Erica's Lucky Magmar
By:  Drayton H.
Columbia, SC
Saturday, October 7th, 2000
14 participants

This was the first ever DCI sanctioned tournament at Books-A-Million ever. 
As I stated earlier if you bothered to read the header, there were 14
participants.  Luckily a kid by the name of Will Cousins wasn't at this
particular tournament.  He was at the Clemson game.  Enough of this stuff,
let me get started on the report.  Also, the format for the cards allowed in
the tournament was Base-Gym Heroes.  Though Gym Challenge came out in our
city today, we knew that officially they weren't allowed in tournament play
so they weren't used.

Erica's Lucky Magmar

Pokémon: 10

3 Fossil Magmar
3 Chansey
2 Erica's Dratini
2 Scyther

Trainers: 37
4 Professor Oak
4 Bill
4 Energy Removal
3 Gust of Win(d)
3 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
3 PlusPower
3 Scoop Up
2 Rocket's Sneak Attack
2 Lass
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Super Energy Removal
2 Narrow Gym

Energy: 13
9 Fire Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

magmar-scyther, scyther, scyther, enough said
chansey-wigglytuff killer
erica's dratini-haymaker killer
scyther-protects chansey and kills hitmonchan
oak-no explanation needed
bill-2 cards for free
energy removal-puts them back 1 turn and can stop some large threats.
gust of win(d)-free prize/good match up
computer search-get what I want and get rid of what I don't want.
item finder-why not have more than 4 oaks, or bills, or energy removals?
pluspower-slash+slash+pluspower=dead haymaker pokémon
scoop up-why should I have to give you a prize?
rocket's sneak attack-no oak for you!
lass-kills all decks, especially first turn(wink wink ;))
nightly garbage run-with this decks speed, I need it
super energy removal-kills wiggly and arcanine
narrow gym-wiggly must use 2 pluspowers and gets rid of no removal gym

Now here is what happened:

Round 1 Erica's Lucky Magmar Vs. Michael with grass(erica's

Michael has been into the game for some time, but still could use some help
with his deck.  He uses no oaks almost no bills and no searching cards. 
Well, now to the match.

I start out with Magmar and him Koga's Ekans(illigal deck?) and another on
the bench.  I he goes first and ends up confusing and poisoning me, but I
come back.  I eventually get a chansey out and clean up.

Record 1-0

Round 2 Erica's Lucky Magmar Vs. Joseph with fighting(Clefable/Wiggly/hitmo's)

This kid always tries to cheat so I was watching him throughout the battle. 
His deck had way too many pokémon and only 16 trainers.

I have a pitiful hand of only chansey, oak, bill, and other stuff like no
energy at all.  And if it couldn't get worse, he had a hitmonchan out first. 
I luckily win the flip.  I draw and before the turn is over I have oaked 3
times and have an erica's dratini up with a double colorless energy on it. I
flip and get heads for 30.  He draws and jabs for 10 damage.  I use tail whip
again but only for 10 this time.  He draws and does 10 again felling bad
because he could lose next turn if the flip is heads.  I really like don't
like relying on flips so I oak and use 2 item finders to get 2 pluspowers and
win with just for the heck of it the flip being tails.  After the battle
Joseph drops out because then his record is 0-2 and has no chance at all to
get any prizes at all.

Record 2-0

Round 3 Erica's Lucky Magmar Vs. Ben(Will's brother) with Wiggly
(wiggly/hitmo/chansey/1 promo eevee)

He is a very good player, and since I am going with him and his brother to
the High Point Qualifier I think he will win at least 1 round.  He isn't
having a good day today though.(P.S. look for me at High Point.  I will most
likely be wearing an Atlanta Braves shirt and shorts with loads of pockets.)

This starts out good with me having out a magmar and him a jiggly.  He has a
bad hand of 2 jiggly, 2 wiggly, oak, and 2 other cards.  He showed it to me
so of course on my turn I use 2 bills to get setup, then I use a lass to
screw his whole game.  From there on it is just S.E.R.-ing him until I bench
him out and draw all of my prizes at the same time.
Record 3-0(Prizes for sure)

4th and Final round Erica's Lucky Magmar Vs. Dave with Misty deck(tentacruewl
and starmie and may others)

This 16-year-old players at a not-so-high skill level, and it also shows in
his deck building skills.  I knew that though he was bad, this would be a
hard game because I run magmar.

I start out wit a God hand of chansey 2 Double Colorless Energy an oak and
other cards.  HE has a misty's tentacool and her staryu too.(Wow that rhymes)
! Go first and bye turn three I have won the game thanks to benching.  If you
could put down the prize that you draw or your next card then Dave could have
continued because both of those were pokémon.

final record 4-0

I won the tournament along with a kid named Nathan.  We could have played to
decide who won it all, but we split it.  Each of us got 28 rare cards, 1 of
each were holo.  Weirdly enough Nathan put in all but 3 of the prizes.  It
was a good day, and I am hoping to be ranked fairly high on the DCI ranking

You can send me mail if you want, but I might not be able to get it.  My
screen name is and my name is Drayton.

Thank you for posting this fire deck of mine.  I am very grateful.  Look for
other posts of mine in the near future.
