City: Monroe
State: Michigan
Place: Imagination Unlimited
Date: Friday, October 6th
Sup! My name is Zac Pawlicki and this will be the second time submitting a deck here for me. So I guess you could say I'm a veteran. The entry fee to the tourney was 1.00 and the prize was a first edtion pack of rocket(yeah I know it's corney but the tourney was fun) any way! Onto the deck!
Pokemon: 13
1 Chansey
2 Scyther (jungle)
1 MP Mewtwo(best card in the game don't you think?)
2 Ditto
2 Magmar (fossil)
2 Hitmonchan (base)
2 Jiggly Puff
1 Wigglytuff
Trainers: 19
2 Gust of Wind (I can't tell you how many times this has saved my butt!)
2 Computer Search (see above)
2 Nightly Garbage Run (see above)
1 Lt. Surge {holo} (see above)
2 Bill (see above)
4 Energy Removal (see above)
4 Potion (see above)
1 Gambler (see above)
1 Challenge! (see above)
Energy: 28
7 Fighting
5 Fire
3 Psychic
3 Rainbow
4 Double Colorless
3 Potion
3 Full Heal
There were about 7 people in the advanced league so I didn't play much. One person got a by(wish it was me) and I played 3 different people. The rounds were best two out of three.
1st match/round 1 VS. kid with Jigglypuff/long distance hypnosis drowsee deck
I got a Scyther out and he had a jigglypuff and a drowsee, i won the flip.
I played a fighting energy and a DCE on Scy and slashed for 30. He played a energy on jiggy and used long distance hypnosis, didn't work, used lullaby, sorry my scyther already had a nap. My turn drew a Chansey, played a DCE on Chan and slashed, my prize was a DCE. His turn he put a defender on drowsee and passed, no energy I suppose. My turn, retreated scy and brang up chan, played two DCE, doubble edge, game.
1st match/round two
My MP mewtwo vs a Hitmonchan, you do the math.
Match 2/round 1 VS. Nick with Decent Grass/colorless deck
I pulled out a ditto and Mp Mewtwo and he had a Clefairy? and a zubat.
I won the flip. Ditto vs. clefairy really stinks!!!!!! cpu searched for hitmonchan, used Lt. Surge, now Chan was up, attached fighting energy, jab, bye bye Clefairy. Prize was a fighting energy. He pulls up zubat, attaches a defender( WHATS WITH THESE DEFENDERS?) My turn drew a rainbow energy, placed both my energies on chan, special punch, 20 damage thanx to defender, aarrrgggghhhh! His turn drew another defender cuz he drew and played the same card, usless though. My turn special punch, game. He had no basics.
Match 2/round 2
I pulled out a ditto, yup thats it, and he pulled out a MP Mewtwo? Man this tourney is full of surprises. He won the flip, oh boy......, he played a psychic energy on MP and passed. I had an energy in hand and cpu searched for a dce, attached, psy burn, game.
Match 3/round 1 finals VS. Kangaskhan Haymaker
In th middle of the match the director called this be a 1 round match, right when he had 2 prizes and I had 4! We battled for almost 45 minutes!!!!!!!!!! on ONE ROUND!!!!!! In the near-end he killed my chansey with his chansey, giving him two prizes left, I brang out hitmonchan special punch, no more chansey. My prize was a psy energy, he pulls up kangaskhan. Plays a grass, a potion, and two fullheal energies in him and comet punch for 20, i felt relieved. I played 3 energy removals in which I had been saving for a moment like this, special punch 80 damage. He played a DCE and retreated and brang up scyther, slash 30 to chan, 20 left. My turn drew a bill, used it and got a psy energy and a potion, used potion on chan and retreaded to bring up MP Mewtwo, attached a psy energy with the one I already had on him plus a full heal energy and psy burn for 40. He slashed, I potioned and potion energied and burned to get a prize of a scyther, two more to go! He pulls up a hitmonchan??!?? Then says DOH! attaches a fighting energy and jabs. I drew a NGR and got my chansey and some energy back into my deck, I cpu searched for chansey, and burned for 80, my prize was a challenge!, He put out a BRAND NEW KANGASKHAN with 4 energies comet punches for 60 to kill MP Mewtwo with the damage already done to him, He says "Game, I win!" I said" What! I don't think so, You had TWO prizes buddy!" The director was gonna throw him out but I said let him stay. I put up my Chansey and played 2 DCE on him and gusted out his scyther, double-edge, game set and match!
I got a 1st edtion non-holo Dark Machamp in my pack.
Now on to Props and Slops!
Props to the tourney director for doing his job
Props to Pojo
Props to Chansey for winning
Props to myself
Props to you for reading
Props to Taco Bell
Slops to the kid who tried to cheat
Slops to the kid who tried to cheat
Slops to the kid who tried to cheat
Slops to the kid who tried to STEAL MY CHARIZARD!
Please Please Please E-Mail me at:
Thanx for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)