the win. Star of the match: Dark Flareon
(again), 2-1

Between matches: I get my badge.

Round 4 vs. Lt. Surge deck (same kid as in my last report)
FIGHTING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  My Hitmonchan couldn't do anything to his
LS's Spearow while it koed my poor Hitmonchan. AARRGGHH!!!! No Star of
the match. 2-2

Well I had fun today. Besides that last loss of course. At least I got my

Props and Slops...................

Props to.......
my dad for taking me
Dark Flareon
Britney Spears for 2 (big) reasons
Scott for posting this
all of my opponents

Slops to.......
school (I got there way late because of it)
lack of tournaments in my area
kid in round 1 for being an idiot ( I went to where he was playing later
on and found him arguing that his opponent's Magneton's Self-Destruct
doesn't do damage to his active Pokemon. LOL)
Too many Scythers also (I'm going to grass now)

David Hausknecht signing off. Love notes, parking tickets, and deck
suggestions sent to dude748@juno.com
(You can even send me a deck to fix up if you want. I will reply to any
e-mail I get.)
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