Hey Pojo this is Zach, a.k.a Zachmaker. I went to a Tourney a couple weeks
ago and been meaning to post my report, and so here it is.

Where: Turlock, CA
When: Saturday till' 12:00 to about 4:30-5:00
Store: Comic Central
People: About 15-17 People there

Before I went to the tourney I knew I wasn't going to win by playing my
"Turboblastoise" deck so I decided to play Trapper with a little tweak to it
so I decided to play a Wigglytrap deck. Here it is...

4 jiggly
3 wiggly
2 scyther
3 buzz

4 bill
4 oak
4 PC
4 itemfinder
4 pluspower
2 scoop-up
2 No Removal Gym 47

8 electric
1 rainbow

Stradegy: Reduce their hand to 0 on turn 1; so they can't get any card
drawing trainers(to get more pokes) that can save them from Wiggly.

This was my first time playing a tourney in Turlock; I live in Merced, Ca.
They shut down the league there, so my dad drove me to Turlock (being the
closest place I can play) Please excuse me...I didn't know anyones

It wasn't single elimination. It was 2 rounds per opponent and the best 4
would go into the finals.

Round 1
Me vs. ? (Raindace)

1- I start out with jiggly, he starts out with seel....I strip his hand down
with the RSA's TRT's and finished him off with wiggly.

2- If was pretty much the same thing as above just a little bit longer.

Me 2-0

Round 2
Me vs. ? (Magmar deck)

1- I start off with Scyther(acive) and Jiggly on bench, he starts off with TR
Moltres(active) and base magmar on bench...I take his hand away and kept
beating down his pokes with wiggly...he kept using Rebirth with Moltres but
it was long before I took all of the prizes.

2-It was jiggly vs. his base Magmar (Can you say 3 PlusPowers?)

Me 4-0

Round 3
Me vs. ? (with Potpurri Haymaker)

1-My deck crapped out on me! "no oaks, bills or no PC's" He pretty much
finished me off with his 'chans. (Great player..he really knew how to play a

2-0 (See Above)

Me 4-2

I had a chance to redem myself...and if I played good I could make it to the
Final Four...

Me vs. ? (Haymaker)

1-I start off with Scyther he starts off with 'chan...I go first play rainbow
energy on Scyther and pass...He goes plays fighting on 'chan and passes...I
play DCE oak and get the pluspower for the win.

2-I start off with jiggly and buzz, he starts off with Scyther...He goes
first and plays electric on Scyther...I strip his hand to 0 and pound
him...He passes...I oak...fill my bench...(do I really need to tell the rest?)

Me 6-2

Final Four:
Me vs. ? (with Potpurri Haymaker)
I faced this guy in the beginning and lost both I had to beat him to get to
the Finals.

1-I was nervous when I looked at my opening had...I got 2 TRT's 1 RSA, 1
jiggly,1 scyther, 1 oak and no removal gym...He play Scyther(active), Magmar
and 'Chan. I go first and use RSA and take out his oak...then use both TRT's
with one only being successful. I oak...GOW his Magmar and pound...He plays
energy on Magmar and does Smokescreen...I go evolve into wiggly play
TRT(being successful) and oak...I fill my bench up and get heads to KO his
Magmar. I pretty much dominated the rest of the game with Wiggly and TRT's.

2-This was a very long and very close game...to make a long story short, I
had one last card in my deck...1 last prize...and he also had one last
prize...I had scyther(active, with 2 electric energy on him) He had 'Chan
with 40 HP left...If I didn't draw an electric energy I would deck out next
turn and loose..."The moment of truth"...Yesss!!!! an electric energy...I
play it with pluspower and advance in the Finals.

Me 8-2

The guy I faced in the finals was playing a "Strange Barrier Stall" and was
Me vs. ?(see above)

1-I start off with scyther(active) and jiggly...he starts off with 2 Ericka's
Dratini...I don't really remember what happened but I GOW for one of his
Ericka's Dratini and KO with Wiggly.

2-This was a fast match...I reduce his hand to 0 on turn 1...and kill his
only Lickitung with Wiggly and pluspower.

Me 10-2

The prizes were $40 store credit for 1st place...and $30 for 2nd...In case
you were wondering what I bought with the store credit: I bought about 10
packs of base. I got Venasaur, Poliwrath,
Gyrados, 2 Buzz, Pidgetto(shoebox card), Itemfinder, Scoop-Up, SER and

to my dad for taking me to Turlock
to all the players
to my deck
to the prizes
to guy with Potpurri Haymaker that beat me in the beginning.

no slops

If you want to email me, you can reach me either at Rainmaster44@aol.com or